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Nash and the nWo

quote the raven

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Apart from that bald spot.

Well, thats what the bandana's for. He's perfected the art of being able to bump with the bandana on and having it never slip an inch. It must be tight around his head. Either than or he's actually got the hair attached to the bandana.


He has got a curable form of Hebatitis C though. So with time, he'll make a full recovery. I'm not holding my breath of a comeback of course, but you never know. One day he could be back. There's more chance of him returning than Scott Hall I imagine. Your spot on about the Finlay role though. X-Pac's style of wrestling is the mold of what Vince wants his wrestlers to be. X-Pac for Chikara is different from X-Pac in TNA and even more different than the X-Pac in WWE. He does what the promotion's style demands. He works with the companies ringstyle, he doesnt try and get himself over by doing anything the road agents dont want you to do. He's underrated in how smart and how different he can be depending on what the promotion wants out of him. He'd be a better trainer than most wrestlers about, because he broke the mold in WWF/WWE if you think about it? Nobody as small and as skinny as him captured Vince's imagination like the 123 Kid did. The advice he could be giving to the likes of Evan Bourne and Sin Cara would be priceless. And strangly enough, for how unpopular he is on the internet, I dont think I've read anything about people hating him in real life? Rock, Austin, Hogan, Triple H, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker all the way down the likes of Mike Quackenbush and Bryan Alvarez think he's an awesome guy in real life. I'm glad he's doing well for himself.

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Well, thats what the bandana's for. He's perfected the art of being able to bump with the bandana on and having it never slip an inch. It must be tight around his head. Either than or he's actually got the hair attached to the bandana.


He has got a curable form of Hebatitis C though. So with time, he'll make a full recovery. I'm not holding my breath of a comeback of course, but you never know. One day he could be back. There's more chance of him returning than Scott Hall I imagine. Your spot on about the Finlay role though. X-Pac's style of wrestling is the mold of what Vince wants his wrestlers to be. X-Pac for Chikara is different from X-Pac in TNA and even more different than the X-Pac in WWE. He does what the promotion's style demands. He works with the companies ringstyle, he doesnt try and get himself over by doing anything the road agents dont want you to do. He's underrated in how smart and how different he can be depending on what the promotion wants out of him. He'd be a better trainer than most wrestlers about, because he broke the mold in WWF/WWE if you think about it? Nobody as small and as skinny as him captured Vince's imagination like the 123 Kid did. The advice he could be giving to the likes of Evan Bourne and Sin Cara would be priceless.

That's a cracking idea, Sin Cara working a program with X-Pac for a couple of months. It's exactly what Mistico needs tbh. Just a shame it won't happen anytime soon.


For all the Nash knocking, they need to send him down to FCW and tell all the big lads how to work as a big man. Too many of them act like a Chris Jericho.

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Well, thats what the bandana's for. He's perfected the art of being able to bump with the bandana on and having it never slip an inch. It must be tight around his head. Either than or he's actually got the hair attached to the bandana.


He has got a curable form of Hebatitis C though. So with time, he'll make a full recovery. I'm not holding my breath of a comeback of course, but you never know. One day he could be back. There's more chance of him returning than Scott Hall I imagine. Your spot on about the Finlay role though. X-Pac's style of wrestling is the mold of what Vince wants his wrestlers to be. X-Pac for Chikara is different from X-Pac in TNA and even more different than the X-Pac in WWE. He does what the promotion's style demands. He works with the companies ringstyle, he doesnt try and get himself over by doing anything the road agents dont want you to do. He's underrated in how smart and how different he can be depending on what the promotion wants out of him. He'd be a better trainer than most wrestlers about, because he broke the mold in WWF/WWE if you think about it? Nobody as small and as skinny as him captured Vince's imagination like the 123 Kid did. The advice he could be giving to the likes of Evan Bourne and Sin Cara would be priceless. And strangly enough, for how unpopular he is on the internet, I dont think I've read anything about people hating him in real life? Rock, Austin, Hogan, Triple H, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker all the way down the likes of Mike Quackenbush and Bryan Alvarez think he's an awesome guy in real life. I'm glad he's doing well for himself.

100% agree on this, Ian. There were many reasons Tajiri said during the cruiserweight years that he was the best in the division. He has that amazing little ability to connect with the fans without them realising... you know, being a worker. Hes not quite HBK but he is still better than 70% of the workers out there.

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I often see Xpac talking about going down to FCW on twitter. Does he do training down there? Or just kinda lend a hand here and there? I love X-Pac, he comes across like a great bloke in all his shoots. The one he did with RF he was talking for so long he ended up apologising several times, stating that he just loved to talk about wrestling. They could do with more guests like him on their shoots.

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I often see Xpac talking about going down to FCW on twitter. Does he do training down there? Or just kinda lend a hand here and there? I love X-Pac, he comes across like a great bloke in all his shoots. The one he did with RF he was talking for so long he ended up apologising several times, stating that he just loved to talk about wrestling. They could do with more guests like him on their shoots.


I just watched his YouShoot last night and he was great. He didn't get bored or pissed off with questions and he answered everything they threw at him. Really impressed, and I'd love to see the RF one now.

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I just watched his YouShoot last night and he was great. He didn't get bored or pissed off with questions and he answered everything they threw at him. Really impressed, and I'd love to see the RF one now.


That's one of the reasons I've always like him, and Nash and Hall as well. They love wrestling, love it. They love talking about it, they drag their arses around shitty indy shows to help their mates in the industry, they watch old wrestling tapes in their spare time. They are incredibly wise as to its limitations, and the fact that it's a business, but they still dabble even if financially they need never go near a ring again.


Waltman and Hall both, if clean, would make excellent trainers and road agents, and Nash would make a great booker (or "creative team member" as they're called nowadays). Now that the era of HHH has arrived, hopefully this is all possible.


I've sort of been waiting for this for years, I've realised - I think HHH's increased importance in WWE will reap dividends for the quality of their stuff in the long term.

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I often see Xpac talking about going down to FCW on twitter. Does he do training down there? Or just kinda lend a hand here and there?


Apparently he's one of the best judges of talent in wrestling or something, that's why in the 90's they'd always put new people in with him and gauge his opinion after it. If that's the case, him going to do FCW now and again to take a look is only a good thing.

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I must admit, back in 2001 or so I used to hate X-Pac. I think the 'X-pac heat' phenomenon actually was real at the time too.


In 2011 though, I agree with what Ian said earlier about a possible role with WWE. He would fit in pretty nicely with a role during this Nash/Triple H thingamijig as well.

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Definately a long shot, but does anyone think that this will eventually end up with the DX vs NWO match that has been talked about for years? With Nash/X-Pac (Or even Hall if he can get himself healthy) vs HHH & HBK with HHH pleading with his old buddy to come out of retirement for one final match?

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I must admit, back in 2001 or so I used to hate X-Pac. I think the 'X-pac heat' phenomenon actually was real at the time too.


In 2011 though, I agree with what Ian said earlier about a possible role with WWE. He would fit in pretty nicely with a role during this Nash/Triple H thingamijig as well.

Yeh I'd agree with this, especially around the whole X-Factor era I couldn't stand him, and it's only in the last few years since I started watching a lot of his shoots and reading interviews with him that I realised how knowledgeable and passionate he is about wrestling still. Must admit I'm looking forward to his documentary.

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And strangly enough, for how unpopular he is on the internet, I dont think I've read anything about people hating him in real life? Rock, Austin, Hogan, Triple H, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker all the way down the likes of Mike Quackenbush and Bryan Alvarez think he's an awesome guy in real life. I'm glad he's doing well for himself.


He's not unpopular at the moment though, not since he did that CHIKARA show. He's always had the skills, although I do think the net's new love affair with him is mainly nostalgia and that'll fade if he starts appearing every week. That's not about your opinion by the way, as you talk about liking him before then. But in other corners of the dark and gloomy interweb.


I will say that if they did bring him back I don't think there's much use in him being in a top angle, such as getting involved in an angle with DX and so forth. Actually, he might be better of staying where he is now. He could work with the development talents before they get on the main roster, doesn't have the added pressure of the bright lights which might not be favourable to him and doesn't have half the schedule to try and deal with.

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If they want something to help kickstart their new tag division, they could bring X-pac to team with Kane again. Bring back the Outlaws too, even if it's just for 3 or 4 months. That would spark a bit of interest among the twenty somethings anyway, and they'd all be good enough to grab the attention of kids who aren't familiar with them. Shame that Scott Hall's a fat alchie wreck, otherwise we could have had the Outsiders also.


I've always felt that the WWE should be making use of stars from the past who can still go. Whether it's short runs, or even just one night shots to do the job when they're in their home town for a taping. I know it's never been the way the WWF/E's worked as they've always preferred to stick with their full time contracted roster, but it would certainly freshen things up and create an air of unpredictibility around the shows, as well as some great moments for the fans. Steamboat and Jannetty for example, have shown it can work and be memorable, without hurting anyone.

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I've always felt that the WWE should be making use of stars from the past who can still go. Whether it's short runs, or even just one night shots to do the job when they're in their home town for a taping. I know it's never been the way the WWF/E's worked as they've always preferred to stick with their full time contracted roster, but it would certainly freshen things up and create an air of unpredictibility around the shows, as well as some great moments for the fans. Steamboat and Jannetty for example, have shown it can work and be memorable, without hurting anyone.


I think that

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