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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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It's still amazing that Raw routinely is the highest rated show on it's night and it's still dismissed as low rent shite by television advertisers. They don't seem so discerning online though, where a a click is a click. Wrestling is a niche thing but there's loads of us well into it. Must make for great traffic.


The BBC site doesn't have advertising, which helps. And for the commercial magazine sites like Buzzfeed and WhatCulture, I don't think they're selling their ad space on wrestling articles specifically. Or if they are, wrestling would be an easier sell (with a lot more scope) to low-end advertisers who can afford website banner ads and such.


But in television, they have to sell that ad slot time specifically for a wrestling show at prime time. And with wrestling fans being the sort of inbred simpletons who'll chant "one more match" at a bloke who is retiring so his brains don't pour out of his ears, high-end advertising on that broadcast is often a waste of money.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Big money sponsors will gladly pay the coin if people with the money to buy their shit are watching. I remember Seinfeld saying the reason NBC persevered with the show during the first few seasons, despite an overall poor rating number, was due to them attracting a great % of the right people, meaning NBC were able to get good sponsors involved. If that wasn't the case it would have been dropped.


It's a big reason WWE and wrestling finds it hard to get proper telly that pays well, because most channels realise, while it attracts good ratings, it's not really the numbers they're after (ie poor white trash).

Edited by ColinBollocks
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In terms of media coverage, wrestling seems a lot more mainstream than it used to be. Every wrestler death or big PPV makes the proper news sites. It's really just that big institutions are so desperate for hits now that they'll cover any old shite though, isn't it? Well, that and more journalists now being of the early 90s WWF UK mini-boom generation.

That and you know you'll get "engagement". You'll get RTs and views from people who like wrestling and ridicule from people who don't. But at least people will be talking about it. Rather than something about Diving or Netball that people just shrug at.



We had a piece about this in FSM a while back. Short story is that a lot of mainstream websites cover wrestling simply because it gets a lot of clicks, presumably because the more dedicated wrestling audience (if not the TV viewership) is in a net-savvy demographic. It's another reflection of the way the web makes it possible for journalists to know exactly which pieces are being unread, unlike with newspapers.

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What do they base the cost of online ads on? It's not clicks, right? Because I'm pretty sure I've never clicked on a advert online and find it hard to believe anyone does.


The majority of the time, yeah it's pay-per-click. Google raked in $66 billion in 2014 and most of it came through AdWords/AdSense, its PPC platforms. http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/020515/business-google.asp


I'm pretty sure the bulk of Facebook's revenue comes from PPC ads too.


Edited for correction.

Edited by Undefeated Steak
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Back when I ran a forum, all my mates were clicking the ads daily. Pretty sure I'd have been a millionaire by now if Google didn't get onto it, although it might have taken quite a while.

Edited by Benno
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What do they base the cost of online ads on? It's not clicks, right? Because I'm pretty sure I've never clicked on a advert online and find it hard to believe anyone does.

The majority of the time, yeah it's pay-per-click. Google raked in $66 billion in 2014 and most of it came through AdWords/AdSense, its PPC platforms. http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/020515/business-google.asp


I'm pretty sure the bulk of Facebook's revenue comes from PPC ads too.


Edited for correction.

Huh. Well, there you go. I guess after years of using ad blockers and automatically closing any pop up ad on mobile, I assumed everyone else did the same and thus PPC would be worthless.

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Banner display advertising is something I'm working in at the moment for a company in Australia. The ppc / display industry is going through some massive changes at the moment, with targeting / relevancy being so much better that display advertising is becoming financially viable again.


To give you an idea, Australias Average click through rate is currently 0.16%. In other words, every time a advert is viewed 10,000 times, it gets 16 clicks. However, a lot of the success for display is also in it being an awareness tool. I.e. you might not click on a banner ad to buy tickets to Deadpool, but it increases the chances of you going to see it.


Long story short, the company I work for are due to take in $3million on display advertising alone. It's big business.

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