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From that other forum, when discussing whether feast or fired is an mitb rip off


Talking about the briefcase is like saying that Lethal Lockdown is a ripoff of Elimination Chamber.

I'll stay here thanks.
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Haha, I used to post gay porn on that wrestling forum site a few years back, during my trolling days. Its so shit on there and the homophobia is shocking. A popular one (well popular with me sadly :( ) was when TNA was going through their negotiation period with Spike and I posted "Meltzer reports TNA have re-signed with Spike!" and when you clicked on it, Omar with his cock out would be there. Great times.


I used to post that during my down time at work as well. Imagine them searching my history? I dont want them to know I like wrestling.

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Meltzer has gone on about Ospreay for so long that I looked up a music video of him last night. He looks fun. Is there any reason why WWE never gave him an offer?

He would need to put on a lot of weight for wwe. Glad to see him sign for NJPW, must of impressed at Global Wars UK. He should be fun at BOSJ.

He's also only 3 1/2 years into his career, and only in his early 20s. He'll be in WWE before long.

I never said he wouldn't but I wouldn't of expected them to sign him now.

Will started off about 6 years ago with the RCWA lot. I Was ring announcer at his first promotion outside that one. Always talented, but was a cocky sod. I said to him you'll go far if you stop doing 450 Splashes off ladders n front of 200 people. He didn't really listen but it worked out. Also he is a much more humble and pleasant guy now, due I'm sure to experience and great tutoring from Greg Buridge

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From that other forum, when discussing whether feast or fired is an mitb rip off



Talking about the briefcase is like saying that Lethal Lockdown is a ripoff of Elimination Chamber.

I'll stay here thanks.

There's a thread about downloading AJ Styles' WWE theme on there that has 153 replies. 153! Unless the discussion deviated to talking about Fray Bentos pies then I'm definitely staying put as well.

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Osprey is bound to get to WWE, if he has anything to do with it.


I met several years ago during my brief foray in-ring, and he came of as confident, energetic and REALLY dumb. Fortunately, he's worked hard, met and trained with the right people, and he's on his way to stardom in a hurry. I'm not a fan of his style - I think he's hammy and wrestles like a drama school kid - but a few more pounds on his frame and a few more years under his belt, and he'll be a star.

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I'm not sure I have ever seen him speak, I think he is really good in ring but speaking in WWE is far more important than in indies.


True, but I think there's more to it than that. In some regards, actions speak louder than words and somebody with Styles' ability can say more with body language than he can with a microphone. AJ is the perfect wrestler to have when you want to make somebody look better than they are. He's like Bret or Shawn, he can have a classic with a broomstick. It's great to see him go straight to the main roster but it's a shame he didn't have a few months in NXT, it would've been ace to see him working with the guys that are there now.


The last thing WWE want to be doing is exposing AJ's weaknesses on the mic. He looks smaller than I thought he would against WWE's wrestlers but he's good enough to overcome that. He still has time to spend 12 months settling into the WWE style and then having an epic 5-year stretch.


Makes you wonder whether we'll ever see Joe vs Styles vs Daniels in WWE?

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I think Styles' is underrated on the mic, he is not the greatest but is at the level where his in ring skills can carry him at main event/ upper mid card level. I also think his body size is of reasonable size. Osprey still has to put on weight, WWE will sign him to put on weight but would still want him bigger than he is and most people who get signed for NXT contracts have had experience on big indies or Japan using mic skills such as Zayne, Balor, Owens, Danielson and Rollins. I think NJPW will be a good place to get some size and use some mic time. 2-3 years there and then NXT sounds realistic to me. 

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Ospreay is much better off in Japan than WWE or TNA at this point in his career.


Have to laugh at them just TNA-ing it and putting him on Xplosion and the ONO taping rather than doing anything substantial with him signing to New Japan.


At points in their history, TNA either had under contract or had access to Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Kazuchika Okada, AJ Styles, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. Even Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose weren't on the WWE radar at one point. Of course they'd not see what they could have here.

Edited by Benno
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Yeah, but a lot of those guys at that point were nowhere near as good as they currently are, and probably never would've been before they got to WWE. I never rated Punk, Steen/Owens, Generico/Zayn, Black/Rollins or Moxley/Ambrose until they'd been through developmental.


When they had Okada, he was still in the early stages of his career. It was only after he left that he started on his rise to the main event. I don't think TNA could've developed him, or any of the other guys above.

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Yeah, but a lot of those guys at that point were nowhere near as good as they currently are, and probably never would've been before they got to WWE. I never rated Punk, Steen/Owens, Generico/Zayn, Black/Rollins or Moxley/Ambrose until they'd been through developmental.


When they had Okada, he was still in the early stages of his career. It was only after he left that he started on his rise to the main event. I don't think TNA could've developed him, or any of the other guys above.


They saw the potential in Styles, Joe and the others, the wrestlers that came through just before the Steens, Blacks and Genericos. I think they'd lost interest in pushing new stars by the time they started coming through though and were more focused on using ex-WWE guys.


A number of people outside TNA, and no doubt in it too, had seen the potential in Punk, Steen, Generico and Black before they signed with WWE. Which makes it all the worse that they passed on the chance to sign them up.


FWIW, I don't doubt that WWE have helped them improve greatly since they joined, but to defend TNA by saying the wrestlers weren't that good when they had the chance to sign them is a bit of a stretch.

Edited by Undefeated Steak
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