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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Yeah, they have fucked up the balance for years now. They can never get the pacing right for Mania. I remember in 2012, they seemed to go to long with music acts and entrances and video packages. But last year they seemed to go over on match time. I dont know if its the 4 hours that fucked them up or what, but its been dodgy for a while now. I remember they couldn't have paced WrestleMania 19 any better. That card was wonderfully done. All the matches were in the right place.


They have the option for a fifth hour this year I read recently. That might be to much for me, like.


Thanks Ian for years I've been wondering why Wrestlemania has been "a little off" so to speak and why I still have a fond memory for some that others don't and it's definitely the timing when I think back to some Manias. Examples include 25 (although match ordering was probably more of a problem), 26, 28 and 29 all felt like they lacked that quality. It's things like omitting the little skits backstage the last year or two, not having so many moments where they just look at the awe of the crowed, fireworks and buildup packages that must be omitted for time which make it seem like less of a show when it is done. They did cut really quickly to the main event this year just gone and it felt damp after that. 26 as an example I felt was similar that they didnt really present it on the night as that big an event but it was a few years ago and memory might be misleading me. Funnily enough 27 I remember being pretty well timed and because of it I have some decent memories of the event.


Going off on a tangent I miss the post show wrap up videos they used to do with the music and highlights, why did they stop them?

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Didn't they run short for time and drop the piss break match at the last Mania? Pretty sure the main event suffered for it


As soon as the HHH / Lesnar match finished I went for a piss expecting the Tons of Funk / Rhodes Scolars match to be on after that and before the main event. There was a bit of a rush to finish when Cena's music started half way through, seems like everyone else had the same idea.

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So HHH did a conference call today with the "wrestling media" about NXT Arrival.


It's pretty surreal experience listening to him field questions exclusively from Mike Johnson, Jason Powell and the like. He talks pretty open about NXT, their recruitment policies with regards the indies, what they try to teach guys and plans going forward with NXT. Mentions his and Vince's reaction to how good The Shield/Wyatts match was too. Gives them all an open invite to attend an NXT show and mentions wanting a more open relationship with the internet journos.


Observer and ProWrestling.net have it up to listen.

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What exactly did Triple H and Vince say about the Shield/Wyatts match? I'd rather not listen to the whole thing.


Or if some site has a write up that would be awesome.


From Gerweck.net


- Triple H participated in a conference call from the WWE Performance Center today to promote Thursday’s WWE NXT Arrival show. Here are highlights:


* He called it a great time to be a wrestling fan, talking about NXT being the future, Hulk Hogan returning, the WWE Network and more.


* He talked about how proud he is of the Performance Center and NXT. He talked about Vince McMahon and WWE being so proud and trusting of NXT to let them have Arrival. He talked about Cesaro vs. Sami Zayn and predicted Cesaro will explode over the next few years.


* Both he and Vince are really behind NXT, which is why it’s the first live special on the Network.


* He said the fans at Full Sail University own the NXT show, comparing it to something like ECW back in the day. He said Arrival feels like the NXT roster’s WrestleMania and they are ready.


* He knows who the next big stars to come out of NXT are but can’t give it away. He said it’s hard keeping things a surprise any more and he likes to have more fun that way.


* He never thought WWE’s talent development was in bad shape but realized it needed to grow. They will likely tour with live shows some more. He doesn’t want NXT to go global but touring would help the talents.


* The conversation between he and Vince when Vince wanted Triple H to take a bigger role in the company was one that took place over a long period of time. He joked that it happened way before he got involved with Stephanie McMahon. He enjoys watching the behind-the-scenes process and felt like a “giddy dad” watching The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family at Elimination Chamber. He said Vince had a huge smile on his face after the match and said, “Wow!”


* He said taking over WWE creative was part of streamlining the process because they want everything to match up.


* He praised the NXT trainers.


* He said the guys from the indies are doing great moves but they need to learn story telling and that slowing down and letting fans digest what’s going on is important.


* They may do more live NXT shows on the Network in the future but right now they’re focused on Arrival. NXT shows around the big pay-per-views like WrestleMania and SummerSlam are possible.


EDIT: You beat me to it.

Edited by Benno
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Was watching an episode of Heat from early 2000 and Michael Cole on commentary compared the recent defection of the Radicalz to the WWF as being like ''Roy Keane leaving the Manchester United to go to Italy without a contract.''


Very odd thing to hear being mentioned.

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Probably just for us UK viewers.


Keane was humming and hawing about signing a contract in 2000 with Man Utd. Talk was he was leaving to go to somewhere in Italy on a Bosman. Juventus seems familiar. I remember him signing his new contract before a Champions League game on ITV and getting a standing ovation from the fans.

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