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Jeff Hardy has hinted at wanting to top Shane's HIAC dive tonight at Slammiversary. He is going to kill himself, isn't he? The Swanton from the balcony on to Matt a few months ago was crazy enough!

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its refreshing that with the wrestling world having transformed so much over the last 10-15 years so much, but Jeff Hardy is still a nutter with a death wish. makes you feel all is still right with the world


i'll tune in

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Sounds from that interview he was trying for one last WWE run too. Can you imagine him killing himself on the grandest stage of them all? He'll suffer later in life I think.

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Jeff Hardy has hinted at wanting to top Shane's HIAC dive tonight at Slammiversary. He is going to kill himself, isn't he? The Swanton from the balcony on to Matt a few months ago was crazy enough!


There's every chance. And if he doesn't then at best, he's already consigned himself to an excruciating middle age probably wishing he was dead.


He's a moron. You could have had some sympathy for him back in the WWE when it could be argued that the self destruction and trauma he put himself through was a somewhat necessary, if risky, means to an end in terms of career advancement. But in TNA it's not even like there's any purpose to his stunts any more. He's already at the top of that small tree, nobody will see it, and he won't be any better off because of it tomorrow morning than he is this morning.

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his last injury was him breaking a leg titting about on a dirt bike 


he just out-and-out has to seek thrills. if he wasnt paid to do this, he'd probably have a just as long a backyard 'career'


he's also a victim of his own reputation. i'll watch a standard Hardy Boyz match sure, but I have very little interest in watching Jeff solo if he doesn't do some crazy stunt.

it just wouldnt be Jeff were he to smarten up his work-style

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I've read he said this will be the final and best match between the two. This is what i'm hoping anyway. No one needs to die though. A bump though a large number of nicely spread stacked tables would be better than a ridiculously high leap through one which sadly is what usually tends to happen.

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He broke his leg doing jumps on his dirt bike, some of the stuff I've seen those guys do is mental and they obviously don't get paid while practising, obviously Jeff doesn't get paid to do that and just does it for fun.


Shane's a decent name business man, Hardy & Shane probably do these bumps for the rush be it 5 people, 2000 or 100,000

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