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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Saw Pontypool tonight. I thought The Loved Ones would be the best horror film I watch this month but I may be wrong because this was at least as good. It was absolutely terrific. It's not really a zombie film and I'm not exactly sure what it is at times, but it was utterly excellent. Somebody put Stephen McHattie in more stuff. And send Georgina Reilly round to my place, pronto.


That completely out of place Sin City-style post-credits scene though? The most embarrassing thing I've ever seen.


I'm sure I didn't see that? Must have switched off too early.


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I think it's fantastic. It's not a 'proper' horror film, I guess, but I think the atmosphere of it is absolutely stunning. Tourneur is a master of creating threat in his films without you seeing much at all.

I may have been unduly harsh on it, as I was expecting something different. As I said, I certainly appreciated its quality, and completely bought into the atmosphere and environments. I suppose I just felt slightly let down when there was no big payoff with a

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Watched Red during the week, Fun knockabout doesnt take itself too seriously retired spy film, reminded me of Burn After Reading and The Whole Nine Yards in parts. Enjoyable Hokum. Worth it for seeing Helen Mirren in it as well

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I would implore everyone to go and see Beasts of the Southern Wild. Absolutely beautiful film, which packs an incredible emotional punch. I don't want to give away too much so will just recommend that you go and see it! It's probably my second favourite film of the year (after The Muppets).

Edited by Amazing_Red_Fan
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Watched the Australian movie, The Loved Ones tonight. Man that was good. Basically imagine the weird kid back in school finally snapping and going crazy in the vein of the Hostel films. Very enjoyable film with major character Robin McLeavy putting in a brilliant psychotic performance.


And yeah I saw Triangle a few nights ago and mentioned it a few pages back. It felt like my brain was dribbling through my nose, but in a good way.

Edited by SpiritOfTheForest
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Went to see Paranormal Activity 4. I think that was a mistake. I've never come out of the cinema so underwhelmed.


For a film series that's billed as "shock, jump, fear" I was left severely disapointed when I didn't feel any fear or was made to jump at all.


There was also some bits of the plot that could be better explained.


Pfft. Hope my next trip to the cinema will be better than this one!

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Went to see Taken 2 tonight. It's pretty much the same as Taken, but with a 2 on the end.


Really though, it's a pretty lazy cash-in sequel. Still an reasonably entertaining 90 minutes of Neeson kicking ass, but there's nothing here you haven't seen done much better elsewhere.

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