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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Always found that a little odd. He wanted to be the man, wanted to main event Wrestlemania and yet he wasn't willing to take the steps to do it. He wasn't willing to play the game for lack of a better phrase in terms of treating the fans well, looking like a pro wrestler and not some meth head.


The Daniel Bryan documentary showed just how much work you have to do in interviews and appearances and all that if you're in the main event of mania. Would Punk have been willing to do that?

Edited by digforvictory
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Always found that a little odd. He wanted to be the man, wanted to main event Wrestlemania and yet he wasn't willing to take the steps to do it. He wasn't willing to play the game for lack of a better phrase in terms of treating the fans well, looking like a pro wrestler and not some meth head.


The Daniel Bryan documentary showed just how much work you have to do in interviews and appearances and all that if you're in the main event of mania. Would Punk have been willing to do that?


I'm probably wrong, but surely there have been guys who headlined Mania who didn't do all that stuff either? I never read much about Michaels doing all the fan PR stuff. Edge? Taker? Mind you, I suppose they were all pretty well established by the time their turns came about, so that's probably the difference.

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Edge, Taker and Michaels weren't always the main draws in their appearances though. Michaels has been opposite Austin and Cena, Edge was opposite Cena (as well as Big Show) one year, Taker was opposite Batista one time. More importantly though, a lot of those guys' big Mania matches came in the era of multiple Mania main events. The last 10 years, Cena's been in a featured match, main event or not, and is the perfect go-to guy for media appearances.

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Always found that a little odd. He wanted to be the man, wanted to main event Wrestlemania and yet he wasn't willing to take the steps to do it. He wasn't willing to play the game for lack of a better phrase in terms of treating the fans well, looking like a pro wrestler and not some meth head.


The Daniel Bryan documentary showed just how much work you have to do in interviews and appearances and all that if you're in the main event of mania. Would Punk have been willing to do that?


I'm probably wrong, but surely there have been guys who headlined Mania who didn't do all that stuff either? I never read much about Michaels doing all the fan PR stuff. Edge? Taker? Mind you, I suppose they were all pretty well established by the time their turns came about, so that's probably the difference.


I don't think it's so much the PR stuff as it is the social media stuff. The whole twitter/instagram side of things is fairly new, and Punk was the first guy to have really taken off in a while. Also, he was actually pretty good at the social media side of things, which added to the 'everyman' thing. Throw in the fact that he's a city guy, and I can see how it must be pretty knackering. It's one thing to do the PR stuff - it's another to have difficulty doing anything at all without having to think about the PR stuff. The idea of people camping outside your home sounds like something a lot of people might find difficult. I think someone can want to be a celebrity while wanting to keep an element of privacy. Must be difficult to get to the point where you realise you can't.

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I think wwe missed a trick by not debuting Adam Rose at Mania 30, the whole mardi gras thing was perfect for his wacky group to be part of,


They could've been the comedy filler bit have a long parade down the ramp round the ring etc with the rosebuds, legends like Slaughter, Steamboat, Dibiase etc have Simmons do his 'DAMN' bit, cole would talk about 'the party atmosphere of wrestlemania' and 'what a wrestlemania moment' seems standard wwe to me

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Natalie is a really nice girl, spoken to her about tattooing her when I eventually start doing guest spots in the states. Punk would probably benefit a lot from moving out to a quiet suburb, rather than a really busy city where he is worshiped as a hero. Bit of a shitter if he prefers the city but he can't have it both ways

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When I was at fan Axxess I chatted to an American guy in a a CM Punk T-Shirt in a queue for one of the signings, he'd just met AJ Lee and he told me he'd said to her "Congratulations on your engagement, tell Phil I say hi" It made me cringe, he loved CM Punk but he can't help himself being the sort of fan Punk hates.

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If you want to be a famous wrestler at the very very top selling merch (and in his case ideals), you can't moan about being mobbed and stuff. It's part of the job, for better or worse. If anything he's created a worse culture for himself by positioning him self as some kind of voice of the voiceless leader. You can't have it both ways in this game.

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I can understand people on at Punk for kind of making mountains out of molehills with fan interaction, because as mentioned there's just no two ways around being the face of an internationally broadcast entertainment show that thrives on fan participation and having to meet and greet people at every turn, but people turning up at your house is absolute madness. I don't understand how any sane bastard could think something like that was alright whether they had a reputation as sunshine and lemonade, or a sour faced head the ball like Punk or what.


I've seen other people on various forums (not here!) going OH I'D BE MADE UP IF KIDS SHOVED SWEETS IN ME LETTERBOX but you don't know what sort of lunatic bastard has stuck a load of Freddo's through your slot and whether they're poisoned or soaked in poo or whatever the fuck. He's definitely a bit of a miserable prick who plays up his Luke From Gilmore Girls image a little bit too much, but the way people have been reacting to this on the internet you'd think he had absolutely no right to privacy, among the usual moans about how people who are well off have some magic shield that keeps them happy forever.


It's just convincing me both him and WWE are better off without each other.

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That whole "you're famous, you sign up for that" thing is nonsense. Unless you're some Big Brother type, staggering out of nightclubs with your knockers out, in the hopes you'll end up in the Mirror's showbiz section the next day, just because you choose a career in the arts doesn't mean you should be robbed of a private life.

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