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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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He's got the teeth of a five year old.


It shouldn't bother me, but it really does.


Haha, I noticed that too.


It's like Ben Affleck before he was cast in Armageddon and they told him to get big boy teeth.



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On The Shield, I think there's definite massive potential and upside to all of them and I'm excited about them currently and their future. I could totally see Reigns and Rollins being future serious main eventers, especially Reigns. Ambrose I don't think will ever reach beyond upper midcard personally. Which isn't a bad thing, that's where he probably best belongs and the mid card needs strong characters like that. I don't see WWE title potential in him myself though.


I fucking love Reigns though. Just an awesome presence, carries himself so well. All three understand the importance of body language, but Reigns' just screams star. He can go too and ain't afraid to take some licks. He and Sheamus seem to love hammering the shit out of each other and I love watching it. A series between the two somewhere in the future could be fucking glorious. And he's Somaon and I love those Samoans. Invariably great workers. Just love his look too, but even moreso since HarmonicGenerator pointed out that he could be made up to look like Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones with not too much work. Now, I've never seen Gane of Thrones but Drogo looks tremendous, total badass and I'm now desperate for just that to be done with Reigns one day.


I've really come round to Rollins too. Like the lad a lot and I think he will get pushed well . I can definitely see him playing baby in his future and working with the IC title before being elevated. I fully expect to see face Rollins vs heel Ambrose when the three are no longer a unit.


I love them currently too though and don't wish to see them split anytime soon. I really hope they are the guys to take the tag straps from Hell No. With how well they've put over as being a team I think they and the tag titles would compliment each other beautifully right now with them rockin the old Freebird/Demolition/Jersey Triad deal with the belts. Give them the belts and keep them undefeated as a unit for a longass time.

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Where did the "Sean O'Haire was a good talker" theory come from? Only I've seen it on a few forums now, which is far more times than I've seen him cut a good promo which isn't a heavily edited and produced video.

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Same place as the "Santino could've been the next Kurt Angle if they never gave him a comedy gimmick" thing after that OVW Boris Alexiev judo throw montage. Idiots just see an edited video and do the old 2 + 2 = 2003.


Edit: Caught up on the last three weeks of wrestling over the last couple of days, been busy for a bit. I thought absence would make me enjoy it more, but fucking hell. Del Rio vs Swagger has happened three times on tv since Wrestlemania! And I don't think I've ever been as offended by anything in wrestling as the Raw when they did that Orton/Sheamus vs Big Show match, followed by Henry attacking Sheamus. Which they had done exactly the same on Smackdown the previous week. I know they tend to repeat matches from one show to the next, but repeating one that specific AND the angle following it is a new low.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Its just an attempt to look like you know wrestling better than everyone else. Take a random guy who never made it that far, say he was great and underappreciated by everyone but you, because you saw what nobody else saw, his brilliance, because you get the business better than the WWE and most fans.


Its like how Nathan Jones would have been the greatest pure wrestler in the history of the game. If you actually watch the footage of him from ABRACADABRA he was fucking dynamite on the canvas but then of course the WWE takes him, underutilizes him and doesn't give him his due. Happens all the fucking time. Of course all the marks don't get it. Losers.

Edited by Vamp
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Its just an attempt to look like you know wrestling better than everyone else. Take a random guy who never made it that far, say he was great and underappreciated by everyone but you, because you saw what nobody else saw, his brilliance, because you get the business better than the WWE and most fans.


Its like how Nathan Jones would have been the greatest pure wrestler in the history of the game. If you actually watch the footage of him from ABRACADABRA he was fucking dynamite on the canvas but then of course the WWE takes him, underutilizes him and doesn't give him his due. Happens all the fucking time. Of course all the marks don't get it. Losers.


The same goes for the opposite. Raving about shit and putting down what everybody else enjoys. Some people take a lot of this lark too seriously and should probably go back to school or something - become a slightly more well rounded person.

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I'd never seen The Shield until WM, but Ambrose stood out head and shoulders for me (though not literally, natch). He's got all sorts of weird charisma going on, and "gets it" in the ring, always telling the story out to the crowd. He seems like he's an odd fit for the Hell's Angel/terrorist gimmick or whatever the hell The Shield are.


For me, he needs a Max Cady/De Niro type gimmick - he looks greasy and southern rather than someone who'd wear a bullet proof vest.


Anyway, definitely the most interesting guy of the new WWE recruits that I saw.

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Anal point here, but anyway...


Just watching a match and the announcers are saying it doesn't matter if the ref counts fast or slow, as long as he's consistent. That's not really true though, is it? If you've got Bret Hart against Undertaker and Bret's going for roll-ups and small packages, while Undertaker's going for the tombstone, then a two-second pin count is great news for Bret because he can snatch a surprise pin easily. On the other hand, a four-second pin count makes it much less likely Bret's tactics will work, but won't make much difference if Taker hits the tombstone.

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I'd never seen The Shield until WM, but Ambrose stood out head and shoulders for me (though not literally, natch). He's got all sorts of weird charisma going on, and "gets it" in the ring, always telling the story out to the crowd. He seems like he's an odd fit for the Hell's Angel/terrorist gimmick or whatever the hell The Shield are.


For me, he needs a Max Cady/De Niro type gimmick - he looks greasy and southern rather than someone who'd wear a bullet proof vest.


Anyway, definitely the most interesting guy of the new WWE recruits that I saw.


I had only seen pics of the Shield until I saw them during the UK tour.


Like yourself I was really impressed with Ambrose. He reminded me of the bad in movies. Very good promo skills and expressions. He was nothing like I expected as I had it in my mind he'd previosly worked in a tag team in Puerto Rico eith Hade Vansen - I could be getting mixed up in this respect.


Reigns can be made a la Batista. If someone like Trips puts the time in he could be a legitimate main eventer for a sustainable period.


Rollins was most disappointing. He didn't do anything wrong, but he didn't display the gravitas of a star to me. That said my knowledge is limited to that one night, and what I'd heard of his pre WWE work.

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Has there ever been anyone more obvious when calling spots than Stone Cold Steve Austin?

CM Punk, Chris Jericho, John Cena, The Rock... if you're actually looking for it, you'll find there are loads of big names that are bad for it. To be honest, I'd never really considered Austin to be one of the bad ones.

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