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Voted Green. Despite my ranting on here, I've been very torn about voting Labour or not, because of the practical realities, but after everything they've done, with the trans rights issue being the last straw, I couldn't vote for them (not that it matters in my constituency). 

I also made the mistake of finally getting round to watching Al Jazeera's Labour Files, rather than just relying on the précis. Three hour-long episodes, and I had to tap out at 50 minutes into the first, my blood was boiling that much.

With all this in mind, I'm done "holding my nose". Did it for that fucking charlatan from 1997 onwards, and look where it got us. I have neighbours who were members of the local Labour party, kicked out for all sorts of bullshit, including trumped-up antisemitism allegations. As far as I'm concerned, the bill has come due, and I felt a sense of catharsis denying them my vote, insignificant though it be.

Edited by Carbomb
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Posted (edited)

Went this morning. Was quiet but it's the first time I've voted here and I'm in a sleepy village. 

Importantly there were two polling station dogs, both in good spirits and I can confirm were both good boys. 

Anyway, I voted Labour (not Starmer) because the tories are a bunch of fucking ghouls with a very real chance of keeping their seat here and my local Labour candidate is someone who is local and I had dealings with him in a previous job. 

Edited by chokeout
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55 minutes ago, chokeout said:

Importantly there were two polling station dogs, both in good spirits and I can confirm were both good boys. 

You must have got ours then, as there was nein sign of canine at mein. 


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Voted about an hour ago, for the Lib Dems despite not receiving any literature from them - though that could be Royal Mail's fault, to be fair. The candidate seems to be on the left of the party according to social media and her answers at hustings, and unlike in FLips' constituency she's genuinely local, raised here and still lives in the area. This part of the country used to have a strong nonconformist Liberal tradition but sadly that's all but evaporated now and they're predicted to come fourth at best here, so I suppose my vote doesn't mean much.

Tactical voting sites say the smart move would be Labour here (where the Tory incumbent is an absolute ghoul on refugee and trans rights but his majority is about 750 after boundary changes so he should be a goner) and their candidate seems decent enough but I just couldn't bring myself to put an X there. The only policy area where I think they're stronger is on removing the VAT exemption for private schools. I guess for the LDs it's strategic so as not to spook the soft small-c conservative voters in the Home Counties they're targeting. 

Polling station wasn't much busier than at the Police Commissioner elections two months ago, strangely. 

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Very strong Labour here, having recently moved to the Greater Manchester area, but given their stance on gender issues I simply couldn't live with myself for voting for them. Went Green instead, the person standing here is co-chair of the LGBTIQA+ Greens so felt like support for them was very clear on what matters.

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I voted tactically in the end. Labour are the only ones with a chance of unseating the Tory incumbent and this seat is a very close run one that they think they can hold (Sunak was actually down here a couple days ago shoring up their support).

If Labour can steal it then it's one seat closer to the Lib Dems being the opposition which is I think the most positive and important potential outcome from this election that I can play a part in as far as I'm concerned, and is worth it for me.

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Voted on my way home from work this morning, one person in front of me but the polling station is right in the heart of the town centre (where I also live) so I'd imagine it will be busier later with people combining shopping with voting. Voted Labour, simply because they have the best chance of beating the Tories in a marginal, bellwether seat. At least, I think that's the case as the constituency boundaries have been slightly redrawn for this election. 

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So I've lived at my current house for three and a half years and all the estate agent went on about was the local schools and the bus connections and the easy access to the high street. What he should have mentioned was that MY LOCAL POLLING STATION IS AN EXIT POLL LOCATION.

I was so excited I actually got briefly confused and tried to find my own name on the ballot paper.

Sadly, I was not the right number of people along and heard the sad click as I went past the IPSOS man that meant I wasn't randomly selected.

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