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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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I wonder if WWE will bring Jarrett back in some capacity when his TNA deal is done. Doesn't look like he'll be back in TNA ever again. And judging by his constant appearances in AAA, he must still want to be around the business. Maybe Jarrett will be involved in that AAA USA thing that they are setting up.

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That's a possibility actually. He's been pretty well treated in AAA. Shame Park's gone (for many reasons actually) because we never did get that one on one match between them. I reckon that'd have been pretty great.

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Can't upload it from my phone but Hogan's got an updated picture of his hand on his twitter. It looks like he's put his hand in a blender now, Hulk's slowly becoming that uncle that you hide from your Facebook wall.

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No one walks into WWE on a million pound a year, in this day and age. The only two names out there who might actually challenge that assertion are Angle and possibly Jeff Hardy.


You're certainly not going there with no US profile to speak of and earning that sort of money.

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If the "million dollars" figure isn't complete fiction, it's most likely a translation fuck-up from 1 million pesos, which would be $80,000 dollars, or right around the $75,000 that seems to be a common figure for bottom of the roster guys.

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Jerry Lawler has a theory of what caused his heart attack.

"I have watched the tape of that over and over again, and wrestling sure is different now than when I started," Lawler said. "There is a moment where Dolph Ziggler delivers six or seven elbows to my chest. It was just bang, bang, bang. I think that knocked my heart out of rhythm (something Lawler said his doctors verified could be the case)."


So, Lawler says anytime Ziggler, the current world champion, tells a joke in the locker room, "The King" grins and replies with "you kill me, Dolph! No, literally, you killed me!"

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Do you find anything funny?


Not if Jerry Lawler says it. Heart attack or not, he's one unfunny dullard on Raw who kills the commentary team.

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In all fairness though, Jerry Lawler could have the slimiest shit on the commentary table and then start to eat it on camera and I'd applaud and proclaim it the best ever.

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In all fairness though, Jerry Lawler could have the slimiest shit on the commentary table and then start to eat it on camera and I'd applaud and proclaim it the best ever.


Haha! I'd actually rather he did that than have another go at a joke be mocked or ignored by the other two members of commentary.

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