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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Currently reading "Pulphead: Dispatches From The Other Side Of America" by journalist John Jeremiah Sullivan. Only recently got into reading non-fiction when I finished "Hell's Angels", and decided to continue.


Anyway, it's a collection of essays, reports and articles by Sullivan on various things, such as his experiences at a Christian rock festival in the Ozarks, at a temporary shelter in New Orleans set up in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, and his time living with his authorial mentor, a well-known Southern writer.


The one I'm currently reading is his time hanging out with The Miz and the stars of MTV's "The Real World". Not knowing anything about the programme, it gave a nice bit of insight into Miz and his experiences leading up to his time with WWE. Apparently, he was the most popular personality on the programme, and Sullivan was a huge fan of his - he even describes how Miz, like so many TRW stars, did a sort of "circuit" associated with it, where they'd appear at clubs, events, venue/shop openings, etc. Involved a lot of drinking and being swamped by underage female fans, it seems.


Anyway, the book itself has been a great read so far; I'll try and post thoughts about the chapter on TRW later, when I finish it.

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Bought the first issue of the new WWE comic today. It's shit, like you'd expect, but it's pretty mental and it does have some surprises. There were some previews of it on wwe.com a couple of months back. The pitch is:


Welcome to Titan City, a metropolis where everyone’s hiding secrets and there’s no one to trust. In a corrupt world where everyone is looking to cash in, three larger-than-life combatants collide. John Cena’s been framed for a crime he didn’t commit. Randy Orton’s on the verge of achieving city-wide power. And CM Punk is determined to bring the whole corrupt system crashing down. From the scheming south side to the barren desert no man’s land where even the law refuses to go, the powerful factions of Titan City are locked in a battle for control in an unforgettable noir landscape.




The main thing that's surprising for me is how up-to-date it is with on-screen gimmicks and stories. You'd expect it to be about a year or so out of date given publishing lead times, but it seems pretty bang on for about SummerSlam/September time. The Wyatts are in it, Daniel Bryan's feuding with Randy Orton, Ryback's with Heyman etc. The artwork of the comic is all over the shop, which if it's down to rushing, might be how it manages to be as current as it is.




That goes from those first atmospheric images of Cena and Triple H that look like them to just drawings of generic men in the other panels. That page isn't the most glaring example of it, either, it's pretty common.


The storyline, as shown in that page, is that there's a briefcase with ten million quid that's gone missing, and Cena's been let out of prison to find it. But there's hardly a story as the issue moves along, it's basically just fan fiction that throws a load of shit at the wall so you get all sorts turning up for a page then vanishing. Some of the characters incorporate catchphrases and elements of their wrestling gimmick, others don't.


You've got Alberto Del Rio running against Randy Orton in an election. Undertaker runs a tattoo shop. Zeb Colter, Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro are crooked prison guards that send Hunico and Camacho to batter Cena (they fail). Christian is a police captain and Cena's best mate. Ryback's Orton's bodyguard via a dodgy deal with Heyman. Brock Lesnar and Curtis Axel are Heyman's goons who just flip tables over and do nothing else. Dolph Ziggler's a cocky detective. The Wyatt Family live in the wasteland outside the city but come into town to attack CM Punk. Big Show seems to have been on the McMahon payroll but he's gone renegade. Miz is a talk show host. The Shield are corrupt cops on the McMahon payroll. AJ kind of slags around the different factions but she's really on CM Punk's side, so the Bella Twins kidnap her. Daniel Bryan graffitis "YES" on things and attacks Randy Orton with a kendo stick. Mark Henry throws John Cena off a third storey balcony.


There's one page where Orton's in his wrestling gear and RKOs a jobber in a wrestling ring as well. No explanation for it, and there's no indication elsewhere that they're wrestlers in the comic.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Only just learned that at Survivor Series 98, there's an explanation for that big fart on following Shane's heel turn. After Shane gives Austin the fingers, there's long pause where Austin seems to be waiting for something to happen. But it doesn't. He then starts brawling with Foley and in a big rush Brisco hits him with a shit chair shot and Foley pins him. Apparently, the Big Boss Man was chatting to the Undertaker in the back about the next match with Kane (which Boss Man was involved in) and forgot he was supposed to run down. So they had to think on their feet and it was all a big cock up. Boss Man does show up looking knackered for the post match, though.


Sorry, like, but that would have been a Boss Man appearance to far. He was all over this show. He was running in on everything. Might as well have called it the Big Series - Deadly Boss Man. Or something more clever.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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If this was a full-on animated movie, I'd be all over it.

Yeah, and you never know, they might! They've got the Scooby Doo and Flintstones films coming up, and the Slam City cartoon starts next month -- the wrestlers have other jobs in that. CM Punk sells ice creams.




I think it's a cartoon anyway, but it might be a comic as well. They're definitely putting different stuff out there.


I wish the WWE films were take-offs on the wrestler gimmicks, actually. Let John Cena be John Cena as he walks away from explosions and dodges bullets.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Was just reading The Secret Footballer's article this week and he said about how clubs would hold court as punishment, much like wrestler's court.


Another friend of mine said that, when he was a youth-team player, they’d have mock court cases. For a while, court cases were pretty common in football and they all ran along the same theme.


Namely, that a player has been accused of something – being late, leaving his training kit on the pitch, etc – and he has the option to either pay the fine or “go to court” to argue his case.


The manager would usually be the judge and you’d have a jury selected at random from the squad. If convicted of the charge, a player would not only have to pay the fine but he’d have a physical punishment handed down.


Not particularly ground breaking, I just thought that court thing was something devised by wrestlers and exclusive to it.

Edited by Sphinx
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If this was a full-on animated movie, I'd be all over it.

Yeah, and you never know, they might! They've got the Scooby Doo and Flintstones films coming up, and the Slam City cartoon starts next month -- the wrestlers have other jobs in that. CM Punk sells ice creams.




I think it's a cartoon anyway, but it might be a comic as well. They're definitely putting different stuff out there.


I wish the WWE films were take-offs on the wrestler gimmicks, actually. Let John Cena be John Cena as he walks away from explosions and dodges bullets.


All of this wins.


Heck, give us a Power Stone style bash em up in that WWE Rumblerz look and this jaded 30 year old might actually start buying their shit again.

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A WWE version of Power Stone? I'd be all over that like Savile in Disneyland.


That engine is perfect for the current WWE product, I think - lots of colour, lots of flash, and the current crop of consoles could make it look absolutely amazing. And with cartoon-style Super-Deformed graphics, different arenas and lots of ridiculous, over-the-top supers, it'd be spectacular. I know they had that Legends of Wrestlemania game, but it struck me as not quite going far enough for that type of game.

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Bought the first issue of the new WWE comic today.

I brought it as well during the week and I agree with most of what you have said about it. The writers (including Mick Foley) can't really seem to decide what comic they are trying to make and it's a mess of ideas (and a mess of a comic really), but it is also strangely entertaining reading.


I will probably end up getting the 2nd issue next month, but I am not sure I am expecting much of an improvement from it.

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