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Richie Freebird

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Jeff Hardy's still on two wellness policy strikes, so unless he's willing to do the rehab to get the second one wiped out, WWE couldn't risk pushing him to any extent as one more fail and he'd have to be fired for a year.

So is Orton though, isn't he? Ian raised an interesting question- if he comes in on a part-time schedule he'd probably avoid testing. Tell you what though, that'd give him some unreal heat from some of the boys, given the fact Hardy will likely still piss about with drugs and get away with it.



He went through a rehab stint while he was off with his most recent long-term injury which wiped one of the violations off, so he's back down to one now.

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Jeff went through rehab in 2011 as well didnt he? I've no idea if WWE paid for that or not. I know they paid for Kurt Angle's rehab stints, so maybe they paid for Hardy as well. Hardy's such an odd mess when it comes to stuff like this. Ideally he'd be great for a European tour as well, but he cant leave the country.

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Jeff will go to extreme and unnecessary lengths as long as he's not on the road much. He wouldn't fancy the house show schedule, but he'd happily jump off the Titantron onto some spikes in a Superstars match against Vaudevillain B. You could get away with him just doing PPVs and 75% of Raws. He's been gone so long now that there are tons of fresh matches there for him. Could easily see them doing Finn Balor vs Jeff Hardy at a WrestleMania.


Ian's right that you likely can't just bring the Hardy brothers in with their current gimmick. Without it though, I don't know what value Matt has. He couldn't really get away with being Hardy Boy Matt now, and I feel like that's what people would be expecting. Even if he got the go-ahead to be Broken Matt, I can't see it working that well once it has the filters. WWE tend to do fairly bland shite, whereas this Hardy thing works because it's a mad level of shite that has supreme novelty value.

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You cant just have Matt and Jeff Hardy turn up on Raw as the Broken Brothers. Anyone outside of people who read twitter on a Thursday wouldnt know what the fuck was going on. "Why the fuck is Matt Hardy dressed as Steven Toast?"

That would be the best way to do it, wouldn't it? That's the way it was done in TNA when they were by some distance the biggest names there. My visual image of Broken Hardyz in the WWE very much includes baffled audiences, as opposed to clued-up fans chanting "DELETE! DELETE!"

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I think they could relatively easily port the Broken Matt Hardy deal onto NXT...

Stylistically yes, I think that's a route where Matt can turn up as is and the fans won't need an explanation. The commentators can just be bemused at what happened to Matt Hardy while he's been "gone" and thats that.


Can't imagine they'd splash the cash for NXT though. By all accounts, the Hardys do really well financially between TNA and their indy ventures.

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Wyatts on Smackdown so put Broken Matt on Raw.


Imagine his debut if they did it right and make it a huge surprise.


It's the main event, the match gets near to the finish when the lights go out and when the lights come back on Matt and Jeff have cleared the ring, have Reby, Maxel and Senor Benjamin there too fuck it, Broken Matt cuts a promo to end Raw.

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Jeff went through rehab in 2011 as well didnt he? I've no idea if WWE paid for that or not. I know they paid for Kurt Angle's rehab stints, so maybe they paid for Hardy as well. Hardy's such an odd mess when it comes to stuff like this. Ideally he'd be great for a European tour as well, but he cant leave the country.


I think the "go to rehab, lose a strike" option was brought in relatively recently and the implication was that it was created specifically for Orton.


Re-reading the policy, it's not literally "go to rehab" but rather "see WWE's medical director, talk about why you use stuff, do whatever rehab or support he suggests" and most importantly, you have to keep a clean slate for 18 months from starting the "redemption program" before they take the second strike away. 


So either they'd have to cross their fingers with Jeff Hardy or have him on enough of a part-time schedule that they could exempt him from wellness altogether. 

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There's no way this "Broken" Matt Hardy drivel gets over on the main roster. It'd be Wyatt level nonsense. The good bits are the WCW mini movies and there's no way they are doing that.


The majority of fans will see a fat lad with a woman's haircut and a stupid accent and wonder why the fuck they can't just be the Hardy Boyz.

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