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I actually gave this a go earlier on. Not getting down on Ring of Honor to much because I dont watch it to much, but way its set up looks 100 times worse than when it was on HD Net. One thing I liked of about ROH was the red and the black colour scheme. ROH seemed to look really colourful when it was on HD Net. The lack of flashy onscreen graphics and the bright red damages it. One thing I do like though, is that it looks like there are far more people in the building that what there actually is. But the production values for a TV show are the pits. Kevin Kelly is so fucking shite. And he's all over this show. He commentates, interviews, does a bit of fan interaction. If your going to have a announcer who is all over TV, you need a Gene Okerlund who can play the professional behind the headset, have credibility over the microphone and has enough wit to add something different when he's onscreen for the 1000 time. I've forgotten how crap he is. This must be some kind of vanity project, because I seen way to much of him. Desmond Wolfe is great though. He's really good on commentary I thought. The main event was alright as well. But, it doesnt say much for your World Champion when Kevin Kelly's putting his neck out bending over to stick the microphone in his face to talk.


Another thing I just fucking hate, is the hollier than thou bollocks that the promotion puts out there. Cornette's lost so much credibility with me, because everything he says about ROH he said about TNA. He fucking LOVED TNA. "The new face of pro wrestling: TNA Impact!" and all that bollocks. Who is to say he isnt just in ROH to sniff jock straps like when he was in the other promotions he couldnt stand working for. Lagana, Juster, Cornette and Kelly are only in ROH because no other company will touch them. One wanted Kevin Thorn to suck him off, one threatens to kill people via e-mail and another one has been trying to get a job with TNA for years.

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Desmond Wolfe looked a bit rough. His eyes had that Kurt Angle glazed over thing, like he wasn't there. Good job that shades are part of his gimmick.


I agree with Ian that Kevin Kelly was on too much and him towering over Davey Richards made Richards look ridiculous, not a great first impression for new viewers. Granted, I thought they did their best to make him look like something special.


I liked the 'geek' tag team at the start. Their look is perfect for the gimmick and they're really easy to hate. Better than the bland lads they were facing.

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Desmond Wolfe looked a bit rough. His eyes had that Kurt Angle glazed over thing, like he wasn't there. Good job that shades are part of his gimmick.


I agree with Ian that Kevin Kelly was on too much and him towering over Davey Richards made Richards look ridiculous, not a great first impression for new viewers. Granted, I thought they did their best to make him look like something special.


I liked the 'geek' tag team at the start. Their look is perfect for the gimmick and they're really easy to hate. Better than the bland lads they were facing.


yes, they are a little boring but their matches make up for that!

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Desmond Wolfe looked a bit rough. His eyes had that Kurt Angle glazed over thing, like he wasn't there. Good job that shades are part of his gimmick.


I agree with Ian that Kevin Kelly was on too much and him towering over Davey Richards made Richards look ridiculous, not a great first impression for new viewers. Granted, I thought they did their best to make him look like something special.


I liked the 'geek' tag team at the start. Their look is perfect for the gimmick and they're really easy to hate. Better than the bland lads they were facing.


yes, they are a little boring but their matches make up for that!

Yeah but if you have no investment in someones character then you have no interest in watching them wrestle. The only reason I was bothered about their match was to see if the 'geek' team were any good. They were the stand outs for me.

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  • Paid Members
Desmond Wolfe looked a bit rough. His eyes had that Kurt Angle glazed over thing, like he wasn't there. Good job that shades are part of his gimmick.


I agree with Ian that Kevin Kelly was on too much and him towering over Davey Richards made Richards look ridiculous, not a great first impression for new viewers. Granted, I thought they did their best to make him look like something special.


I liked the 'geek' tag team at the start. Their look is perfect for the gimmick and they're really easy to hate. Better than the bland lads they were facing.


yes, they are a little boring but their matches make up for that!

Yeah but if you have no investment in someones character then you have no interest in watching them wrestle. The only reason I was bothered about their match was to see if the 'geek' team were any good. They were the stand outs for me.

Just got finished watching the first match. Loads of Futureshocks offence was fucking awful. Loads of wrestling offence is contrived, but at least give my suspension of disbelief a chance.


edit: Fuck this, I'm going to watch some 1999 wcw.

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