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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I don't think anyone gets upset, you just come across as a nutter now. Your posts can be great but most the time you insist on reducing them to the level of YouTube comments but with a better grasp of spelling.


On this occasion you have raised a decent point about WWE's booking failing to give anyone else anything to care about. The fans will react properly to characters regardless of their past if booked well.

Reigns was loved as the badass member of the Shield, because the Sheild were booked really fucking well. Ryback looked on the verge of superstardom without anyone asking if he was ever dropped on his head in Japan. Jordan and Gable are currently being booked really well down in NXT and they are a product of WWE as much as anyone is (as far as I'm aware at least.)

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Plenty of dem do, and dey always get upset when dey think I'm having at go at dem. And I enjoy when that happens very much. But it was actually a pop at WWE's inability (or lack of desire) to come up with interesting characters/dynamics that aren't just Internet hate figures being overpushed and Internet darlings being buried. For fans who don't cry whenever an ROH alum loses a match or an ex-footballer wins one, there's almost nothing to get invested in.

I read more than I post on here and think you contribute a lot of good to this forum. But it seems like every second post you make is a knock on wrestling fans to the point it comes across as a bit obsessive. No offence like.

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Of course people get upset. It's lovely.


That's an interesting point about Gable and Jordan, but remember that Internet folklore maintains NXT is a secret indie in WWE that dey're allowed to like because Vince and Kevin Dunn hate it. It also potentially means the proper roster is even more fucked in a few years, because if the top talent are all NXT fancies, it loses the Internet vs Vince appeal that it falls back on now. Reigns and Corbin etc should still be around to balance it out a bit, but the company desperately needs to figure out ways to make their matches appeal to normals. Or really, I suppose they don't, because the general stability of their income now means they can just coast along creatively while hoping that people in suits figure out how to stay afloat when the TV rights bubble bursts.

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The only fans that properly react to anything on WWE's shows these days seem to be internet fans, either cheering an old indy darling they want to see do well, or booing someone they dont think has earned it. That's why those towns have the biggest reactions and podunk iowa sits on their hands. All there is to get into is the backstage stuff, and so the fans who don't know that or watch Indy's or whatever dont get anything. This isnt internet fans. Its WWE not giving a better reason to react.


Except the new day. Obviously.

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The only fans that properly react to anything on WWE's shows these days seem to be internet fans, either cheering an old indy darling they want to see do well, or booing someone they dont think has earned it. That's why those towns have the biggest reactions and podunk iowa sits on their hands. All there is to get into is the backstage stuff, and so the fans who don't know that or watch Indy's or whatever dont get anything. This isnt internet fans. Its WWE not giving a better reason to react.


Except the new day. Obviously.

They don't boo people who haven't earned it, they boo people who are given shit material to work with and don't have the ability to turn it into gold. Countless examples point to fans not rejecting wrestlers based on their prior career to WWE.


Nobody questions if Bray Wyatt and Russev deserve their spot. Big Show and Kane don't elect apathy because they aren't indie darlings. Ambrose did the indies but falls into the category of "guy you heard was good and maybe saw a bit of here and there." Nobody is demanding that Neville be given the top spot at Mania.


Obvious flaws are found in this mentality all over the roster. Wrestler's popularity is determined by how they perform the material given to them. WWE just don't present us with much to get behind

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How the hell did that Rob Bartlett last a couple of months announcing Raw with Vince? Most of the time you could tell he was trying to block Bartlett out. He basically just sat and took the piss during the full hour show, he was fucking terrible. Was he a big radio star in New York during '93 or something? I don't know which is worse him trying to commentate or those Damien Demento squash matches.

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I was at the hospital earlier and in the waiting room they had some program on BBC1 at 2'o clock and euring one scene they played the AJ Styles TNA/WWE Fastlane Evil Ways song. You always hear that. Must be stock music or something.

I had no idea that the Fastlane song was AJ's song in TNA. I gave up on TNA by then.


AJ needs to bring back the 'You are, you are, I am, I am' theme.

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I was at the hospital earlier and in the waiting room they had some program on BBC1 at 2'o clock and euring one scene they played the AJ Styles TNA/WWE Fastlane Evil Ways song. You always hear that. Must be stock music or something.

I had no idea that the Fastlane song was AJ's song in TNA. I gave up on TNA by then.


AJ needs to bring back the 'You are, you are, I am, I am' theme.


 In principle, I'd have agreed with you there, because it's the music I associate most strongly with Styles. But I heard it the other week for the first time in ages, and removed from the mindset of the Wrestling Channel's heyday... I discovered I now found it a bit rubbish.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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I was at the hospital earlier and in the waiting room they had some program on BBC1 at 2'o clock and euring one scene they played the AJ Styles TNA/WWE Fastlane Evil Ways song. You always hear that. Must be stock music or something.

I had no idea that the Fastlane song was AJ's song in TNA. I gave up on TNA by then.


AJ needs to bring back the 'You are, you are, I am, I am' theme.


I used to have that as my alarm before I started using Edge's theme.

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I was at the hospital earlier and in the waiting room they had some program on BBC1 at 2'o clock and euring one scene they played the AJ Styles TNA/WWE Fastlane Evil Ways song. You always hear that. Must be stock music or something.

I had no idea that the Fastlane song was AJ's song in TNA. I gave up on TNA by then.


AJ needs to bring back the 'You are, you are, I am, I am' theme.

It is by a band that does lots of the stock production music you hear. They also did Seth Rollins NXT theme and Cesaro's original theme music.

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