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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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He used to bang on about at least semi-retiring at 35, so as not to turn into the stereotypical 50 year old wrestler with a laundry list of injuries, wrestling for the pay cheque. What's ironic is, on the surface he's made that possible for himself; he's a multi-millionaire and he's achieved his ostensible goals. BUT, he's just achieved 'mega star' status over the past few years and I doubt he's going to pack it in.


I reckon he's done for, physically.


Like you say, the Pepsi plunge was a retarded move that would never make it past a half-decent road agent (regardless of its pedigree similarities) but for years he wrestled such a high impact style, in 90 minute matches, 5 days a week.


Indie wrestlers and fans bitch about WWE and its abuse of its wrestlers, but it seems that if you want to make it to the other side with your health in tact the best route is; athletic past, seek out training school with connections in early to mid twenties, get signed to developmental, only ever work WWE's stripped back, safe style and then fuck off into the sunset.

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I've never really noticed Punk struggle with his knees to be honest and didn't think he was moving particularly gingerly on Raw. He still gets up for those springboard clotheslines alright. He does loads of jogging too, surely he would have had to pack that in if his knees were bad?

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Really? You didn't think he was running like he was about to shit himself, so was doing the squat-shuffle-panic to the nearest bog?


I'm sure it was worst because Brock fucked his ankle, but still.


It's common knowledge that his knees and lower back are currently being held together by ice packs and the best of intentions, isn't it?


Loads of wrestlers, like Jericho and Jeff Hardy, have passed comment on just how unusually fucked he is for a man of his age.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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He used to bang on about at least semi-retiring at 35, so as not to turn into the stereotypical 50 year old wrestler with a laundry list of injuries, wrestling for the pay cheque. What's ironic is, on the surface he's made that possible for himself; he's a multi-millionaire and he's achieved his ostensible goals. BUT, he's just achieved 'mega star' status over the past few years and I doubt he's going to pack it in.


I wouldn't think the idea of Punk packing in the full-time schedule at 35 is too out there. The aforementioned Foley must have been roughly that age when he did likewise. Particularly if this suggestion of Triple H wanting the upper echelons of the card to be a rotating cast of "special attractions" who each do a bit during the year then all turn up for Wrestlemania is anywhere near true.


On the subject of that, while I think there would be some tough times to get through initially, once it became the norm to fans & wrestlers alike it seems like a great use of the top guys who are in and around pro wrestling right now.


And while I'm posting, on the subject of The Shield's falling stock - whilst I've argued that Ambrose's entrance (or lack thereof) on the MITB main PPV was no indication of this, I must admit Cole's reaction to their music hitting on this week's Raw was interesting given a) what was going on when it did, and b) that it seemed very deliberately placed during a pre-taped show.


Six weeks ago, it would have been "Oh my god! Get out of there! All hell is about to break loose!". Now, we get "Well, that's a buzz killer..."

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John Cena's more banged up than Punk, by all accounts. Everything is hurting on this bloke. Neck, back, hips, knees, ankles, the lot. He's looking at Hulk Hogan level pain in later life. And Hogan never had neck surgery in his 30s. Cena's had proper bad injuries and worked through them. He wears trainers as well. I used to feel it playing 5-a-side wearing trainers. Imagine wrestling for 20 minutes with them. Just a lack of support on his ankles. He's going to be completely knackered when its all done. He's a massive bloke as well.


But there's nobody to replace him. Maybe they should find somebody.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Cena should only be doing tags and four-ways on the road at this point.


Six weeks ago, it would have been "Oh my god! Get out of there! All hell is about to break loose!". Now, we get "Well, that's a buzz killer..."

The Wyatts are the hot, new, "Oh my God, get out of there" group. The Shield are over six months in, and they've been through nearly everyone. They can't be a three-man Goldberg forever, they need a bit of depth and variation to their act to stay fresh. WWE already did a dirty "Shield attacking Vince" tease once as well that amounted to nothing.


Indie wrestlers and fans bitch about WWE and its abuse of its wrestlers

And also, strangely, about WWE not letting new signings do their top-rope head-drop-plex stuff.

Edited by King Pitcos
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He did some really stupid things, yes. Him and McGuinness nutting the shit out of each other comes to mind. But it's also worth noting a lot of his work over the years was stuff like All Star or stalling for 10 minutes vs Kamala. He certainly wasn't going 90 minutes with Hero, or doing a Pepsi Plunge everyday of the week that starts with S.

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He wears trainers as well. I used to feel it playing 5-a-side wearing trainers. Imagine wrestling for 20 minutes with them. Just a lack of support on his ankles.


He's the new Marty Jannetty :(


He did some really stupid things, yes. Him and McGuinness nutting the shit out of each other comes to mind.


Christ, that match was horrible. Couldn't watch it all the way through. It was vile. And it was for the Pure Wrestling title of all things, wasn't it?

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He did some really stupid things, yes. Him and McGuinness nutting the shit out of each other comes to mind. But it's also worth noting a lot of his work over the years was stuff like All Star or stalling for 10 minutes vs Kamala. He certainly wasn't going 90 minutes with Hero, or doing a Pepsi Plunge everyday of the week that starts with S.


Punks highest profile matches may have been the handful of 60/90 minute matches with Hero and Joe, but they really were't that often, Bryan certainly did his share of long matches, i.e. the one with Aries in ROH than ran about 90 itself. I don't think Punk was ever really doing particularly physically demanding matches either, that wasn't really his style anymore than it was Bryan's. I'm sure Punk did his share of "10 minutes of stalling with Kamala" in places that weren't ROH. Point taken on the Pepsi Plunge though.


Really, they both should be equally fucked. If there's a difference it's probably a bit to do with the superior conditioning/training regime Bryan's always had.

Edited by Benno
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