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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'd like the idea of the mandible claw if Rollins wasn't already doing the pedigree. Starts to sound even more like an attitude tribute show if all the same finishers are in the mix.


A chicken wing or a choke would work for him.

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I'd like the idea of the mandible claw if Rollins wasn't already doing the pedigree. Starts to sound even more like an attitude tribute show if all the same finishers are in the mix.


A chicken wing or a choke would work for him.

Has Rollins performed a pedigree that looks decent? It looks bad when he does it on bigger guys. The underhook part looks awkward as fuck.

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I've had the idea in my head for bloody ages now, but I think a Stone Cold tribute video set to Once by Pearl Jam would be brilliant. Just had an urge to listen to Release, then listened to Once, and I still can't hear it without thinking of him.

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This isnt Raw related, I just saw a picture of him on twitter and decided to ask this. When was the last time Heyman cut a good promo? It seems like he's done the same promo every week on Raw for fucking ages. He was dynamite in 2012-13. These days he's just drippling away doing the same tired shouty lines he always does.

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Whenever Heyman's had to work face his promos suffer. They always come off as toothless and more contrived.

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This isnt Raw related, I just saw a picture of him on twitter and decided to ask this. When was the last time Heyman cut a good promo? It seems like he's done the same promo every week on Raw for fucking ages. He was dynamite in 2012-13. These days he's just drippling away doing the same tired shouty lines he always does.

The first half of 2015 was some really good stuff from Heyman but having to work the other half of a feud with a cartoon character like The Undertaker - in the 21st century - sapped everything out of him. Plus, as others have said, working as a face - but a face that won't cut loose on the Authority - neuters him. If - and it's a huge IF - they can find a babyface that Brock can go against, he might get back to his best. Alternatively, if the Authority are willing to show ass to Lesnar, that fire could return there. But that would mean making the best of their assets...

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That's definitely the main problem at the moment - Heyman really has nothing to work with. No focus at all and no real commitment to going full face or heel. That's not to say tweener Brock doesn't work - he should be killing everyone - but Heyman is weakened by the lack of focus.


It doesn't help that there's a huge gaping hole when it comes to managers too. There's only so much Paul can do on his own before inevitably falling into the same trap as everyone else on the roster - overexposure. Especially with the responsibility of pushing feuds for a client that isn't there too often.

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I liked his promo on RAW the night after SummerSlam last year.


Starting with "My name is Paul Heyman and I am the pissed off advocate for the Beast of The Barclays Center Brock Lesnar" he summarised exactly what happened with the timekeeper cock up the night before without ever seeming like it was dragging, dropped in a bit for the internet fans about "Undertaker collapsed backstage again", explained that Lesnar wanted a rematch right there and then to get the crowd on-side, and it all led to Brock destroying Bo Dallas.


That was a little different from his usual smug, methodical, style. He was angry and out for vengeance that night which made it refreshingly different.

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Owen Hart's new documentary is staggeringly awful. Worst one I've watched. Shame on you WWE.

Yeah, I was really looking forward to it - so boring. Embarrassingly bad. It's just nothing - rehashed stories we've heard 1000 times too.

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Steve Austin would support Trump wouldn't he?

I don't think so. No-one with anything above a 1% working mental capacity would support him, which is worrying considering how he came second in the Iowa Caucuses yesterday. While there will be some that agree with his policies, and that's a terrifying thought in it's own right, many will vote for him because they recognise him from the TV.

Austin strikes a guy who is republican at heart, but is open to other ideologies and willing to listen

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Owen Hart's new documentary is staggeringly awful. Worst one I've watched. Shame on you WWE.

Yeah, I was really looking forward to it - so boring. Embarrassingly bad. It's just nothing - rehashed stories we've heard 1000 times too.



It barely lasts an hour too. A bit odd.

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