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Richie Freebird

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PWInsider have done an update today explaining why Lana didn't appear on the weekend's house shows ...


"Lana missed the shows as production has started on the new WWE Studios film "Interrogation" which stars WWE Hall of Famer Adam 'Edge' Copeland"


She could be playing a Russian character of course, but if she isn't it will be interesting to see how they handle her being in it using her real American accent if clips are shown on Raw & SmackDown.

Then again, when they did it for that Xmas film Santino appeared in last year he did not speak in the clips they showed.


The Lana character pretending to be American to get a movie role could lead to a fun storyline if she is still the anti-American figure when it gets released.

But if they only just started filming who knows what her & Rusev will be up to when that time comes.

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Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere, but Spike have been in talks with RoH, doesn't sound like it's progressed too far at this stage but discussions have taken place: https://twitter.com/wnwdotcom/status/577475183499296768


I'm a bit out of the loop these days, are RoH already beyond TNA in terms of size now? How likely would this be to push them beyond that level if they're not there already? Viacom have certainly been throwing money at Bellator of late.

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This would surely see them overtake TNA in no time (or even instantly) as well as clarify them as a bigger force than Lucha Underground. This would be a huge deal for them, TNA were nothing without that TV deal and they're a shadow of their former self now with the Destination America slot. Spike has a much wider availability, don't forget Raw was on there for a while.


At the moment, I think it's all open to be #2 (if such thing should even exist, probably not) because- unless I'm wrong- TNA, ROH and Lucha have a similar available coverage reach for their shows.


Anyway, you could read that snippet as them saying 'probably can't be fucked with wrestling again'.

Edited by PunkStep
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Can't forget ROH are already owned by a Broadcaster so you'd expect of anything came of it, this would mean additional content on Spike, rather than a new home for their existing show.


Most likely scenario sounds like the odd tv special similar to a Bellator schedule, in lieu of their ippv's. Spike TV has just launched over here so that'd be great if it happened.

Edited by Benno
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Meltzer said a week or two ago that Spike want Friday nights to be their special live sports time. They have Bellator and the excellent Glory, currently, and will have ROH on once a month when they're not showing Bellator or Glory.


Meltzer also said the talks aren't too serious as well.

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Yeah Meltzer did suggest that but the full quote from the Spike bod seems to put that idea to rest:


Kay stated: “I’m not sure there is a deal there. We’re just kind of getting to know each other. . . . I think for Spike, the big question is, do we want to get into the professional wrestling business in any way? And I don’t have the answer to that yet. I don’t know that we’re going to do anything there, but if we do something, it’s probably not part of ‘Friday Night Lights Out.’ We want to keep that for real sports.

Is a shame if they see it like that because of all the fake fighting companies, ROH is a brand you could probably make fit around a combat sports block.

Edited by Benno
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Just heard a story and saw various pictures tweeted from a group of guys who all sat in the front row facing the hard camera on Raw last night. Basically they all dressed up as wrestlers, for example I spotted Macho Man, Jake the Snake, Hogan etc.


At some point later in the show they were informed to remove the costumes, given various Cena merchandise to wear then posted sad looking pictures of what happened.


Unless you turn up wearing Pro IS shirts then I can assume anything goes! Darts sprung to mind when seeing the characters all dressed up. What the fuck has happened to this company who feel the need to inform a group of paying customers, paying homage to past stars that you tell them to take them off. Jesus Christ this whole company is a bloody joke now.

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They were probably mugging and drawing attention to themselves rather than in-ring action. Trying to get themselves over. I'd have done the same thing. Also, they got free merch.

Edited by PowerButchi
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They absolutely were doing that, Butch.


You can see the wisdom, any director of any live show would move the shot if there was a distraction from the action; when it's not possible to move the shot, you move the distraction.

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Happens all the time. No big deal. I was sat behind someone in the front row at a Smackdown and he was in fancy dress and after the first match he was told he couldn't wear it and they gave him 3 or 4 tshirts. Trouble was it was an all in one costume, so he had to put a tshirt on over it.

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Didn't expect Dave Mastiff to pop up on my Twitter feed this aft. Especially not in a BBC Sport tweet. Behave posted a short video titled "Wrestling: The rise of the sport in Britain" with description "BBC Sport looks at the rise of professional wrestling in Britain, as a thriving independent scene is growing across the country."


Some good coverage for Jim Smallman. Wonder if Simon Cowell's seen it?



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