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AEW All Out 2024 - September 7th


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5 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

Sorry to be 'that guy' but I keep hearing this argument and it confuses me.

How exactly does one take a powerbomb onto a breeze block or a syringe through the cheek in a 'controlled way'?

Let the person putting the needle through your gob without struggling or moving. Lie the cinderblock down as opposed to facing upwards and not on an angle either. Best I can give you if you want an any kind of attempt at an answer. Genuinely think they're safer spots than when someone gets slammed on the standing backrest of two chairs back to back. Reckon that's the spot I see in wrestling the most that makes me wince.

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What arsehole decided to do two PPVs two weeks apart. Fucking hell. Anyway.

As a side-note, I really fancy Aubrey Edwards and Tazz's Dave Draper reference was inspired.

MJF vs Daniel Garcia

Outside of Willow vs Statlander, easily the match of the night. Should be a star-making match for Daniel Garcia but next time I watch AEW he'll probably be feuding with Michael Nakazawa. Brilliant match, great post-match stuff, really pleased for Garcia who I like perhaps as much as anyone in wrestling right now.

The Young Bucks vs BCC

I only half paid attention to this because I've got a cold and the last thing I need is to be watching The fucking Young Bucks when I'm ill. Seemed like the usual shit and Wheeler Yuta is still extremely boring, I see.

Will Ospreay vs Pac

Exactly as expected. A million finishers, no selling, went on forever, nah you're alright. I've enjoyed Ospreay for the most part since he came to AEW but I can't be doing with this shit. That fucking German suplex on the apron. You dumb fucking shits.

Kris Statlander vs Willow Nightingale

Not normally my kind of match and a couple of stupid spots but these two are both, individually, fantastic and together they have great chemistry. They should be somewhere near the top of this company. Enjoyed this a lot - also, uncomfortably hot.

Four way match

You know who Okada reminds me of when he actually tries moving? An ED-209. He's absolutely rubbish. Which is a shame because I like the other three in this, especially Takeshita, who continues to be absolutely wasted. This was about alright.

Mercedes Mone vs Hikaru Shida

Well this was terrible. Pound for pound is there a worse wrestler in the world than Mone right now? Maybe Okada? Particularly fell apart at the ending and Mone looked genuinely annoyed for some reason. To paraphrase a great woman, you're the problem, it's you. The only good part of this match was the CEBlows sign.

Bryan Danielson vs Jack Perry

An absolute slog. For a very short time when he was feuding with Christian Cage I thought Perry might have something but it was Christian, wasn't it? He doesn't have anything, he's a small unthreatening, uncharismatic berk who Danielson couldn't even get a good match out of. Maybe Christian is the actual greatest of all time and he should retire Danielson.

As for the post match stuff, I thought it was quite well executed and I didn't mind the plastic bag spot as much as some seem to have done. I'm just amused that Jon Moxley is apparently now cosplaying a neo-Nazi film character. Because of course he is, he's the biggest idiot in wrestling.

Swerve Strickland vs Hangman Adam Page

The same shit as the other match they did. I hated that one and surprisingly didn't care for this one either. Both of them nearly crippling themselves on those cinder block spots was an especially brilliant Darwin-esque decision. Galaxy brain shit.

But the chair shot - I'm sorry, but it's completely indefensible. I'm not going to hear or read anyone try and defend it considering the reams of fucking medical research and information we have about the known damage of such shots. It's an absolute disgrace that Tony Khan allowed it to happen in this day and age and these two are fucking twats for agreeing to play the spot out. Piss off.

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5 hours ago, buba3d said:

A character spot that directly calls back to a previous match while also setting up clearly the story of the match going forwards. C'mon man, you don't have to like deathmatch stuff but posting clips out of context then shitting on them is what Twitter is for.

For those worried about Swerve's health regarding the chair spot there's fan footage of it and the seat pops straight off on contact and looks pretty flimsy to me so definitely gimmicked. Also explains why they cut to a wide shot on impact to hide it. So take that for what you will.

Moving on, I think from a creative standpoint it's interesting to immediately follow up the celebratory love letter to the fans of All In with a show that ended on such a bleak and violent note. The theme of the night was definitely cruelty. I appreciate the effort and willingness to push the envelope but hope they don't do it again for awhile. I don't think we'll see anything like Hangman/Swerve again for a long time. No clue where you go with Hangman next, there's no clear big babyface for him to take on just yet. And what are his goals now Swerve is "dead"? Interesting. It's a shame Kenny isn't around as that would be an interesting story to revisit now. Or if MJF had stuck as a babyface that could have been something worth doing. 

Likewise no idea what you do with Statlander or Willow next. They are incredible and deserve the world but it's not clear where they fit in at the moment with everyone else busy with other things.

Takeshita. It's so clear at this point that the audience sees him as a major star and a big deal. This company needs to hurry the fuck up and treat him as such.

Final edit with additional thoughts: Booking wise it's messy as hell that the TNT Champion was beaten by the World Champion, and the TNT Champion in question cleanly beat the guy who is challenging for the World title in two weeks time. On top of that the Trios Champions were all in title matches (not their own titles) and lost. All feels short sighted and poorly thought out. Definitely highlights that there are either too many titles or that due to their being no title hierarchy to speak of all the belts are on top guys rather than spaced up and down the pecking order so you end up with all the top guys with belts all facing each other for different belts. A mess!

Edited by LaGoosh
Takeshita point
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12 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

The same way someone does a piercing in a controlled manner I reckon.

Fair point. I just meant you can't really control it like you can pull a chair-shot (see: Hulk Hogan...okay bad example). You are still powerbombing someone on a breeze block and stabbing someone through the cheek no matter how controlled it is.

Anyhoo, minor gripe. I just hope both of them can walk by the time they hit their mid forties. I haven't taken any bumps on breeze blocks, am in my early 40s and my body is falling apart so fuck knows how they feel. 

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I'll be the first to admit I've never really watched AEW after seeing their first show and deciding it's not for me. 

Mind you at the time I didn't watch WWE either and they've pulled me back by putting on in my opinion their best TV for decades.

But when I hear about All Out and the levels of reckless violence I can't see myself ever watching it.

This isn't ECW in the 90s or XPW in the early 2000s. It's the second biggest wrestling company in America, in 2024, with a huge platform. Even from a booking standpoint, it's ridiculous to put as many shock value stunts into one show. Let alone from an ethical standpoint, putting wrestlers at serious risks. It's just fucking stupid and big wrestling companies should have learned by now at the expense of the wrestlers that are dead/crippled/suffering from severe mental health issues.

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52 minutes ago, LEGIT said:

But when I hear about All Out and the levels of reckless violence I can't see myself ever watching it.

Well I dunno maybe watch it before forming an opinion? There was maybe 3 or 4 at most bumps that were outside the norm of what you see regularly on both AEW and WWE. They took place in big matches that had months of story behind them and they are very much not regular weekly occurrences. And the "shock value" angle was safe to anyone with eyes. The reaction to all of this feels incredibly out of proportion to what actually happened on the show to me. Comparing it to XPW of all things when you haven't even seen it yourself no less is an incredibly bad faith argument. 

Edited by LaGoosh
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7 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Well I dunno maybe watch it before forming an opinion? There was maybe 3 or 4 at most bumps that were outside the norm of what you see regularly on both AEW and WWE. They took place in big matches that had months of story behind them and they are very much not regular weekly occurrences. And the "shock value" angle was safe to anyone with eyes. The reaction to all of this feels incredibly out of proportion to what actually happened on the show to me. Comparing it to XPW of all things when you haven't even seen it yourself no less is an incredibly bad faith argument. 

First thing I did was acknowledge I haven't seen it. Also, I don't want to see it and will not watch it. Fair enough if you think that makes me unable to criticise.

But my point is I'm a wrestling fan, I'm watching WWE again for the first time in years, my son's watching WWE with me, but so much of what I hear about AEW puts me off giving it a chance again. I think I'm entitled to put that out there.

I think there's 2 things here. 1- actual violence causing severe risk to a wrestler and 2- levels of depravity of the low risk violence. Wrestling will always have these things to a point to get heat and sympathy, but I think AEW crosses the line in terms of what's acceptable and the frequency of such things.

When I reference XPW, obviously AEW is miles away in terms of violence, yes. But my point is, AEW is the second biggest wrestling company in America. Not a small time league run by pornstars in the early 2000s. The seats should be filled with a mix of people, families included. And I don't know about everyone else, but I wouldn't take my son to an event with all that crap on it.

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The thing is I don't know about that Gooshy. I've read a lot of the online opinion and I'd say the majority comes seems to come down in favour of it was too much. The majority of that is centred on four things. The plastic bag suffocation, the needle, the chair shot and the cinder blocks. That isn't all from Cornette Cunts either, that's from folks I would consider AEW fans. Now I haven't seen the plastic bag bit, but I would say that I don't need to. There is no justification for using that in an angle under any circumstances, and I don't care how safely it can be done. The other stuff is marginal, I would say you don't need them all in an hour but I can see why they were used, like you said, long build up to that match, lots of history. The chair actually gives me less worry than the others because it was clearly gimmicked. 

I don't take LEGIT in bad faith at all and you are better than 'You haven't seen it so shut up" which is only a step below all the wrestlers who think you can't have an opinion unless you've wrestled. 

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23 minutes ago, LEGIT said:

When I reference XPW, obviously AEW is miles away in terms of violence, yes. 

It might not be. You've never watched it so how do you know?

23 minutes ago, LEGIT said:

The seats should be filled with a mix of people, families included.

Wait, why should they? AEW can present any kind of wrestling product aimed at any type of audience they want. If they want to present a more violent product aimed at adult fans then they absolutely can. If that means they have a smaller audience than WWE or whatever else than that's their prerogative. Personally I like the idea that different wrestling companies have different products that appeal to different audiences, tastes and demographics.

12 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

I don't take LEGIT in bad faith at all

I respectfully disagree.

12 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

you are better than 'You haven't seen it so shut up" which is only a step below all the wrestlers who think you can't have an opinion unless you've wrestled. 

Not quite what I am saying but yeah I think I should probably back out of this argument now as I fundamentally disagree with a lot of the views being expressed on this subject and I'm not going to convince anyone otherwise or vice versa and we'll inevitably go round in circles. Love to all! (well,  most of you 😉)

Edited by LaGoosh
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12 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Not quite what I am saying but yeah I think I should probably back out of this argument now as I fundamentally disagree with a lot of the views being expressed on this subject and I'm not going to convince anyone otherwise or vice versa and we'll inevitably go round in circles. Love to all! (well,  most of you 😉)

Ah see I don't think you should shut up. If we all shut up just because we know we disagree and no one is necessarily going to "win" then this would be a very boring place. In fact I find it really interesting seeing opposing views be discussed in a well informed and reasonable manner. It's part of the reason this place is still the best place for me for wrestling and other talk - you just don't get people interested in talking reasonably about stuff on social media. Sure, it's more limiting with the word counts and stuff, but a lot of people on here aren't operating in bad faith and do try to discuss rather than just antagonise.

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Recently watched a Netflix movie where a character was left to slowly die with a bag over their head. All on camera in the background while the main characters get on with things. Didn't really bother me. Cause its a movie.

Seeing Danielson getting the plastic bag treatment. Large portion of it off camera. Times where you can clearly see, thanks to his bushy beard, he's able to breathe freely from his mouth as it isn't always covered. My reaction was more this is stupid, than something horrificly violent and depraved.

Vaccinations, diabetics, going to the dentist, friends and family covered in piercings. The needle through the cheek spot was another "this is stupid" rather than disgust.

The colour coded chair that cuts to a wide shot before impact. So you can hear it without properly seeing it.

Going by the reactions you can see why they still do it.


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