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Richie Freebird

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That shouldn't be a consideration for bringing him back. the crowd reactions are going to be predictable from now to Mania. We know what they hate. Bryan being back doesn't make a difference. Give him something intereting to do and roll with it. They've fuck all else.

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I dunno, the crowd didn't seem too fussed about him not being in the main event last year. They tolerated him in the ladder match with Brock battering Reigns for the title. If they stick him in a 'dream match' against someone, the fans will be happy with that I think.


Kane would be a good bet... :cry:

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If they stick him in a 'dream match' against someone, the fans will be happy with that I think.


Styles? Owens would also work but given that he's been in WWE for a while now it wouldn't have quite the same "wow, this is happening in WWE ring" factor.

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Is it not possible to have some legally binding document made that somebody in Bryan's position could sign, that says something along the lines of "I am well aware WWE's doctor does not approve my current medical position and take these risks of my own free will" ? Thus keeping WWE in the clear.


Not sure how that might hold up in court though.

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Is it not possible to have some legally binding document made that somebody in Bryan's position could sign, that says something along the lines of "I am well aware WWE's doctor does not approve my current medical position and take these risks of my own free will" ? Thus keeping WWE in the clear.


Not sure how that might hold up in court though.


You mean a waiver?


I don't think I've ever heard of such things being used except in kayfabe scenarios, e.g. "unsanctioned" street fights and whatnot.

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For one thing, I don't think it's possible to sign away liability like that. If it was, dodgy builders could just get their black market labourers to sign a health and safety waiver.


For another, if the waiver ever came up in a court case, it's presumably because Bryan has suffered mental or physical problems from continuing to work after already having multiple concussions. If that happens, the lawyers would probably argue that the damage was already serious enough that he was already in no fit state to sign such a waiver.

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Yeah, that was the only thing I thought of (that should he actually have some sort of mental damage it wont hold up), but was just wondering. 


I just presumed for legal reasons a waiver would be the right way to go. I might be wrong, but hospitals use waivers on occasion to say you can't sue them.

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So...WWE own Daniel Bryan then?

Surely nobody has the right to permanently freeze your contract...


Yeah, I think it's one of those contractual things WWE do that would collapse in a court of law, but always get away with simply because talent never challenge it.

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Half the stuff they have is just to slow people down, and force them to go to court/make them spend some money. With Mysterio, it was more that (IIRC), the contracts auto-renew if you don't give your notice, but then you're not getting paid because you're refusing/cant work, thus "breaching" contract with them.

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