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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Apparently some Scottish promotion has Dennis Stamp appearing at their shows this weekend.


Unless the bloke happened to be on holiday in the area and offered to pop in it strikes me as an appalling waste of airfare, other than to have a giggle about him being booked, maybe even bring out a trampoline. Bloody surreal.



A smarky in-joke that'll lose them a few hundred pounds so they can giggle with each other. Real smart business.


The also had Animal, Marty Jones & Johnny Saint advertised to wrestle on the show....and in a typical bait and switch they didn't wrestle.

For as much progress Scottish Wrestling is making there is always a fly in the ointment.

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The biggest problem with wrestling now is not that it's PG, that John Cena is on top or there are no chair shots to the head, but just how few things of note happen. Case in point: I just watched a Youtube video and there was a clip of Wrestlemania 25 and for a good 10+ seconds after the clip I had it in my head that Wrestlemania 25 was two or three years ago. There is no way that there's been 5 year's worth of wrestling (read: entertaining, gripping angles and storylines) since then. That was the best thing about WCW, WWF and ECW in the late 90's - one month was a lifetime back then, so much happened on a constant basis that you had to keep watching otherwise you were missing out. Look at how much happened and changed between 96 and 97, 97 and 98, 98 and 99 and so on. Sorry for coming across like a gimmick junkie here. Rant over. 

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Watching the Dragon Ball Z movie where Broly debuts and I couldn't help but think he's almost exactly like a cartoon version of Brock Lesnar, and Goku even does a little "never give up" speech just like Cena.


CM Punks obviously a shitty version of Vegeta too.

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The biggest problem with wrestling now is not that it's PG, that John Cena is on top or there are no chair shots to the head, but just how few things of note happen.

That's definitely true, but it's not that recent a thing. Shelton Benjamin still had the "blue chipper, rookie future world champion" tag on him when idiots spoke even after he'd been there for years and years and years, because so little of note happened in his career that he never seemed to become a veteran. Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler are in that position now, they're still spoken of like they're young lads with potential but they've been on the full time roster longer than Foley, Warrior, Rock and Austin ever were. They've been totally surpassed by the Wyatts and Shield etc as well, which leaves them in a no man's land.


WWE has kind of got a whole lost generation of talent that just meander around, and it seemed like towards the end of 2012 someone noticed and realised they should start bringing new wrestlers in with more direction/fanfare.


I think to a large extent, it's a result of wrestling shows now still having the formula of the attitude era. Raw in 1993 was massively different from Raw in 1998, whereas it hasn't changed much since apart from aesthetically. When they started finding a fresh format in the late nineties, it opened up a new box with loads and loads of new ideas. By about 2002 they'd largely run out of ideas for it, and we're still living in that box. Occasionally, they do come up with something that seems fresh within the format (Nexus, CM Punk moaning, Lesnar squashing Cena etc) but that's so rare when we're more than a decade and a half into it. We've seen everything, so a lot of storylines we do get seem like retreads and tend not to be as memorable. They've not got the money to pay for rubbish vehicle-based angles all the time now, either, and those made up about 86% of Raw in 1998-99.

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Just watched the last few NXTs. 3 things that struck me:


1. You can certainly tell Charlotte is Ric Flair's boy.

2. Adrian Neville really shouldn't talk. Ever.

3. Sami Zayn is fucking brilliant.

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Kind of cape Kane was wearing when he was Doomsday in the old USWA, IIRC.


Doomsday and Kane were basically the same character in terms of looks. Maybe that was the WWF's plan in getting him used to the gimmick.




When he grappled, he wore Lord Humongous-like gear though.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Fucking hell that's actually an official product?


Fucking hell.

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