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Richie Freebird

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I'd have to imagine the chances of Ross going to TNA would be very slim, despite meeting with Dixie Carter in 2010. Shame as I think he would be a vast improvement on Tenay.


Someone like Ross would have a lot more to offer than just the announce booth

And reportedly, he did want a lot more back when he talked to TNA in 2010. He wanted a major backstage role and Russo gone. Russo is now gone and there's an opening [left by Prichard] in the management structure, particularly on the talent relations side of things which happens to be an area where JR is very good. Money troubles or no money troubles, TNA would be stupid to not approach him. They just have to, if not for anything else at least to see what his asking price may be and if they can afford it. Now, whether or not JR would be interested in going to TNA at this point that's a different matter. He seemed to have *some* interest three years ago but that was then and this is now. Either way, should be interesting to see what he does in the coming months.

Edited by pgi86
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Money troubles or no money troubles, TNA would be stupid to not approach him. They just have to, if not for anything else at least to see what his asking price may be and if they can afford it.

Unless his asking price is "I'll pay you a couple of million a month to let me work there" they probably can't afford it.

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A trusted WWE information source spoke exclusively with WWE Examiner on Monday and dropped what could be a WrestleMania 30 bombshell.


Information leaks have grown so common at WWE, that the company is said to have begun leaking false information to the Web in order to prevent fans from knowing what will play out on WWE programming in advance.


One of these recent misleading leaks, we're told, is that The Undertaker will face off against Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30. Although this match is "definitely" still under consideration, a new main event worthy match is being discussed internally and could be "a done deal" as soon as October.


According to information provided to WWE Examiner this morning, The Ultimate Warrior - a WWE legend who recently rekindled his relationship with WWE and Vince McMahon - is being courted by some in the WWE to have one last match.


The Ultimate Warrior is also said to be a lock on a 2014 WWE Hall of Fame induction.


Individuals in the know say that some within WWE and even inside of Vince McMahon's closest circle of advisers want to see The Ultimate Warrior face off against Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30.


With no current plans for another "nostalgia match" on the card, the WWE may need a former star of The Ultimate Warrior's pedigree to deliver the key element of nostalgia to the monumental 30 year anniversary of WrestleMania.


For now, WWE hasn't officially confirmed the validity of the chatter. But with Warrior still being in "excellent" physical condition, there's a good chance that a Lesnar vs. Warrior match could be a huge draw on the grandest stage in all of sports entertainment next April in New Orleans.


Do you want to see the Ultimate Warrior face Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30?



The page is fucking shit and full of adverts and may as well avoid giving them hits where possible.

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Money troubles or no money troubles, TNA would be stupid to not approach him.

Why? What could be bring to the table now? Jim Ross would be an asset to a new start up with significant backing, but TNA is done. Their perception is dead and they just cant improve on their business. They've tried a million times, and they simply cant get out of the rut they are in. TNA would be stupid to pay a high six figure salary to a bloke who couldn't help them. What TNA needs isn't something JR can provide. They cant afford to keep D'Lo. How could they afford to bring in Ross?


If Spike takes over TNA, renames it and brings in a new president and brings in a new staff and production team (like Heyman said they needed to do), Spike should look into it. But the Carters should be looking to not spend anymore money. And he just simply couldn't go. JR isn't stupid. Why would he open negotiations with a company who is late on paying Hulk fucking Hogan? If Hulk's cheques are late, then JR's aren't going to be at the door 9 sharp.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Courtesy of lordsofpain.net....


Former WWF star Mike Droese, also known as Duke "The Dumpster" Droese, was indicted on charges of selling morphine to undercover authorities earlier today. Droese was arrested this past Friday.


Since retiring from wrestling, Droese was working as a Special Education teacher in Centertown, TN. The arrest has started to make local media in Tennessee.

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Apparently Ireland's Joey Cabray has already been cut from NXT, as has Malik Omari who was formerly Zulu Prince/Warrior over here on the All Star circuit.


Vader's son, Jake Carter has also gone too, apparently.


Yes Joey isn't listed on the NXT roster on the website anymore same for Malik.


Vader's son? Disappointing.


It sounds well but i wondered how long it would take for them to get rid of him. Hopefully back to Japan for him either that or american indies and possibly TNA. Seriously could see him in there and become a main eventer

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