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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I was just watching last night's episode of Burn Notice and out of nowhere Mike freakin' Sanders popped up as a random hired goon. Cool little surprise. Used to enjoy the dude's mic work back in the day.


"Above Average" Mike Sanders has to be the worst nickname in wrestling history. If ever you wanted to cement your career going nowhere, willingly go with something like that...

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I was just watching last night's episode of Burn Notice and out of nowhere Mike freakin' Sanders popped up as a random hired goon. Cool little surprise. Used to enjoy the dude's mic work back in the day.

I'm watching last nights Celebrity Masterchef and the Hardy Boyz music was just playing

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Has anybody watched the video on WWE.com yet about Bray Wyatt talking about the tale of Sister Abigale? Absolutely cracking promo there and he's singing again, this time, Down to the River to Pray, he makes it sound so creepy. From what he said about her she is dead now but said that he was there for her last breath and she told him he's the one and they chose him long before he even existed. My favourite part is where he say's her touch could save the world but her kiss burns it to the ground, which really gives meaning to his finisher and the kiss before it, love how his finisher is some sort of tribute to her.

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From those great Hogan pictures, you got to think a feud was planned between him and El Gigante. Seems like both of them were up for it, but it never happened. It came closer to happening in WCW with Gigante as the "Yeti" though.

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From those great Hogan pictures, you got to think a feud was planned between him and El Gigante. Seems like both of them were up for it, but it never happened. It came closer to happening in WCW with Gigante as the "Yeti" though.

Gigante wasnt the yeti. It was Ron Reis if i remember, he made it into the flock at a later date.

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Gigante was there as the Yeti. He made one appearance standing in the ice-block on Nitro. After that apperance, he got sick and then the character went to Reis. Guy humping Hogan at the end of Halloween Havoc 1995 is Ron Reis.


I was just thinking if Gigante's health would have held up, we would have probably seen him and Hogan.

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I don't really watch a lot of current WWE programming but from what I have seen and I don't know if its just me or if it has already been discussed but it all feels very generic and repetitive. A bunch of good looking, young guys in tights with no real back-ground or direction. I watched Raw in full for the first time last week and I got the vibe that the content for the show seemed to be thrown together at the last minute (which I'm sure wasn't the case but that's how it felt) and just plodded along with the same recycled matches from recent weeks. Almost like the writers were like meh I can't be bother to write anything creative or interesting, we'll just throw this together. It took for CM Punk to garner some interest by going off on that fan.


I remember Vince Russo saying that when he was writing during the attitude era he made sure that the wrestlers on the roster from top to bottom had a story, a background and some direction, I'd love for that to happen again, instead of these generic wrestlers now days who win some, loose some with little or no direction.


I hate that WWE is PG, I want some attitude, cutting edge TV...I want WWE to force me to purchase their next PPV because I know that if I don't watch, I'm going to miss an incredible show filled with drama, attitude, rawness, that feeling of un-scriptedness (yes I did just make up a word because I couldn't think of which word to use) How can WWE achieve this with these generic young guys and same old boring matches. I miss blood! I don't expect it all the time or would want it all the time but blood adds drama, heat, intensity, hatred that draws you into a feud and more so the big blow off match at the end of the feud. I don't want fruity pebbles! Daniel Bryan is an incredible wrestler but lord know's he's not a guy that's going to carry the WWE or take the weight or the company on his shoulders, he's a flash in the pan until someone else comes along or until WWE get bored of him. I want someone who's going to take WWE by the balls and create some attitude...I want CM Punk let loose to speak his mind any time he pleases not this crap with Paul Heyman, this material is so beneath the two of them...let them loose, make people sit up and pay attention. Get the media talking...shit I'd have Donald Trump back and in another storyline to add something different instead of Jack Swagger beats such and such or R-Truth gets beat again or Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston (cause you know we ain't seen the last of that 'feud'). WWE bringing in these generic guys from development that look no different from each other, they don't stand out and these are expected to be the future of WWE...OMG its downhill from here.


Maybe everything that could be done in wrestling has already been done, maybe there's nothing creative left to write because its all be done before so instead were getting recycled storyline's...face turns heel and vice-versa, the dysfunctional McMahon family, revenge storyline's etc.


WWE now days has become so diluted, almost as if its scared to be different, revolutionary or have attitude. Wrestling has always been taboo to a lot of people and different but over the past few years its became boring like WWE are trying to blend in to the background. WWE big style dropped the ball with WrestleMania this year, I was really disappointed, very run of the mill. Come on WWE...who cares about the kids and PG, BRING BACK SOME ATTITUDE...DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!



Edited by C-Rock
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Christ, the millions of questionable souls that 'LIKE' WWE on Facebook have organised, chosen a leader and signed off on a mission statement. God help us.


Though, if I can read between the lines, what you've just said amounts to; I WANT WRESTLING TO BE LIKE IT WAS WHEN I WAS YOUNGER.


WWE's been great since Mania.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I don't really watch a lot of current WWE programming but from what I have seen and I don't know if its just me or if it has already been discussed but it all feels very generic and repetitive. A bunch of good looking, young guys in tights with no real back-ground or direction. I watched Raw in full for the first time last week and I got the vibe that the content for the show seemed to be thrown together at the last minute (which I'm sure wasn't the case but that's how it felt) and just plodded along with the same recycled matches from recent weeks. Almost like the writers were like meh I can't be bother to write anything creative or interesting, we'll just throw this together. It took for CM Punk to garner some interest by going off on that fan.


I remember Vince Russo saying that when he was writing during the attitude era he made sure that the wrestlers on the roster from top to bottom had a story, a background and some direction, I'd love for that to happen again, instead of these generic wrestlers now days who win some, loose some with little or no direction.


I hate that WWE is PG, I want some attitude, cutting edge TV...I want WWE to force me to purchase their next PPV because I know that if I don't watch, I'm going to miss an incredible show filled with drama, attitude, rawness, that feeling of un-scriptedness (yes I did just make up a word because I couldn't think of which word to use) How can WWE achieve this with these generic young guys and same old boring matches. I miss blood! I don't expect it all the time or would want it all the time but blood adds drama, heat, intensity, hatred that draws you into a feud and more so the big blow off match at the end of the feud. I don't want fruity pebbles! Daniel Bryan is an incredible wrestler but lord know's he's not a guy that's going to carry the WWE or take the weight or the company on his shoulders, he's a flash in the pan until someone else comes along or until WWE get bored of him. I want someone who's going to take WWE by the balls and create some attitude...I want CM Punk let loose to speak his mind any time he pleases not this crap with Paul Heyman, this material is so beneath the two of them...let them loose, make people sit up and pay attention. Get the media talking...shit I'd have Donald Trump back and in another storyline to add something different instead of Jack Swagger beats such and such or R-Truth gets beat again or Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston (cause you know we ain't seen the last of that 'feud'). WWE bringing in these generic guys from development that look no different from each other, they don't stand out and these are expected to be the future of WWE...OMG its downhill from here.


Maybe everything that could be done in wrestling has already been done, maybe there's nothing creative left to write because its all be done before so instead were getting recycled storyline's...face turns heel and vice-versa, the dysfunctional McMahon family, revenge storyline's etc.


WWE now days has become so diluted, almost as if its scared to be different, revolutionary or have attitude. Wrestling has always been taboo to a lot of people and different but over the past few years its became boring like WWE are trying to blend in to the background. WWE big style dropped the ball with WrestleMania this year, I was really disappointed, very run of the mill. Come on WWE...who cares about the kids and PG, BRING BACK SOME ATTITUDE...DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!




[close spoiler]



Or you could watch some other wrestling. You stupid twat.

Edited by Devon Malcolm
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Bossman v Bigelow was awful and calling Shawn v Marty a dissapointment would be an understatement.


Mostly because Marty went out and got hammered the night before and showed up hanging out of his arse. Which got him shitcanned again.

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