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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Actually, Brie seemed alright when she wasn't with Nikki.


Daniel Bryan definitely snagged the better twin.



That Ariane/Cameron is a certified headcase, not completely unexpected after her turn on Tough Enough and her whole arrest/bribe thing.

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I really want Vincent to turn up on Raw and smack Brodus about. Anyway, Cena is playing this like the champ he is, no doubt he'll have moved on to another Diva by the end of the year.


I got round to listening to Steve Austin's podcast with Scott Hall today, and there was a part of it that surprised me and was hoping that someone on here could clarify if it was all true or not.


Scott Hall says one of the main reasons he left WWF for WCW was because WCW were willing to give him an actual contract which guaranteed him money. Austin comments that this was the first time a contract like this would exist for a wrestler, that this was a pretty big landmark moment for wrestlers. But I found it really hard to believe that guys like Hogan and Warrior and whomever were not getting guaranteed money during the height of their runs.


Can anyone shed more light on this for me?

Wrestlers were given their money based on their position on the card and what they sold, that was how you got your money up until 1996 - it was just the way things were run, although there are plenty of stories of Warrior and the like moaning about a pay day. Also, Hogan had no real reason to need the guaranteed salary, he was a multi-millionaire the time Hall got his deal (same with Warrior). Hogan is no mug, though, his WCW contract was loaded with potential money, for instance he was guaranteed a healthy cut of any WCW PPV has was on, and at that time Hogan was big money on PPV.



WCW (and Crockett before them) had done guaranteed contracts since the mid-late 80s. WWE up till the Monday Night Era had a standard contract that guaranteed you $50 a pop for 10 TV tapings a year and that was it. If I remember rightly, Mero was the first to get a downside guarantee.

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If I remember rightly, Mero was the first to get a downside guarantee.


It doesn't matter how many times I read it, it still makes me laugh.

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I didn't like Total Divas much. I thought it'd have more to it. Everything seemed so fake and contrived, but it must have been real because the Bellas seemed like people and when they're acting they're like sex androids. Using real names in it is a bit confusing/pointless as well. Naomi and Uso B seemed sound, and Cena was brill. Bryan's Bella is so much prettier though. How come Layla, Kaitlyn, Alicia Fox etc aren't featured?

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Here's a lovely thing. Me and Bumclass were chatting on twitter about Man United. Bummers tagged Lex Luger in making a reference about how he'd be better in the middle than Fellaini would. I sent Bumclass a picture of the Total Package in a Van Nistelrooy era United kit, and Lex has put it as his profile picture.


Flexy Lexy is a red.

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Interesting sidenote on Total Divas - the Torch is running a poll on views of the show. Here are the current results :


Watch majority of Total Divas & would watch again 43% 244

Watch majority of Total Divas & would not watch again 2% 14

Caught a few minutes & tuned out 4% 21

Had no interest in watching the show 51% 290


So, while a whole lot of people thought "this is going to be rubbish" and didn't bother with it, much like you lads on here the overwhelming majority of people that did watch it, thought it was good. 244 out of 279, call it 6 in 7 people that watched it gave it the stamp of approval.

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