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Richie Freebird

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I've never seen any of Antonio until he came to WWE but that guy is a star isn't he? He's got the look, he's doing well with a gimmick not many people would, his entrance music is class, and he's not put on a bad match I've seen yet. His uppercut and neutralizer are fantastic too.


I fucking love him. But it saddens me that the wwe live audience don't seem to be quite so behind him. That uppercut is beautiful.

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Brilliant news about Mark Henry. His chase and winning of the world title was one of my favourite things ever in wrestling. I want him to have a proper feud with Punk as their mini feud was great and they had a couple of excellent TV matches, but that would probably involve him turning face which I don't really want.

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I've never seen any of Antonio until he came to WWE but that guy is a star isn't he? He's got the look, he's doing well with a gimmick not many people would, his entrance music is class, and he's not put on a bad match I've seen yet. His uppercut and neutralizer are fantastic too.


He's put on some decent little matches (my favorite was one with Santino on Smackdown) but character-wise, he's really struggling. His gimmick is shit but he hasn't elevated it at all, and he gets lots of wins and mic time and nobody gives two wanks about him. Unless he picks things up, he's in danger of WWE getting bored of pushing him to tumbleweed. He's already got one foot in the Superstars grave. Trading wins with Justin Gabriel on Raw isn't doing anything for anyone.

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I agree with Pitcos, I like Cesaro as a wrestler but I do think the character is kind of crap, that's why fans aren't getting behind him, the character isn't dynamic enough. I don't know if he needs to put more in to the character that's the problem or if its just a shit idea

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He's suffering from the contrived nonsense that limits any new wrestler promoted from FCW. Him saying a word in 5 different languages is a nice little idea, but it's hardly ever going to get him much heat - this isn't 1985. His Rugby gimmick is just there for the sake of it, at the minute; the bloke is all over the place. He's got a good look and entrance music though, that's half the battle.


I can see WWE throwing Henry to Sheamus and Ryback, sadly. The bloke showed, last year, that he deserves to be the alpha on any brand.

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He may be good enough, but he's too old and too known to be strategically positioned as the face of either brand, or WWE.Henry may be a great, capable main eventer but if he was going to set buyrates alight he'd probably have done so by now. With Ryback (and possibly Sheamus) they have an opportunity to create a new star that actually makes a difference to business, the way Cena and Batista did. As much as I love Henry, he's never going to do that for them long-term, nor does he have enough years left in him to warrant that.Ultimately, he's a known, settled quantity that can be used in lots of fantastic ways. Henry v Lesnar? But the alpha? I doubt it.

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I get that and don't expect it to happen (hence why I expect him to be fed to Sheamus and Ryback), but as a fan of his work I want him to turn up battering everybody, like he was pre-injury. His domination of Smackdown was good fun.


Vince has apparently lost faith in the big lump anyway, since he keeps getting injured.

Edited by Blackson Jackson
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The problem with Antonio is not only is he doing the tired old "anti-America" gimmick, but that the super serious heel doesn't really suit him. As Claudio Castagnoli, he was always at his best playing a goofy comedic heel who could beat the shit out of you in the ring. His backstage stuff with Chris back in CZW in 2004-5 really reminded me of Edge & Christian but also unique, hilarious and original in their own way.


Apparently when people in the gym used to ask him how he got so big he would tell them that he drank deer blood. That's the type of shit he should be doing on TV. An absurd, egotistical goofball tied in with his anti-America/educated European stuff who will kick the shit ouf of you in the ring. That's a fully fleshed out character that will get crowd reactions.

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I agree with the general consensus here that Cesaro is suffering from the dated anti-America gimmick. His rugby playing bullshit back story adds nothing to his character either, nor does him memorising a word in five different languages and repeating it in front of a live crowd. It's all a bit boring and there's no real conviction to any of the aspects of his character. His physique and overall look is terrific though and long-time fans of his will know that he can really deliver in the ring. He's got the tools, but it's difficult to know what to do with him to be honest.

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He may be good enough, but he's too old and too known to be strategically positioned as the face of either brand, or WWE.


Henry may be a great, capable main eventer but if he was going to set buyrates alight he'd probably have done so by now. With Ryback (and possibly Sheamus) they have an opportunity to create a new star that actually makes a difference to business, the way Cena and Batista did. As much as I love Henry, he's never going to do that for them long-term, nor does he have enough years left in him to warrant that.


Ultimately, he's a known, settled quantity that can be used in lots of fantastic ways. Henry v Lesnar? But the alpha? I doubt it.


He was a top ratings draw on Smackdown. Let him run that shit to the top again.

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The problem is with Cesaro is that they brought him in with no real hype or fan-fare. He did very little then won the US Title out of nowhere. If they want to get him over big-time they need to give the fans a reason to invest in him. Being an ex-rugby player or a USA hater is very 1995 and really won't get over nowadays. I think WWE have devalued the mid-card titles so much that the US belt especially is worthless now. If I was WWE i'd unify the US and IC titles together to at least add a little prestige. Give Cesaro and Kofi long reigns with the belts now up until Mania then have a unification match. Winning at Wrestlemania would give Cesaro a huge boost.

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Persisting with a rubbish character do another five months in the hope that one win over another mid career at WrestleMania will suddenly make him interesting to fans would be a terrible plan. By then, Cesaro will be a year in. If he still hasn't made anyone care before WrestleMania, he won't warrant a place on the bill.

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