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Crazy wcw angles


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Just watched the Hogan darkside video on the you youtube page. and thought about the dumb angles in wcw! which are your favorites?

some of mine include!


The West Texas Rednecks v Master Ps Jabronies....How did anyone think Curt Hennig and country music would be despised in the south against a rap group?

they gave him Rap is Crap (which i admit i loved) and had him stand up on his own against about 20 goons! Master P was shit too as was Swoll and the other dickheads


The Yeti. Or as Tony Shivonie put it The Yehhhhhhhttttaaaa - he wasnt a Yeti he was a mummy (enough said!).


the Shockmaster- funniest thing ever in wrestling tho.


i know all this is on wrestlecrap but lets discuss the stupidness of a stupid (and sometimes brilliant) promotion.

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God this thread could go on for ages. Just a few quickies from me:


- What have leather jackets, pinatas, Judith Bagwell and Viagra all have in common? They have all been involved in "On-A-Pole" matches. All pretty bad.


- I remember Vampyro having blood coming down from the ceiling in those blood baths he used to do and the commentator's referred to is as "red liquid" all the time.


- I know it get's knocked throughout wrestling, but the whole Russo era of WCW was great for me (in a so bad it's so good way).

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Just watched the Hogan darkside video on the you youtube page. and thought about the dumb angles in wcw! which are your favorites?

some of mine include!



the Shockmaster- funniest thing ever in wrestling tho.



So it's the big booking meeting. We've signed Tugboat... What to do..?


I know we'll wrap him in a cheap fur rug and slap a glittery stormtrooper helmet on him. What the fuck possesed Dusty to even BEGIN to think that would work?

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Getting Eddy to cut a "shoot" promo about throwing coffee on himself but ending it by saying "you can take this job and shove it up your you know what."



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perry saturn in a dress - enough said.....

That was class. The best thing Saturn ever did. He was more over then than he ever was. It was a whole new take on 'wrestler wears a dress'. Jericho beat him and Jericho laughed because he wore a dress. Saturn liked wearing the dress and wouldnt take it off. Jericho then demanded a match where if Jericho won Saturn would have to stop wearing the dress. Thats fucking awesome!


Roddy Piper vs Earthquake and two fat blokes is possibly the worst thing I've ever watched in wrestling. The fans shit on it so much. Even the most abysmal angles arent boring. At least Katie Vick and Kane was a talking point and you had to stick with it until the end to see just how bad it was going to get. And David Arquette as awful as that was, it only lasted about 3 minutes. Piper vs these lads went on for-fucking-ever. You should all find it on youtube and see how bad it is. I was actually listening to an interview with Disco Inferno where he said Hulk Hogan invited the whole WCW roster into his private locker room just to sit there and see how bad it was. Scott Hall supposedly did a running commentary over the whole segment. Eric Bischoff sat there with his head in his hands. Then Hogan went out and buried the whole segment in a promo just to get a laugh out of the boys. Disco says its the one thing people always held up when a shit idea was brought up. They would say "it cant be worse than the Piper thing".


EDIT: Here it is:



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Is that the piper thing pre Uncensored 1997 where he is looking for team mates? I have that somewhere at home and it is horrible. Interesting to see Luther Reigns there as one of the opponents.


I can think of many more horrible WCW angles, moments and matches. Although I quite like some of the mid russo era stuff (Apr 2000 - Aug 2000) after that and before that is when it was silly.


Sid Vs Nash powerbomb match where Nash won because he told the ref he had powerbombed sid


Roddy piper coming out on the same PPV to screw bret out of the WCW belt ala Montreal


Pretty much most of 1999 was the worst of WCW for me bar spring stampede. Thats when it really felt like WCW had suddenly gone past it as everyone was the same on top just phoning it in




The Chamber of Horrors clusterfuck

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The Desperados were a strange angle. Dirty Dutch, Black Bart and someone else (I think he was called Dead Eye Dick or something) were looking for Stan Hansen with HILARIOUS CONSEQUENCES, then Stan Hansen said "I'm not feeling it, brother" and then it was quashed and the Desperados were squashed.


One of their promos -

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The Desperados were a strange angle. Dirty Dutch, Black Bart and someone else (I think he was called Dead Eye Dick or something) were looking for Stan Hansen with HILARIOUS CONSEQUENCES, then Stan Hansen said "I'm not feeling it, brother" and then it was quashed and the Desperados were squashed.


One of their promos -

Yeah, it was Deadeye Dick who was Randy 'Moondog Rex' Culley.

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