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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Am I the only one who feels Nakamura vs. Zayn is overrated?

Out of curiosity Sphinx, why is that? Is it you're not a fan of the style that they went with or think it was good, but don't get the jizz fest?


Not being a funnier bugger pal, just curious.


Personally, I think it was grand, but as a one off spectacle, not to be be reproduced again for a while and not to be stapled with a gimmick 'japaese style match', but just once every few months it comes out of the blue for variety.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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That would've been just another (Nakamura) PPV match in Japan. Few, if any, would've been discussing it now. Hated the fucking poxy chanting & since when did Nakamura become a protégé of Daniel Bryan?...(according to commentary). He was IWGP Heavyweight Champion in 2003, whilst Danielson was still in ROH.

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That would've been just another (Nakamura) PPV match in Japan. Few, if any, would've been discussing it now. Hated the fucking poxy chanting & since when did Nakamura become a protégé of Daniel Bryan?...(according to commentary). He was IWGP Heavyweight Champion in 2003, whilst Danielson was still in ROH.

Oh yeah the match would have been loads better if everyone was silent other than politely clapping on cue.


I assumed the Daniel Bryan part Was just a one liner intended to be a point of reference for a WWE audience. Similar to how the described the IWGP title as something held by Lesnar and AJ Styles. A few other blokes probably had it for a bit, but those are the two in western wrestling who matter

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I really enjoyed the match, but I think that there was a bit of overkill in terms of reaction from the crowd. They seemed to react for things that normally wouldn't get that type of reaction purely based on the fact it was Nakamura.

Some of the chants, like 'Fight Forever!', were stupid but that's wrestling fans for you

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What got me bAout the nakamura match was how unexpected I was, to me anyway. I'd never seen him before, and he's just soo different , that he grabbed my attention something rediculous. Was as much spectacle around him as it was the match itself that made it

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Pretty much, Captain Tattoo.


Yeah, in the NXT match Nakamura certainly did far less than what he's capable of and simplified things somewhat (why would Nakamura give all his tricks away on his first night in), but it didn't matter. It was still one of the better matches of the year and a lot of that had to do with the crowd being into every little detail of the match. It was pretty much the perfect debut.

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Rewatched it this morning based on this thread. I've got to say I'm still completely in love with it, and noticed some little things I hadn't before. Some of the facial expressions and little ticks from Zayn especially that got lost in my OH MY GOD IT'S NAKAMURA haze upon initial viewing. I'd also say that on this occasion the smarky crowd helped rather than hindered, and the whole thing feels like a massive deal because of it.

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After having plenty of time to reflect on it, one of the reasons I love the match so much is because there's only one nearfall in the entire thing, the blue thunder bomb. Nearfalls have become a very cliche method of trying to reach a level of greatness in a match, to the point they're not nearfalls, they're 2 counts with an audience playing along, and the drama in most cases like that, especially with the Mania/NXT crowd, is totally inauthentic.


By not relying on nearfalls, the success of the match is based on action, the unique atmospherics and surreal nature of Nakamura's debut, and a layout that isnt typical of big matches in WWE. And even if Nakamura isn't pulling out every trick in the bag, it doesn't matter. It's like arguing that the Lesnar/Cena massacre from Summerslam isn't great because there's little back and forth drama - who the fuck cares, what it was is so unique, and the match they were going for was executed so in line with what people wanted/what it should have been, that I personally can't see how it can't be considered great, at least.

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It's a spectacle. It's a surreal thing to watch but also has strong in-ring action too. It tells a great story of a new guy coming in and trying to make an impact against arguably the most beloved guy in NXT. It's a fascinating dynamic, and once again something you just never expected to see on a WWE produced show.


All in all, it pretty much covers all bases. Yes it works even more for fans of those particular wrestlers and styles. It's like something like Rock/Hogan - the crowd makes it, the context and history enhances it, and the participants deliver exactly what they need to.

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If you'd seen Nakamura a million times before then I can understand why you'd find the Zayn match to be overrated. But fucking hell. For those like myself who'd never seen him before, it was like watching God or something.


He was so different, so charismatic, so confident, I don't think I've ever seen or experienced anything like it in all the years I've watched pro-wrestling. Years and years of Japanese guys being nowhere near as good as they'd been described, and then out walks this guy who's arguably better than his reputation.


It was so mind blowing that I almost don't want to watch him again, out of fear that he'll become just another guy. For that one night he effortlessly came across as one of the greatest pro wrestlers of all time.

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