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What's the most cringe-worthy thing you've done...


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one of my biggest sucesses in college was also a bit cringeworthy as, for a business project, i come up with a business plan to open a wrestling merchandise store based in liverpool city centre. had it all planned out about what items to sell, how many floors, staff, wages, name and logo. my tutor was impressed and gave me a distinction for it but the last couple of years ive thought about it and felt embarressed (and im only talking about 2008 here when i was 23, im 26 this year)


A friend of mine and I did this last year in College and a got a distinction for it too, our talk of targetted demographics and branch of merchandise was probably just a lot more enthusiastic than the group who did their project on a Go-Kart track....there's only so much that can be said.

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I, too, did a "Why I like wrestling and what it's all about" style presentation as part of a Scottish Power Young Managers Course. It was quite an informative presentation. The cringe-worthy thing, though, was that whilst the first 12 slides were all about what wrestling was about, the following 80 or so were done as a tribute to all those high profile wrestlers that had died in the last 20 years, set to "Tell me a lie" from the Anthology Album that I took every week, along with my portable CD player, because I was late jumping on the iPod bandwagon. The supervisor also risked a law suit by foolishly asking me to demonstrate a move (thinking I'd do a headlock or something), which then led me to bodyslamming my mate (albeit gently). She didn't ask such a silly question again.


Other cringe-worthy things of note include:


- Miming climbing between the ropes to enter the ring every time I came to a court-marking on the playground in primary school.


- Asking a supply teacher if he wanted to take the Masterlock Challenge (I dread to think the shit I'd have got into had he accepted - he was tiny and I was a big fat lad at the time)


I'm sure there are others which are just as bad/worse. One of the best things I ever did prior to learning to wrestle properly was have a "wrestling match" on the school field with a mate. He was that sort of mate that was actually a proper annoying dickhead that made you wonder why you were friends with him. Anyway, the "match" descended into a semi-shoot where he would run at me and throw a dropkick but would bounce off me, thinking it was all very fun, up until I got him in a neck-tie and knee'd him in the face. We attracted a crowd of about 100 people, including the dinner ladies, which to this day amazes me. We went broadway, as the bell went before a decisive finish could come.

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Actually I've just remembered my absolute worst one: arranging a 'Brawl For All' tournament in year 8 for lunchtime at the back of the classroom :confused:


I put the word around to the other form groups that I wanted their '2 hardest' to make a 16 man tournament, and soon enough we had our opening round brackets. Of course, I didn't compete as I was needed to organise and referee. No punches to the face were allowed, so it was basically a grappling/wrestling match to pin your opponent or get them to submit. A fairly large crowd assembled, with someone on door duty watching for teachers and allowing/refusing entry.


The first fight involved a huge upset, after what amounted to one of the favourites basically getting vertical suplexed and pinned due to being winded. We got to the second fight I believe, and just as it was starting to turn into a proper punch up (which, looking back, was inevitable), we got busted by one of the rugby teachers doing the rounds.

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Back in 2003 I was in a club with my GF of the time and my mate and his slut of bird. She was really annoying, and kept jumping of a chair and into me in a hug with her legs wrapped around me (she liked winding my mate up) First 2 times were fine, but third time I thought fuck this.


I held her legs, threw her back and put her in the original Walls Of Jericho (Lion Tamer). some guys came over who started shouting out WALLS of Fucking JERICHO and were friends with the bouncers so stopped me getting chucked out.


Years later, these guys who became my best friends after that night, re-inacted this story during their best mans speach at my wedding.


They also told of the unfortunat time while drunk they swapped my bottle of water for a bottle of my mates piss and proceeded to HHH it over myself on my 21st birthday.


Best Best Mans speach ever

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Oh to be young. A few of mine:



When we were 12/13 before we went to BIG school (this was 93) my mate and i were obsessed. My mate who was 13, was massive (he's about 6'6 and 280 lbs now) at the time and looked about 16-17, whilst most of us looked about 10. we decided in a break time one day to have a wrestling match. My mate wasnt a vicious type (big softie) so after fooling around i 'worked' kicked one of the kids who sold doubled up. i tagged my mate in and he didnt have a clue what to do so i just said "demolition him". My mate being a big fan of Axe and Smash took it literally and whilst the kid was doubled up, he delivered the biggest and most powerful double axehandle ever on the back of this kid. Sending him to the floor like he'd been shot and knocking him unconscious. The kid started crying and we actually got all in trouble for it, as he was quite hurt and his parents went mental.


proving that some kids never learn, we were at it again a few weeks later. This time we had decided we would try finishing moves. my mate hoisted this kid up (we were on the grass area), and i ran and gave him the 'hart foundation finisher'. I was told it looked amazing, however it almost killed the kid who took it, as he didnt know how to bump, and jacknifed back, knocking him out. After getting hauled up to the head teacher again we elected to discontinue doing it. Im glad really as we had planned to do the l.o.d finisher with me jumping out of the tree to deliver the clothesline.


other favourites include:


going through my 'sting' crow stage and growing my hair out and wearing a leather trench coat, and all black. I looked like a goth and thought it looked cool. Thing was the 'crow' was about 6 years previous, and most people thought i looked like a 'Neo' rip off


seeing 'warrior' advertised at All-Star and getting dressed up in full warrior garb and face paint, only for it to be the 'zulu' warrior (when 12)


going into a charity shop as saw a wrestling annual for 50p and getting spotted coming out (was 14) and spending the next 3 months being mocked for getting sh*t from charity shops


me and my mate going for the Hall and Nash loutsiders look (i had the long slicked back hair and stubble, he had the nash hair and goatee going on) and going to a nightclub (we were 18) wearing nWo shirts and doing the nWo ( you know the hall point as nash comes in bit) as we walked in. We thought we looked awesome, in actuality we looked like c**ts!


being about 12 and doing a school presentation on why i loved Sid justice, for saving Hogan! i rambled on or about 5 minutes, about how Hogan could have got hurt etc. My t**t of a teacher gave me a 'd' as he hated wrestling, and then he spent about 10 minutes after telling me how wrestling was fake and sh*t. c**t destroyed my belief system there and then. hated that guy!


Deciding to try and powerbomb my mate in the local swimming baths (we were 16) and getting stopped by the guards and asked not to indulge in homosexual petting. We musta looked so gay


wearing a world title belt buckle to a club and being really proud and doing my best to subtley show it off, only to have an epithany afterwards about how shit it must have looked for a 25 yr old to be doing that!


getting caught j*****g off to a pic of sensational sheri by my mate


getting caught by my missus j*****g off to the Chyna dvd when p****d (not my finest hour), and thens pending the next 3 months trying to convince my missus wasnt twisted and into trans sexual porn (she was convinced chyna was an ex bloke)


wearing a Hulk Hogan bandana to the gym only to be mocked so bad i had to bin it, 20 mins in!


being in a strip club, and paying the dj

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Why anyone would actually choose to do a presentation on pro wrestling for a school project is beyond me.


Unless they were either 10 years old or a bit soft in the head of course.

The former.


It wasn't a school project, just stand for 10 minutes talking about what you like.

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When I was about 20/21, I wore my newly-bought Rock stars & stripes 'Just Bring It' sleeveless t-shirt to the uni nightclub. Now, this wasn't particularly embarrassing in itself, as I was in decent enough shape at the time to go sleeveless, and people wore all sorts of shit to the uni nightclub (the first time I ever went, when I naively wore a smart shirt with a collar as I was unsure whether they'd have a dress code, the first thing I saw on the dancefloor was a girl in a full Kappa tracksuit dancing with her friend who was wearing a 95/96 Liverpool home shirt). However, what followed was.


I was befriended by a fat one-armed man, presumably still on the run after killing The Fugitive's wife, who had clocked my t-shirt. Now, I don't mind having a bit of crack with some random about wrestling, but the guy proceeded to follow me around all night, and it got worse when he saw I was with some female friends. He tried it on with all of them over the course of the night, and the centrepiece of his moveset while wooing the chicks was to cuddle up to them, lounge-lizard style, while resting his little stump arm on their shoulders. All the lasses were getting rather annoyed as the night went on, demanding to know why this creepy fellow was following me, and consequently them, around. I could only reply rather pathetically that he had latched onto me because he liked my t-shirt of The Rock.


This wasn't the end of my troubles with the one-armed bandit, as whenever he clocked me in the uni library after that he'd come up and talk loudly to me about wrestling. I'd try to shrug it off, or at least make it clear to anyone listening in that I only watched wrestling for a bit of a laugh. He, however, very clearly thought it was real (despite being at least 30 years old and a university student), and used to offer me his predictions for upcoming matches such as 'Kane will definitely beat Triple H, as he's much stronger than him'.


It was the last time I wore a wrestling t-shirt to a social event.

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going through my 'sting' crow stage and growing my hair out and wearing a leather trench coat, and all black. I looked like a goth and thought it looked cool. Thing was the 'crow' was about 6 years previous, and most people thought i looked like a 'Neo' rip off


Haha. This one really made me laugh... I remember seeing a documentary on hackers on telly in the early 2000s and I swear every single one of them was wearing a leather trenchcoat and dark glasses. The Neo look was real popular for computer nerds for a while!


For the record, I wore a long leather trench coat between the ages of 15 and 18 despite having never seen The Crow, not being a goth, and having only seen The Matrix once and thinking it was OK. Evidently I can't remember who I saw in one that I thought looked cool and wanted to emulate.


there is probbaly more. I was a total d**k until i hit 30!


How old were you when you bought the Warrior Workout Kit? ;)

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jeez just remember another, cant remember how i forgot it. we were all really p****d and about 18-19. The Rock was HUGE then. we were so hammered , and one day during a heavy day sesh, we ended up in a really dodgy tattoo studio whereby my mate (whose parents were beyond anti that sh*t) got a rock, bulls head tatoo done. Only thing is, we were so hammered, that we must have described it abit inaccurate really as it ended up looking like the 'laughing cow' from the cheese spread ad. It was really poorly draft too. Best bit was we were so hammed that my mate didnt realise until the next morning, when he came downstairs hungova without his top on and his mum spotted it. he still has it now and age ha snot improved it

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Just been reading all of these stories and trying not to laugh out loud in work :laugh:


A few of mine would be:


Wearing an HBK hat for practically a whole summer, but it wasn't even an official hat just a red one with Shawn Michaels written on it, how strange!


I did a talk on wrestling at college when I was doing journalism, also did a couple of wrestling articles for the college magazine and a full spread on Lita for a project. :blush: At least two other guys in my class were fans as was the lecturer, so at least they knew what I was on about!


My brother and I used to do regular weekly wrestling shows and PPV's with our wrestling figures, when it was time for Wrestlemania we moved it to my room which was bigger :smug:


We also had our own hardcore title and would do the whole 24/7 defending with our cousins so we would randomly get pinned or try to pin each other.


At a WWA show Grandmaster Sexay asked who wanted to come into the ring and dance, I stuck my hand up thinking "no way" and of course he picked me. So I did the Too Cool dance with him, Konnan and the ring announce plus another fan. The ring announcer whispered there would be a run in so we had to bail out of the ring then Jeff Jarrett ran down swinging his guitar with Bret Hart making the save. Afterwards I was asked a few times if I was actually a plant. Actually not that cringeworthy but pretty good fun!


I'm sure there are a ton of cringeworthy wrestling moments.

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