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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Dave's showing a series called Game of Arms about team arm wrestling meets. It's a mix of the UFC Prime Time series, the IFL concept and the fight club bits in Fight Club. It's pretty much "build a bunch of personalities up, then have them compete" so I can't see why any pro wrestling fan wouldn't like it.


I assume it's all legit (though possibly shown out of sequence) but the series of bouts at the end of first episode make for perfect drama and climax.


Don't get too into it. AMC just cancelled it. Along with Freakshow :(

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Just finished rewatching season 1 of Lost. I don't remember it being this cheesy, the bit where Charlie is struggling with his conscience over reading Claire's diary is awful. I've still enjoyed it though.


They really didn't have a clue where it was going did they. Has it ever been disclosed what the original plan was for The Others as Rousseau refers to the whispers as the others. Also why build the Walt story up to jib him off? I know he did a Roger off Sister Sister but his sudden growth would have been less confusing than most things on the show. I still need closure dammit.

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Yeah that would be great but I don't see it happening. Lindleof is still pretty cryptic even in the few things he'll explain himself. I read a quote from him that was basically him saying it's not about the why's but about how they made you feel, the twat.

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Really, Lost was just one great pilot episode, and 5 series of made up shite.  The promise of that first episode was huge, it was The Land That Time Forgot meets The Blue Lagoon.

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Nah, it was 5 great seasons and 1 final season of shite that completely missed the mark of what the audience wanted and expected. It still annoys me to this day but those first 5 seasons are still wonderful.


Walking Dead is back. The show that veers wildly from fucking crap to great fun every 5 minutes. The season 5 opener was a cracking episode overall though. the show at it's best. Next week will no doubt be back to the same old wank though.

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I think there's enough great episodes of Lost to lift it above being more then just a great Pilot but there was too many episodes where fuck all happens. That one where the two characters are buried slice is ducking laughable. Had they narrowed in on specific stories and focused on them instead of always expanding the Islands mythology then they might have been able to satisfy our need for explanations.


The Walking Dead is a funny one, seeing that it's back on makes my heart sink a little because I know I'll have to watch it given that I'm invested in it now. I quite like the Sheamus looking fella though and their must be an end in sight now. Hopefully it won't go full 'Heroes' where I'm actively willing it to hurry up and end.

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Boardwalk Empire is very close to wrapping up too. This final season is weird as hell. It features loads of unnecessary Nucky flashbacks but they don't reveal anything new or worthwhile and as this season is only 8 episodes it's taking precious time away from the main story and all the other characters. All the non-flashback stuff though is fantastic as usual. I really don't understand the thinking being the flashbacks at all. Maybe it's all leading somewhere to make them worthwhile.

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I think if it was the usual 12 episodes I'd be fine with it but as it's only 8 this season I can't help but think "why am I watching Nucky as a kid when I could be watching Chalky, Luciano, Lansky, Gillian etc."

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I haven't started the new season of Boardwalk yet. I think I'll wait until it's done since it's only 8 episodes. Why did they decide to end it after this season? I reckon you could have got another after this out of it.

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I am loving the final season of Boardwalk Empire. The guy playing the young Nucky is incredible. Just realised that it is R Wayne from the X Factor piss take a couple of years ago. Didn't realise it's ony 8 episodes. Sad, but better than outstaying it's welcome.

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I haven't started the new season of Boardwalk yet. I think I'll wait until it's done since it's only 8 episodes. Why did they decide to end it after this season? I reckon you could have got another after this out of it.


Officially, creator Terence Winter says that Nucky's story is running out so they only need 8 more episodes to finish it all up. Unofficially industry rumor has it that HBO want to wrap the show up because it's very expensive to make but doesn't get high enough ratings and instead of cancelling it like Deadwood and getting a big backlash they decided to do a smaller season to save costs and keep the subscribers happy at the same time.

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As good as it is it's not like it had legs to run and run. I think last season it was clear that ideas were running dry when Eli had screwed over Nucky again and they had another dodgy prohibition officer. It's probably the best looking show on tv though and the cast is brilliant. I bet Stephen Graham is the nicest guy in the world but he does intimidation as good as anyone since Joe Pesci.

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