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Richie Freebird

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I hope this means less Cesaro on telly now until he sorts himself out. Best to pull him from TV for a while until he improves and they get some ideas, in my book. The longer they just send him out there for the sake of it and overexpose him when he's not worth it, the more damage they're doing.

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He's a decent promo, he delivers about what you would expect for a midcard guy, and his wrestling is main event level. I don't know what more people expect from him.

A) For those things to be true instead of dirty lies. He's by no means a decent promo (or if he is, then he's the world's best hider of it), and main event level wrestling is all about connecting with an audience, something he's thus far been totally incapable of in WWE.

B) For "what you would expect from a midcard guy" to have a higher bar, and pushing shitehawks like Cesaro in the midcard is one of the things preventing that.

C) The main thing I'd hope for him to change is for him to just not be the dullest main-show wrestler since DH Smith.

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Any suggestions as to what he could do to become more interesting? I think he's been lumbered with a terrible non-character so far, but I do believe that he has charisma and the ability to get a character over (I'm basing that opinion off what I saw of him before he arrived in WWE). At this stage, maybe pairing him with his old pal Ohno as a proper tag team wouldn't be the worse thing in the world.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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LaGoosh has proposed sticking him with Rhodes and Sandow in a 3 man well educated League of Gentlemen type group before. I don't mind the sound of that, although I like Rhodes Scholars as they are but he could add to them. He's supposed be decent with comedy isn't he, based on his pre-WWE stuff I'm sure I've heard.


Pitcos is right that he's boring in every over facet of his act, but not on being as dull as DH Smith. Because nobody is. Ever. That's a well harsh criticism. Cesaro is pretty handy in the ring and fans do usually end up getting into his matches when he's against a good enough babyface.


If he did join up with Rhodes Scholars I'd want them all kitted up like Sandow, same bright pink or purple tights and a robe. They'd look cracking. Annoys me that Cody doesn't now when they team because he used to wear fairy similar gear and his stuff today is shit. With the lovestache too, he'd look the bollocks.

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I didn't say he's AS dull as DH Smith, just that he's the dullest since!


Arch, loads of wrestlers in modern WWE have been "lumbered with terrible non-characters." Very few of them have embraced that description like Cesaro does. And WWE/Cesaro have tried various things - the rugby deal, the Aksana thing, the Teddy thing, dumping Aksana, five languages, the various anti/pro-US gimmicks, lots of wins in the mid card, competitive losses to main eventers, silly hats, yodelling, Mr Wrestling, German entrance videos... All of which doesn't amount to a consistent character but should, at some points, have led to someone giving a shit about something. Most of the ideas have been bad in concept and he hasn't elevated them one bit. Nothing since the early Teddy stuff has even remotely worked. That much shit, thrown reasonably well, should have seen some wall-sticking. It's easy to see why they've got fed up with him.


I don't have any ideas for him, but if I was WWE, I wouldn't have called him up to TV unless I did or unless he was TV-ready. Sandow very rarely has a story, but he has his gimmick and performs brilliantly enough that he holds interest for a meaningless segment usually. If Cesaro can't do that, either write proper stories for him to make up for his lack of charisma and character, or don't put him on proper telly. I hate the thought of him dragging down Sandow, but a tag team and a guy to play off is probably the best thing to do with a crap wrestler who someone in the company wants on TV. It's done wonders for Tensai, relatively.


A bit of doghouse time might inspire the man, too.

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He's boring as fuck, yeah, but I really don't think he's quite as bad as you're making out. By that I mean he's not really any worse than most of the other midcarders that float around trading wins with each other, whilst doing nothing of any interest. None of the shit they have thrown at the wall has stuck, because it has no substance to it. Five languages? Nobody cares. Rugby player? Not buying that. Flag waving? Done to death. It's tough to make rubbish like that work. I fully agree with your general point that they shouldn't have put him on TV with such a half-baked character behind him, but I do think that you're being a tad harsh on the man.

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He is a good bit worse than the other Raw/Smackdown regulars, and I'd consider him worse than some of the Superstars ghetto crew as well. Although if they'd spent a year getting way too much TV time on the shows I actually watch, I'd probably hate them as much too.

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Cesaro's a weird one. He seems to suck the life out of the room. I never look foreword to a Cesaro match even though they're usually good. He just needs to project himself better in the big room. The only time I wasn't completely passive about the guy is when he was in a suit swinging The Miz about. I thought "this guy I want to see more of". He should wrestle in a suit. I like him just fine as a Main Event (the show) guy to be honest.

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Look at the shit Gimmick Cena was given right at the start of his career. Aside from his first match with Angle it was horrendous, until he found his niche as a Vanilla Ice wannabe. From what I've read, this wasn't something brought up by creative, it was just a chance occurence that someone heard him wrapping on a bus and thought, yeah lets try that.


Same with Randy Orton before he became the legend killer, Babyface Randy was the pits.


I honestly think that's all Cesaro needs, he needs to find that little thing he's good at, something he enjoys and I'll think he could be a massive success. He's already a country mile better in the ring than either Orton or Cena were a year into their WWE careers.


I'd like to see him do well.

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Pitcos hit the nail on the head with this one:


He's by no means a decent promo (or if he is, then he's the world's best hider of it), and main event level wrestling is all about connecting with an audience, something he's thus far been totally incapable of in WWE.


And they have given him loads of chances at developing traits. It's quite unreal how many things they've gave him to try out over the last year. Alright, so they aren't solid gold chances, but a future main-eventer should be able to make the best of these chances. Clearly someone likes him, because when was the last time they gave a midcarder so many characteristics like they have Cesaro?


I don't get people saying Cesaro is a future main-eventer. I like the guy and enjoy his matches most of the time, but I do get the feeling that a lot of people are basing their hopes for Cesaro on his pre-WWE output. They enjoyed him in ROH and other indies and have an inflated view of his worth and now that Punk, Bryan and Aries have broke the indy glass ceiling, they feel that guys like Cesaro and Ohno should be winning titles and main eventing. The same goes for Ambrose (although Ambrose is a great talent, he still has a long way to go before he's ready for a shot at the big time).


And this obsession with teaming him up with Ohno again is mad. It'd be a death sentence for his aspirations.

Edited by Forrest
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