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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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1 hour ago, Chris B said:

See, I like 'TV time remaining'. Otherwise, you run into two problems.

1 - Why would you schedule a match with so little TV time remaining?

That question still stands though, right?

Nothing quite beats the episode of Nitro where Hogan vs Giant started right before the episode had to end for Robin Hood, and TNT kept showing bits of that match during the ad breaks. But pretending it was still live, in other words that Hollywood and Giant worked a 45 minute match.

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9 hours ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

So little niggle from Dynamite.

They do a segment with Daniel Garcia, and he specifically states he's gunning for the International Title. And it annoyed me because... why?

Like, why not the TNT belt, or the Continental belt? They all mean the damn same thing anyway. Why limit to just one mid card belt when they all have equal weighting. Couldn't he of just said "I plan on winning a championship soon"?

It's a nit pick I know, but really shows the issue with too many belts with zero identity.

This was a problem for me across this show. You're exactly right that the problem isn't too many belts per sé, it's too many belts with nothing to distinguish them.

What's the difference between the TNT and International Title? The Continental Title at least has the Continental Classic rules surrounding it - you can make justifications like how Don Callis isn't going to send his guys after the Continental Title, or the Undisputed Kingdom aren't going to challenge for it, because they don't want to deal with the "nobody allowed at ringside" rules. Something like that at least creates a point of distinction. And now they've gone and fucked with that by having Christopher Daniels announce a tournament for the TNT Title that has those rules attached to it as well.

Same goes for the Women's and TBS belts - why do some women only ever challenge for one and not the other? You can make the justification that Mercedes Moné went after the TBS Title because she had unfinished business with Willow Nightingale, but why has Julia Hart never had a Women's Title match? Why are some women trapped in the TBS-verse?

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2 hours ago, Chris B said:

See, I like 'TV time remaining'. Otherwise, you run into two problems.

1 - Why would you schedule a match with so little TV time remaining?

2 - The sheer coincidence that every match finishes within minutes of the end of the TV show.

There are already issues with presenting a fake sport as real and this is, to my mind, an elegant solution.

Agreed. The fact that so many episode of Dynamite end in an over run as well also adds to point 2 which feels more natural rather than a 3 count happening with 45 seconds of the show left.

1 hour ago, I Bent My Wookie said:

I didn't think originally it was a mess up, don't they sometimes change Dynamite around based off the NBA playoffs? 

Pre Collision there were some on Saturdays, not sure on Fridays off the top of my head, otherwise they may start it earlier/later. However in this instance they were discussion Rampage's (at a special start time ironically) card during the next segment so he was definitely wrong on this occassion.

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A mostly enjoyable and easy watch, sure everything other than the main event was low stakes but still fun. 

Maybe I'm reading to much into a backstage promo but it felt to me like Stantlander was actually teasing intergender matches. Won't lie, the idea of Stantlander murdering male jobbers makes me smile. 

Willow already off TV. Not a good sign. 

Enjoyed the TBS Title match but Mercedes is such a poor face promo. But everyone seems dead set on keeping her face, so it is what it is.

Unless I missed something, there was nothing concerning the Woman's title other than announcing yet another pointless eliminator match (probably the TK booking trope I hate the most) which was poor form. 

So happy that the return of Pixies as OC's theme is permanent.

Not sure how serious I can take Trent after he choked against OC twice. He got heat though.

Add Copeland Vs. Okada to the list of matches I never knew I needed. Just popped into my head as I was watching The Elite segment. 

Gauntlet was bags of fun and I'm actually surprised that they are going with Osprey Vs. Swerve so soon.

Tough match to call. Swerve shouldn't be dropping the belt so soon but Osprey walking into Wembley without the belt or not for it, would then feel like a big step down if he fails at FB, imo. Maybe they already have something big lined up. 

Commentary mixing up the International and Continental titles highligts that AEW does actually have too many titles. They should unify them at the next Classic.

Joe is the hero we need. 

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4 hours ago, air_raid said:

That question still stands though, right?

No? Assuming the match lengths aren't predetermined, the programmers are guessing how long each will take. So, if there's time for a short match, they throw it on, and both try to avoid a draw.

If anything, I think they should play it up a little.

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Yeh, could actually be a decent little storytelling device. Like an angle where a heel tries to bully an underdog - there's only five minutes left to the programme, and he reckons he'll do it before the credits roll. Underdog fights back and stops it happening, or heel's buddies intervene when they realise he's about to be embarrassed.

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17 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

Yeh, could actually be a decent little storytelling device. Like an angle where a heel tries to bully an underdog - there's only five minutes left to the programme, and he reckons he'll do it before the credits roll. Underdog fights back and stops it happening, or heel's buddies intervene when they realise he's about to be embarrassed.

Isn’t that the same dynamic as the “I can beat you in 5 minutes” explicitly time limited match they’ve done a few times over the years?

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3 minutes ago, air_raid said:

Isn’t that the same dynamic as the “I can beat you in 5 minutes” explicitly time limited match they’ve done a few times over the years?

It's wrestling - almost everything you can point to is just a re-packaging or re-labelling of something else.

Have the heel pestering the GM or commissioner for the match - the GM/commissioner responds with something like "OK, you asked for this - if you don't beat them by the end of the programme, they get a title shot" or something like that.

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To AEW’s credit, they have tried to address the timing plot hole by having, “standby matches” in the past. They haven’t done it in recent times, but on at least a few occasions they’ve either announced they have a standby match or even thrown one out there when a main event has ended surprisingly quickly. They did it for Mox vs. CM Punk doing Rocky 3 on Dynamite, didn’t they? Nice way to at least try and add some realism to the fiction.

In recent weeks, I’ve loved how Gunther matches on Raw have gone right down to the last second. As if the ref is screaming at them to go home because the credits graphic is already coming up and they’re going off the air. Incredibly lucky for all involved that the finish has suddenly occurred just in time, isn’t it? What are the odds?!

Right though. Mercedes Mone’s finisher. What is the crack with that, lads? Is it supposed to end with her catching her opponent with a DDT? Or has she abandoned that part of the move completely and now they both just fall down at the same time? I assumed it was a convoluted spinning DDT but I honestly think I’ve only ever seen her hit it correctly like that once. It’s the worst finisher in wrestling. Genuinely would rather she did The Overdrive. 

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16 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Genuinely would rather she did The Overdrive. 

I always thought the Overdrive would be a perfect finisher for a chickenshit heel - it's rubbish in itself and doesn't put anyone away, but he/she uses it after the blue-eye's been beaten down through interference or a weapon. A bit like the People's Elbow, except the villain can piss people off by claiming it's a legit finish in promos.

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Posted (edited)

Dynamite 29/05/24

Disappointing that Mercedes is being pushed as a babyface again after being the heel by default in the Willow feud. Another weird promo delivered with the cadence of a corporate robot. Maybe that's what the CEO gimmick is. Skye Blue attack was decent though. 

Swerve/Killswitch was fine. Very ploddy start, Killswitch with the heat for an extended period is not a fun watch. He doesn't come across a monster methodically picking a guy apart to me, it's just kinda laborious. Good closing stretch though and I loved Swerve stealing the hair to get his own back. 

Moxley with an effortlessly tremendous promo like he does, shame he was promoting such a blatant filler match. 

TV Time was only about 7 minutes long but still dragged and felt like a segment of Dynamite was wasted. That's the point though right? Do you get it? It's fun and fresh. Bryan Keith in regular clothes but still wearing his little hat was extremely goofy. I do not care about any of this. However! I do absolutely love Samoa Joe in the role of actual mentor trying to teach Hook how to pick his battles. 

Stephanie Vaqeur vignette was cool.

Moxley vs Romero was about as expected. 

Berretta doing the hug with Callis was just a brilliant touch, but stealing the show in this segment was Taz, delivering a positively gleeful "YOU GOT TO GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!". Gave that one a little rewind, he was so bloody chuffed about it. One of the highlights of the episode for me. 

 Garcia calling his shot for the International title was highly unexpected. I was on board with LaGoosh's suggestion of the TNT title for him. He had a very close match with Copeland that didn't finish and they announced qualifying matches coming up for a shot at it later on the show. So Garcia is going after Ospreay's title and Ospreay is going after Swerve's. Surprising developments.

Skye Blue/Mercedes was a good TV match. I liked the announcement of the match being booked for the same night being delivered to the live crowd a  later in the show to build a bit of buzz. For all the entirely valid criticisms of her promos, I think Mercedes has at least put in strong performances in-ring both times. The finisher is indeed terrible though. Skye Blue hit her ditched "Skyefall" finisher in the match, which is a fairly similar move and it looked comfortably better. Skye is also one of the smaller opponents in AEW where the Mone Maker should surely look good if it's ever going to. Also, the way she sets up her Code Blue makes it literally the PERFECT move to counter into the Mone maker, was gutted for them that the transition there didn't quite come off. But yeah, if it didn't work here I can't imagine when it could look good? Riho I guess? 

Statlander is a too much of a loveable dork to avoid coming across as one when she's being a heel, so I appreciate that she's still embracing that rather than try to be a completely different person. Her motivations made sense and she sounded fine. She has been playing second fiddle and trying to babysit everyone else's dramas to her own detriment, so her standing up for herself and being selfish is a logical turn.. Stokeley can handle the shit talking side of things most of the time anyway. Her in-ring style is already very dominant and smash-mouth in style, can just be a little bit meaner with it and we're good. 

Okada, oh my goodness Okada. Belly laughed out loud at "shut up BITCHES" because it caught me off guard so badly and the delivery was so perfect. The seamless oversell into no-sell of being gifted just another supercar for his collection was also gold. I know he got a babyface reaction for it and he's meant to be a heel, but I was so entertained I do not care. Christopher Daniels sounded great! Loved him pulling the god given name line on them. I wouldn't have been mad at Perry just being handed the TNT title for real, it was a great dick move. Qualifiers and a clusterfuck ladder match is fine too I suppose. 

Casino Gauntlet match was everything I hope it would be and more. I could happily have cut Mox/Romero and TV Time to give this a few more minutes and throw a few more guys in there. Tremendous heat, non stop breathtaking action, genuine surprises, and planned out like the best Royal Rumbles with throughlines like Ironman Jay White mixed with individual highlight/showcase moments to let everyone shine. I also had no idea where they were going with it, so was completely invested. Hehicero also turned up literally seconds after I had mentally given up hope of seeing him because I thought he was still stuck in visa purgatory. Please, please get that man on the Forbidden Door card. But yeah, loved every second of this and it provided a fantastic memorable ending to an otherwise fairly ordinary episode. 


Edited by JLM
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3 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

Maybe the Swerve-Ospreay match will unify the World and International titles?

I doubt it, I'm also still baffled where this Ospreay should have the title match at All In chat evolved from. Has he said anything to hint at that or is it one of them subtle weird things I've 'missed' like the Bryan/Nigel match that might happen but beyond Nigel just being a commentator who trolls an old rival it actually hasn't really been built or hinted and just jumping to conclusions.

Swerve/Hangman headlining All In wouldn't be a bad main event. There are loads of things Ospreay could do instead. I don't think him winning the title at All In is some great missed opportunity.

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Honestly I just thought Mone was being shit at being a heel. And her ring work looked pretty dire to me.

Osprey getting a title shot surprised me, thought it would be longer before that.

Okada is just such a great shithead heel. Loving The Elite in general right now. Less said about Jericho the better though.

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