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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Speaking of x-pac do you think he could of been a title contender nowadays if he was in his prime?


Not sure how the crotch-chopping would go down in today’s WWE. I imagine he’d be in a position like he was in 2001: lower-card faction a la The New Day.

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Road Dogg was the most over member of that incarnation of DX to be fair. Then X-Pac, then Mr A Double-Crooked Letter, then Chyna, and then HHH lagging far behind.


I always like how WWE have re-written history that Triple H was the key part of the super cool DX. Watching that era back over the past few years it's ridiculous how much Triple H sucked back then. X-Pac, NAO and even Chyna were all cool but Triple H always without fail came across as like a loser older brother with no mates trying to hang around with cool kids younger than him. If anything, he was only over due to association with X-Pac and NAO. Even his ring gear was shit compared to the others.

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I reckon X-Pac would be at about Ziggler's level if he was in his prime now. A bump machine who everyone has good matches with. He'd had flirted with the Big Gold Belt when it was still about but he wouldn't get near the real title.

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In early 1995, its funny how Jeff Jarrett only refers to the Roadie as "Road Dogg". I wonder if that was going to be established as his name when he split from Jarrett. Cant imagine "The Roadie" would have made for a good singles name for him. And with Jarrett dropping the "Road Dogg" name all the time, seems plausable.

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In early 1995, its funny how Jeff Jarrett only refers to the Roadie as "Road Dogg". I wonder if that was going to be established as his name when he split from Jarrett. Cant imagine "The Roadie" would have made for a good singles name for him. And with Jarrett dropping the "Road Dogg" name all the time, seems plausable.

I didn't know that but at the time all of my wwf was pieced together from mania/livewire, all American/action zone and superstars

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Almost every WWE theme tune of late has been relatively shite. They used to be so good at it as well. Has JJ left or something?

He's taking a back seat to CFO $ and Kromestatik now (John Alicastro and Mike Lauri).



Edited by Onyx2
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Johnston is to old for them now. Nobody survives Vince and Kevin Dunn's tragic attempts to try and stay modern at the expense of their business. Howard Finkle, Jim Ross, Jim Johnston, even though they are obviously far better than their replacements, they dont make you feel young when chatting to them on the corporate jet.

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