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There once was a story about a man named Jesse,
A young upstart wrestler, his career would get messy.


For in a match with the DJ, who said what the heck,
He tucked his chin on a dive which then fractured his neck.


Don't worry said Boss Dixie, we take care of our own,
But poor Jesse would learn the sentiment was overblown.


The surgery went well, but when presented the bill,
Dixie forced young Jesse to swallow the bitter pill.


"Here we don't help pay for wrestlers' muscles or necks,
But we've saved this million dollars so VKM can fight DX."


"We spent our money wisely, like on this lovely red cage,
That no-one can climb out of, leaving fans in a rage."


"Or like bringing in Fairplay or Jenna Morasca,
Even if what they produced was a fucking disaster."


"We signed Rampage Jackson, not to bring cred to this place,
But because Kurt Angle needs someone for his Friday drag race."


"We even opened the wallet to let the Hulkster loose,
Though he left us feeling like we drank Bulldog's orange juice."


"And I hate to tell you this Jesse, but I sold your wheelchair,
To have a ride on the ferris wheel at the Jefferson County Fair."


Jesse was crushed, he believed she'd be loyal
But his life was turned backwards like a Russo Battle Royal


He couldn't understand, it just didn't make sense
Who wouldn't want the Asylum Years for just 99 cents?


But he pegged it as turmoil, stupidity and fan doubt
With writing so bad it made Stephen Hawking get up and walk out


One day the call came, McMahon was turning it all black
With a demand to the archivist, he sent the tapes TO THE BACK~!


And so working at Full Sail, Jesse decided to stop by and be brave
Take one look at the library, and piss on its grave

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Luckily Percy Shelley already did a poem about TNA.


I met a traveller from an Impact Zone,

Who said- "Six vast and ropeless sides of ring

Stand in Orlando…. Near them, all alone,

Half sunk a shattered logo lies, with Sting,

And Roode and Styles all gone home,

Shows that Dixie had their passions read,

And they survived, though stamped on like lifeless things,

Though Russo mocked them, and their talents bled,

And by the logo, these words appear:

'Our name is TNA, we are wrestling,

Look on our Worked Shoots, ye Marks, and despair!'

Nothing beside remains. Round the Decay

Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level Jarrett is far away.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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It's time to turn the lights off,


It's Time to put the ring down


It's time to face the music


TNA is in the ground


It's time to laugh at Dixie


And her woeful Bischoff deal


Should not have moved to Mondays


As Hogan don't know best


Why do we always watch it

I guess we'll never know

Except for Broke Matt Hardy

Who doesn't actually blow


So now its time we parted

why don't we all depart it

It's time we all look past it


On the unconventional, un-inspirational, Russo-tastical, Abominational


This is what we called a Muppet Show

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If TNA end up going out of business and are brought out by WWE, do all the TNA contracts become null and every TNA wrestler becomes a free agent, or would everyone under contract become a WWE wrestler?


I guess what I am asking is could we see the likes of the Hardy's on Raw next week if WWE buys TNA this weekend?


Also, what kind of money are WWE (or the Smashing Pumpkins guy) having to pay for TNA?

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AJ Styles not worth a new deal

Find Monty Brown and turn him heel

Draw a dick on Samoa Joe's face

On the card, Shera will take his place

Lets do away with Daniels & Kaz

And push the Bro-Mans cos I'm a spaz

At times following us can just be laborious

Doesn't help when Vince takes our guy and calls him 'glorious'

We changed the industry when we were hot

But in the end it didn't mean squat

As bad storylines we did excrete

I'll fade away and classify myself as obsolete

You don't know what you got til it's gone

At least we'll always have Ron & Don

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