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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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5 isn't that many really. What have they got showing at yours Richie?

Yeah, you got it pretty spot on there. The line up for the following week looks like this -


Les Miserables

Gangster Squad

Jack Reacher

Life of Pi 3D

NT Live: The Magistrate


The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Impossible


I don

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Bad move bud. It's a musical; it was always going to be extra bad. Should have taken her to see Silver Linings Playbook instead.


I think Hathaway is stunning, and the film even took that off me by cutting her hair and make her look akin to Hilary Swank in Boys Don't Cry.

Have been to see that Silver Linings Playbook already, sir. An excellent movie, I have to say. Was kind of dragged kicking and screaming to that one, but came out demanding Oscar nominations all round for it.

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Watched Skyfall over the weekend. I thought it was OK. Had some good moments and Javier Bardem was great, as has been mentioned previously. My main gripe was when it turned into Home Alone. It was still pretty well done but I was half expecting Joe Pesci to walk in with his head on fire and pulling a funny face.

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Buzz Meeks


I hate to do this Scotty, but it's Bud White. Buzz Meeks was the henchman guy who's body turns up under a house. Apologies for the autistic correction.

Edited by gmoney
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You're spot on there John. The plane crash sequence is one of the best terror sequences I think I've ever seen in a film, quite incredible. And then, yeah, intergalactic noncery at the end.


Cage has done some right old shit over the years, hasn't he? Remind me of the old pub game, which actors have never been in a bad film.. he's practically the opposite.

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Cage has done some right old shit over the years, hasn't he? Remind me of the old pub game, which actors have never been in a bad film.. he's practically the opposite.


A quick glance at his filmography shows he starts to make really bad choices after the millenium. Some of his early work is great - Peggy Sue Got Married, Raising Arizona and Wild At Heart off the top of my head. He was also in some of the best action movies of the 90s - The Rock, Con Air and Face Off.

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