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What's the most cringe-worthy thing you've done...


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Nice one, Was talking to my missus about a toy I got for Xmas when I was about 7. It was a tool box. A proper toolbox, just all in child sizes. it all worked. I used the saw to cut our bannister rail in half. My Mum couldn't even scream at me, she bought me it.


How the fuck did that one get past health and safety??!!

Just found out you can still buy it. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B001A9R...;pf_rd_i=468294


Bad parenting was the problem in my house.

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i just remembered another


me and the guys had been drinking (this was a recurring theme until a few years ago), and we decided upon a quaint little game. This was in the ealry 00's and the takeaways hadnt macked on yet to witheld numbers etc. We had a mate who used to be abit of an easy target really and one night we had a masterstroke. I had a list of wrestlers real names, so we waited for it to get to 10 o'clock at night and then every 15 minutes until 1am we ordered cash on delivery takeaways to his house under different wrestlers real names. There were so many in the area that we must have done over 50. He was getting deliveries for


terry Bollea

Jim hellwig

Steve Borden

ted Dibiase

Jim neidhart



by now its 1am and we were really hammered, so hammered infact that we thought we'd up the ante. One of our mates had just come back from france and had brought back a shedload of industrial sized cherry bomb bangers. we celotaped them together to make a bomb just slightly bigger than an apple. Now he lived in a small'ish house and lived in the top roofspace which had a skylight. His was an end house and had a park next to it, so about 4am we went to the park and scaled this tree. Now he used to smoke in his room so he had the skylight always open, and our mate was well into basketball and a great shot. Well you guessed it, Mr Cherry Bomb went through that skylight and went off like a million fire works as we ran home. The next day we saw him he looked really tried and withdrawn and regailed us with this horror story of the night before of the takeaways that wouldnt stop coming and a bomb coming through his window. He never knew it was us and never did find out.

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on second thoughts that wasnt cringeworthy just a prank


i remember being about 8 or 9 and getting my Mum to let me walk to the shops with her in a black pair of tracksuit bottoms and a pink girls vest that i had got hold of (dont remember how) , which i had drawn a (badly done) hart on as i wanted to be in the Hart Foundation!


another classic of mine was (and i dont know what posessed me to do it, as i wasnt 12, nor was i on drugs, however i was drinking) when i was 18 and i went to a strip club carrying the replica WCW BGB title with which i tried to convince the girls there that i'd just won it (presumably to make me look special). i did get a few free dances so i can take it that they either a) believed me entirely or b) rather more plausibly they thought the'd be kind to the nice retard!


other f**k up inc:


trying to blade when 16 to see if it was how they did it (i got an old stanley blade,broke abit off and tried to do a small bit). first time didnt get anything so next time i tried abit harder. end result claret everywhere and probbaly should have had a stictch


Going to a fancy dress party as Ric flair dressed in a skanky old bath robe (which mum was gonna chuck), red speedo's, red knee wraps (didnt have pads) and a WCW replica gold belt which was actually my drawking on cardboard with foil stuck to it. I thought it looked cool, it didnt (you know its bad, when your mum who'll say anything you've done looks good, questions your judgement), and i turned up to a party in which i was 11 and the rest were all 16-17 accept my mate (it was his brothers bday). we basically spent the whole night being picked on by Frosty jack fuelled teenagers/


having a fake wrestling match with a kid who just didnt get it. i asked him to hit me, he did, full force and i started crying (was 10, and had a black eye for weeks)


waking up next to a minger after a hellacious bender, and finding out i'd given my name as Kevin Nash, which i then had to explain when i didnt answer to it and then stupidly gave my real name (as i thought she was being thick)


Being so w******d that i got refused entry to a nightclub and threatened to bring the nWo over etc. had to leg it off when realised that the bouncer thought the nWo was like some gang and they'd rang the police.


nearly orgasming when Hulk threw Rock down and posed at WM old school style. I was such a mark, even at 22-23


drawing pictures of wrestlers in my school books and then having to have a "ahem" talk with the teachers and my Mum as they were disturbed as to why i was drawing pictures of muscled men in speedo's - they obviously thought i wa seither gay or pervy or god knows what (remember this was like 1989)

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mate i was a nightmare in my youth, all the way until 29 really. It took the passing of my mother to sort me out.


i did do so many stupid things. Even silly sh*t like phone All-Star up when pissed at about 5 am (when i was training wrestling) and telling them id given em

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This thread is timely really, because I'm currently watching 1996 Raw and Nitro, which is reminding me of how cool wrestling used to (seem to) be. I'm almost tempted to go and buy an NWO t-shirt. If I did, I'd only wear it around the home and when popping down the shop etc., but if I did, I'd definitely feel that I was very cool in it and that other people probably envied my coolness. It's funny that strange effect that wrestling has.....

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ghosh there all coming back now


i was really working hard at the time, and was taking all the creatine, protein powders even the 19-nor andro pro-hormone sh*t that was legal in 2001/2. I was about 215lbs and had worked my arms up quite well. i was going through my 'scott steiner' appreciation phase, and was sporting crew cut, and goattee now (not dyed i may add) , i was wearing a muscle top in this club and a mate of mine brought these 2 girls over he just started talking to. Stupidly (and i do me stupidly) i arrogantly blurted out "kiss the biceps" to one of them whilst doing a double bicep pose. Frankly disgusted the girls walked off, i looked like a tit, and my mate walked off aghast at how i had just ruined a great opportunity.


years later we were wtaching TNA and Steine rdid a similar thing during an interview. My mate brought it up and then spent 10 minutes telling me how fit the girls i f****d off were1

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one of my biggest sucesses in college was also a bit cringeworthy as, for a business project, i come up with a business plan to open a wrestling merchandise store based in liverpool city centre. had it all planned out about what items to sell, how many floors, staff, wages, name and logo. my tutor was impressed and gave me a distinction for it but the last couple of years ive thought about it and felt embarressed (and im only talking about 2008 here when i was 23, im 26 this year)

A friend of mine and I did this last year in College and a got a distinction for it too, our talk of targetted demographics and branch of merchandise was probably just a lot more enthusiastic than the group who did their project on a Go-Kart track....there's only so much that can be said.


Off topic but we had to do something like this at University, I picked an ice cream van as I could fill the word limit on seasonal variance in demand and budget analysis and crap like that while every one else struggled with something that might actually want to do.


Why anyone would actually choose to do a presentation on pro wrestling for a school project is beyond me.

Unless they were either 10 years old or a bit soft in the head of course.


I recall I did something in school on wrestling, it was something about differentiating a product for different markets so I think I compared wrestling, ECW and WWF or something. Like most work I did at this time it was on time but half arsed. One trainee guy loved wrestling on that coarse, he saw us looking at pics of scott hall on some TNA show from 04 and asked if it was Razor Ramon and he would slide in the odd reference, including a guess the event bit in a quiz.


Was talking to my missus about a toy I got for Xmas when I was about 7. It was a tool box. A proper toolbox, just all in child sizes. it all worked. I used the saw to cut our bannister rail in half. My Mum couldn't even scream at me, she bought me it.


How the fuck did that one get past health and safety??!!


I had one of those, I wrote "(my name's) tule box" on it and spent many hours just cutting bits of wood and knocking nails in them all bent. I tried to make a model submarine, it was shit.

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I'd imagine the choose your adventure books that were popular with members on here would be the Fighting Fantasy series by Jackson and Livingstone. Talisman of Death was my particular favourite.


I liked House Of Hell, although I'm sure it was impossible to finish the bloody thing.


Amateurs. I used to write my own RPG, and even published it. That's what all the cool cats were doing back in the 80s.

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I'd imagine the choose your adventure books that were popular with members on here would be the Fighting Fantasy series by Jackson and Livingstone. Talisman of Death was my particular favourite.


I liked House Of Hell, although I'm sure it was impossible to finish the bloody thing.


Amateurs. I used to write my own RPG, and even published it. That's what all the cool cats were doing back in the 80s.


I was only bloody 12 in 1989, I'll have you know :angry:


I remember being really scared shitless by one of those FF books, can't remember which one, where I had to cut off my own leg to survive some kind of fall - only to get killed on the next page. Sadists!

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I sometimes walk round the super market tagging random cereal boxes/baked bean cans like a 1980's babyface for my own amusement.


I do that on fences when there's no-one around, pretending I'm '97 Luger.


When I was 9 I did something pretty cringeworthy. Me and my friend at the time Wayne were the Tag Team THE SHOOTING STARS! (2010 me would love to go back in time and give 1993 me a winding for hanging about with a speccy four eyes called Wayne who took his butties to school in a Vitalite tub. However fate has already kicked Wayne's arse, after his fat ex left him with her kids which aren't his and fucked off to some old man's in Newcastle Upon Tyne.) I was SUPERSTAR GAZ, and he was FLYING ZOOMING WAYNE (My nickname was far better than his, his makes no sense) and we devised our own ring music.


To the Tune of Johnny B Badd's WCW music.



#and flying zooming wayne#


I can't remember the rest of it, which is a blessing. We had some facepaints as well. Yellow, Red and Blue. Instead of having cool designs, I pretty much slapped the Romanian Flag on my face in non toxic stuff. Gavin wanted to join us, but we wouldn't let him. Wasn't room for three in the Shooting Stars. And it goes on from there. I'd go around his house and we'd draw pictures of ourselves as giant muscle men, twatting the likes of Well Dunn and Jacob and Eli Blu and teams of that ilk.


It was all incredibly sad, but luckily I started playing Mini Rugby when I was 10 and got out of that whole unfortunate phase of my life.

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Oh yeah! Speaking of directory enquires...


When I was young I once got international directory enquries to put me through to Stu Hart in Calgary. I didn't really think it would be the same Stu Hart. So, Stu answers all tired and groggy because it's the afternoon here and the middle of the night over there. He's mumbling a lot and so Martha takes the phone off him and asks me who I am and what do I want? I blather something about being a big fan of the Hart's, she says thank you but it's very late, call back another time. I never did.


I imagine the phone bill wasn't pretty.

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When I was 9 I did something pretty cringeworthy. Me and my friend at the time Wayne were the Tag Team THE SHOOTING STARS! (2010 me would love to go back in time and give 1993 me a winding for hanging about with a speccy four eyes called Wayne who took his butties to school in a Vitalite tub. However fate has already kicked Wayne's arse, after his fat ex left him with her kids which aren't his and fucked off to some old man's in Newcastle Upon Tyne.) I was SUPERSTAR GAZ, and he was FLYING ZOOMING WAYNE (My nickname was far better than his, his makes no sense) and we devised our own ring music.


To the Tune of Johnny B Badd's WCW music.



#and flying zooming wayne#


I can't remember the rest of it, which is a blessing. We had some facepaints as well. Yellow, Red and Blue. Instead of having cool designs, I pretty much slapped the Romanian Flag on my face in non toxic stuff. Gavin wanted to join us, but we wouldn't let him. Wasn't room for three in the Shooting Stars. And it goes on from there. I'd go around his house and we'd draw pictures of ourselves as giant muscle men, twatting the likes of Well Dunn and Jacob and Eli Blu and teams of that ilk.


It was all incredibly sad, but luckily I started playing Mini Rugby when I was 10 and got out of that whole unfortunate phase of my life.

Ach it's not cringe-worthy when you're 9. I was in a "tag team" with a mate too - both being quite tall and lanky, we were called THE BONY JABRONIES!! We even had our own devastating double-team finisher, the ADD (Anal Death Drop). It basically involved me kicking someone in the arse a split second before my buddy hit him with a DDT. It never failed.


Unfortunately the team never lasted and my former friend turned on me and beat me thanks to his new submission, the Tit-Tapper. It was like an STF but your arms were twisted in such a way that the only place to tap out was on your own chest. It was fooking painful.


The last time I remember drunkenly having a wrestling piss-about in someones' house was some years ago, and we decided to have a 10-man battle royal in which you were eliminated by being pinned, or being shoved out the living room door. Around five folk just wanted to drink more so eliminated themselves by walking to the kitchen for more booze. The rest of us took it super seriously...until I tried to irish-whip my former tag partner across the room. He reversed it, and I careered into the fish tank. It teetered back, cracked against the wall, then tumbled forward. Water went everywhere (the fish were saved). I was pretty distraught and the guy whose house it was was obviously not best pleased but tried to hide it.


Still, the show had to go on. Once we all worked together to clean it up, I turned around and got hit in the face with a rubber chicken. My mate rolled me up, the designated ref did a fast count and he won the battle royal. I was devastated, but not as much as the week after when I got the bill for a new fish tank...


You know what though, it's not really cringe-worthy. It was drunken (fake) fighting. When wrestling was cool. I'm pretty sure Jakes' Parole Officer is making most of his posts up on the spot - he said himself he can't remember shit. He must have a more riddled brain than Benoit did!

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