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Richie Freebird

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But if Undertaker came out at a baseball game people would probably piss themselves laughing. That's not what it goes on.


Taker turns up at MMA events and nobody laughs, for what it's worth. He's a bug fucking guy and looks tough.

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The general thrust of this discussion aside Punk really is the wrong guy to send out to a sports arena publicity thing, isn't he?


Send him to ComicCons and stuff, send the meatheads to the sports events. It is another reason he could never have been "The Guy" though.

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Really? Didn't know you wasn't a fan of Punk. :rolleyes:


I haven't really been that critical of Punk I don't think. I've ragged on his look over the past year or whatever which everyone has done. I was critical of the match where he went over Ryback the first time, both the decision and the way the match went where it seemed it was Punk endlessly outsmarting Ryback but then I don't know that Punk had much say in either of them. Although Punk is obviously adored by the company so he probably could have done. Sometimes he's said obtuse things but even then I've suggested that its difficult to tell when Punk's working or not. I'm not entirely convinced that he doesn't know how lucky he's been and how great a push he has had and that he isn't playing to some of the audience's ideas of him and his status in the company. I've used him as a comparison to Cena sometimes to demonstrate my points about how tremedous Cena and his character are because Punk's the most logical people to do that with.


I have Punk's autograph somewhere. I think he's had some belting matches.


My bigger problem has always been with the notion that Punk isn't treated well by the WWE when he's been pushed as the number two guy to Cena. I think any complaints about that are silly really. Cena blows him out of the water in pretty much everything. But you have to be pretty good to get everything he's been given. He was a decent number two. You can tell more about an 'era' (if you want to use such a term) by their number two than their number one.


I'll stop there because this is just a rehash of all of my arguments against Punk really. None of which are particularly critical about him. I'm critical about Jack Evans.* I'm not all that critical about Punk.





*I don't actually like being mean about Jack Evans. I'm sure, like Punk, he's a perfectly amiable enough chap on hsi day when you're havign a cup of tea and a natter while the world goes by. I'd imagine Punk's quite a charmer when he's in the mood to be actually. Jacky boy sadly just irritates me for some reason, like I'm allergic to him. Which is sad because if it wasn't for that I'd probably think he does the cute flippy boy act in a perfectly enticing way.






Not really news but Mistico/Sin Cara was officially released today. Good riddance to the twat.


That whole situation has been quite fascinating really. I think people who watch lucha thought he'd left ages ago because he supposedly appeared in AAA a while back but they were cagey about saying anything about him. He's also done a free show to advertise hsi gym and seems to have accepted dates but then pretended he didn't. Which all happened while he was still on contract. It explains a hell of a lot which is nice because everything surrounding him at the moment is completely confusing.

Edited by Vamp
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In the hope of attracting new fans? It's one of the only ways of increasing business.


So they should cater to non-fans by pushing jacked up monsters who suck at wrestling? :confused:

They're already doing it! They've just had Triple H defend the title against Scott Steiner at the last two PPVs.

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Since you bring that feud up now's as good a time as any to admit this...


I actually quite enjoyed the build up between then with the pose down challenges and what not. People seem to knock the build as much of the matches but I thought they were pretty fun. Probably not what was "good for business" but eh.

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Regarding Sin Cara's release - hasn't he said he's going to be doing bookings as Mistico? much to the annoyance of CMLL


Were did it go wrong for him? Was it simply a case of getting thrown in at the deep end instead of spending 6 months or so in developmental? Or was he just not right for WWE regardless

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Since you bring that feud up now's as good a time as any to admit this...


I actually quite enjoyed the build up between then with the pose down challenges and what not. People seem to knock the build as much of the matches but I thought they were pretty fun. Probably not what was "good for business" but eh.


I thought the build for those matches was pretty much seen by everyone as fantastic? They did the best they could making Steiner look like a monster and HHH a sneaky shit and got round both of their limitations at the time. It all went to shit when they decided to have 20minute+ matches.

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Asking where did it go wrong would imply it was ever going right. I only keep up to date by reading news/show reports but every time I saw him mentioned he was either botching something, getting injured, failing wellness or apparently just being a bit of a dick. There was surely no coming back from the time he forfeited a match because he dislocated a finger. You can imagine how the rest of the locker room must have reacted to that.

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Regarding Sin Cara's release - hasn't he said he's going to be doing bookings as Mistico? much to the annoyance of CMLL


Were did it go wrong for him? Was it simply a case of getting thrown in at the deep end instead of spending 6 months or so in developmental? Or was he just not right for WWE regardless


Presumably his next big port of call, bar working the Mexican Indy scene where he'll probably be able to charge a decent whack at first, will be AAA. He's already supposedly appeared there and they brought in Black Warrior, who's a former mistico rival, seemingly for the sole purpose of a hair vs mask match with Mistico. I don't think they'd have brought him in for anything other than the match with Mistico. Although Mistico vs Perro, who's also having lazy matches in AAA, would be the bigger match if you can get Perro to agree to it. I'm not sure if he actually will use the Mistico name or not. I'm sure he's talked about using the Sin Cara name too and I don't believe he has the rights to either.


As for how it went wrong, there was quite a lot against it going right really. People expected him to be Rey but Rey had an insane amount more experience working in the US than Mistico had when he first came in. Mistico was used to working a certain type of match and wasn't able to adapt. Plus botches are harder to hide in a less improvisational style with guys who aren't used to working with you and your ilk. Chavo was not a lucha guy, and there's very little justification for introducing a whole lot of other lucha guys to get one guy who doesn't speak English and can't do the rounds over. By all reports ego was a big obstacle which you can buy from a guy who in his own country was a massive draw and who comes into a new company relatively bottom of the rung.


Mistico's success in Mexico was down to a lot of factors, including his charisma and ability to draw sympathy. Those skills should translate but with everything else in the way it wouldn't have mattered much anyway. In hindsight I suppose you could say they should have put him in development but that might have just exasperated any ego problems anymore. And they probably wanted to strike while the iron was hot. I don't actually think you can pin the blame to either party.


As for the Steiner build up I was under the impression people ragged on it for being silly and not super serious or the right way to bring a WCW guy in or whatever but maybe I'm just remembering wrongly.

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At the time I hated it just because HHH would talk on endlessly and boringly whilst not even being at the arena and everyone knowing he was injured so he couldn't fight anyway.


This was what I remember thinking at the time - I've not watched it back to see if that is true or valid.

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