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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I've been at my parents' house, and found an old box up in the loft:








You'll see the cage from the old WCW ring was in the box, but sadly the ring itself wasn't. I wasn't able to find my red, white and blue WWF ring either. I suppose I know have a good excuse to have to go and visit again.


Note the paint jobs my brother did on Undertaker (purple gloves) and WCW Lex Luger (stars and stripes) to keep them current!!

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I've been at my parents' house, and found an old box up in the loft:








You'll see the cage from the old WCW ring was in the box, but sadly the ring itself wasn't. I wasn't able to find my red, white and blue WWF ring either. I suppose I know have a good excuse to have to go and visit again.


Note the paint jobs my brother did on Undertaker (purple gloves) and WCW Lex Luger (stars and stripes) to keep them current!!

I loved these figures. One thing though, Ron Simmons was probably my favourite in the early 90s WCW on ITV days and I hated how his figure was wearing trainers and was stuck in that silly pose.

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I really hope Shelton doesn't turn up, there are far too many mid-card losers in WWE at the moment. Carlito can come back, though, but only if he's gobbing apples at people and gets his Cabana back.

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I loved these figures. One thing though, Ron Simmons was probably my favourite in the early 90s WCW on ITV days and I hated how his figure was wearing trainers and was stuck in that silly pose.


Same. I've said a few times how shite a figure the Simmons galoob was.


Your brother's paint job efforts on Undertaker and Luger are pretty good Benny. Certainly better than my brother's "improvements" of cutting Doink's hair off and scraping poor Arn Anderson's head on the slabs outside to make him look more realistic because "he's got a massive bald patch in real life". Cunt.


I did try to upgrade my Undertaker to purple gloves but I was lazy and just did it with a felt tip pen, and like a twat, expected it to stay on. Red felt tips were pretty good for fake blood though.

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More from the Falls Count Anywhere DVD:


- Cactus/Triple H at MSG. I remember there was a thread a while back about great sub-10 minute matches, and I dont think this came up. It should do, as its a really great 10 minute match. The piledriver through the table was a superb finish. Ive watched this match loads of times, and every time am amazed that the table didnt break when Foley is standing on the middle of it.


- Taz vs Bam Bam, Triple H vs Rock. Both of these are fairly dull for the most part. Brawling through crowds is almost always tedious, and a pretty lazy way to pad out a FCA match. I think theres a reason why this Triple H/Rock match is completley forgotten when their rivalry is talked about. Very bland match. It also has Chyna distracting the ref to allow Billy Gunn (wearing a thong and see-through trunks) to interfere, even though its a NO DQ MATCH. Awful finish, too.


- Shane vs Test. Havent watched it in ages, but its still as good as I remembered. The Posse in their Hawaiian shirts and casts remains one of the funniest things from around that period. Despite more "distracting the ref" bollocks, its a brilliantly booked match, where all the interference adds to the match.


- Al Anow vs Hardcore. Great hardcore match, which slightly dragged toward the end. Theyve dubbed out Hardcore's/the JOB Squads theme here. 15 seconds into the match, Snow hits Holly over the head (no hands to protect) with a chair, which made me realise how silly they used to be with the liberal use of chair shots (I have also just watched a Benoit/Venis match, which has 3 chair shots to the head).

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I think there's a story behind the Al Snow chairshot. Al Snow laughed off Bob Holly giving him a good kicking (including chair shots) on an episode of Raw and the whole locker room united in telling Al he'd murdered the business. Foley even slagged off Snow for this on an episode of Heat when he said something about Al getting a sponsership deal with Lazy Boy and how surprised he was because usually Al didn't sell chairs. That might have been a re-establishing job. To be fair, they rarely did chair shots in hardcore matches. The main eventers got the chairs to play with and the hardcore lot had the bins and the tables.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I think there's a story behind the Al Snow chairshot. Al Snow laughed off Bob Holly giving him a good kicking (including chair shots) on an episode of Raw and the whole locker room united in telling Al he'd murdered the business.


I can't remember where I read this, so I may be getting it wrong, but I seem to remember that Al had been knocked a bit silly during the match where he no-sold. So it wasn't intentional, and Foley joked about it to take the heat off him a little bit.


Fully willing to be corrected here - I may be mixing it up with something else entirely.

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Does anybody truly believe HBK's the greatest of all time?




He was at his best in the Rockers I think.




I think Air Raid made an argument for HBK being the best ever.


More than once.



In terms of industry impact, Shawn Michaels :


* Wrestled in the first ladder match in WWF PPV history.

* Wrestled in the first 60 minute one on one match in WWF PPV history.

* Wrestled in the first Hell In A Cell match in history.

* In conjuction with Triple H massively influenced a shift towards "adult-oriented" WWF TV.

* Was a star in pre-Attitude, a star in the Attitude era, and a star post-Attitude, and main evented a WrestleMania in each period.

* Won the Observer's Match of the Year almost every year he was active since his comeback.


Shawn wrestled everyone from Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair to Kurt Angle and Rey Misterio to Vince McMahon. He main evented WrestleMania five times, opposite industry icons and/or great champions in Bret Hart, Stone Cold, Triple H, John Cena and The Undertaker. He main-evented Mania in his final match, a staggering 14 years after his first WrestleMania main event - NO ONE else has done that and probably never will again. Not since Hogan has there been someone so consistently synonymous with the WWF/WWE over a twenty year period.


I would say that "The unparalleled body of quality work, the sustained length of time of being a main event player, being at the forefront of innovative matches and television in the WWF / WWE for over twenty years" is what makes Michaels one of your personal favourites,


You couldn't be more wrong. I hated the cunt. I was a Bret Hart fan, and when he wrestled anyone like Angle or Benoit or even Randy Orton, I wanted him to get murdered.


It depends on whether your are being objective or not I guess.


I am. I'm extolling a wrestler that I despised as the greatest performer in the history of the industry, because in simplest terms compared to Bret Hart (my favourite wrestler to watch ever) and many others named who while great, had shorter careers at their peak or simply didn't achieve as much - main eventing WrestleManias in three different decades and amassing an almost incomparable number of classic matches.


I'm not hear to say anyone's opinion is right or wrong - that's moronic - but that's why Shawn Michaels could be in anyone's top tier. He did things no one else has. Whether or not you put him in your top tier or not depends on if you consider them important or historically significant - which unlike drawing money or buyrates, is purely subjective.


I hated Shawn Michaels with a passion as a youth up until his first retirement as there was something about his persona I despised, and as a Bret Hart fan the rivalry/dislike between the pair caused me to want to HBK battered at every possible opportunity. I thought at the time that "the Hitman" was the better wrestler of the two and didnt deserve to be shunted to the side to allow the WWF to become all about Michaels and to a lesser extent Diesel, even though I admit to having known even then that he was one of the most talented and reliable performers between the ropes that you could possibly find.


Fast forward to the present day, and having seen large quantities of the body of work of most of the North American wrestlers thought to be among the "best of all time," which I hadn't during Shawn's "first" prime, I can honestly say I consider him to be the greatest American wrestler that ever stepped foot in a ring.


While Ric Flair or Bret Hart at their best could construct the best match you've ever seen, and I sometimes think I would take the single best Flair or Hart match over the single best match Shawn ever had, the sum of Shawn's total contribution in terms of in ring action stands alone. He is the only wrestler that has main evented WrestleMania before, during and after the Attitude Era, and has contested stirring matches with all the top stars of each era he competed in. His durability in terms of a sustained main event career could have come close to Flairs had he stayed active the whole time, he was the man trusted with the first televised ladder match, 60 minute match on WWF TV, Hell In A Cell and one of the participants in the first Elimination Chamber... "ain't nobody crazy enough to this gig... except the Heartbreak Kid."


In simplest terms, I consider that Michaels had the biggest number of outstanding (readily available to view) matches across a sustained length of time with a wide variety of opponents in an unbelievably varied different type of matches with different stories told, even compared to Flair. I balked when I saw that WWE's "50 greatest Superstars ever" had neither Flair nor Hogan in the top 5, but with Shawn as number 1, I could not fault. And as a Bret Hart fanatic, that's hard for me to type.


Yes, I believe Shawn Michaels was the best in-ring performer we have ever seen.





Personally, I can't think of anyone who had more great matches than Shawn Michaels.



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