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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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The more I see of Mone, the more I think she must've been agented to fxxx in NXT, because every time she's stretched athletically or seemingly been allowed to have her own input, she ends up nearly breaking herself in two on suicide dives, or concocting awkward, overcomplicated yet unspectacular manouevres like that Gory DDT. Her promos are stilted WWE checklisters, and she has a tweener persona that immediately kills any heat let alone fire (mind you, being a middle-aged white bloke, maybe I'm out of touch and the smug "bad bitch" thing is a face gimmick). For all the industry hype and bells and whistles, I've never seen what she brought to the table apart from confidence, earned or not.

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@BomberPati can confirm it’s not a voice he’s putting on really, just a bit louder. As for all the Essex-isms he’s only dialed that up a bit (though as an East End boy via Essex knockers isn’t what you’d drop someone on a Tiger Driver 91 but you could a Pedigree).

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1 minute ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

 knockers isn’t what you’d drop someone on a Tiger Driver 91 but you could a Pedigree

I mean, the Implant Buster was right there...

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Posted (edited)

Stunned so many people are down on Mercedes’ new entrance theme. I liked it. But then, maybe I’m biased. Her New Japan theme was so rubbish that anything would have been an improvement. That genuinely sounded like something you’d knock up in Year 7 music class. I also think the C-E-O chant in it works really well in that Pavlovian Pro-wrestling way. Considering nobody had ever heard that song before, they were all chanting along both during the opener and when they wanted her to run in during the main event. Job well done.

PAC has become the new CM Punk for me. So injury prone that I spend every match thinking he’s hurt again. Particularly at the end of this six-man, when presumably he was just selling the loss, looking all sad, I couldn’t help but think, “oh god, which limb has fell off now?”

For as much credit as Will Ospreay deserves for that promo, his biggest weakness was still blindingly obvious. You could see the cogs working in his brain.  Everything he said was brilliant, but fuck me his eyes were twitching about like nobody’s business. He kept glancing here, there and everywhere, as you could see him trying to remember his lines and hit his marks. It was like he was reading a script that was scattered throughout the arena. Really took me out of it. It’s something you hope he can improve on, but considering how demonstrably thick he is, I think it’s something we’re going to have to just accept.

Only in pro-wrestling could you have a thought as morbid as, “ at least they wrote him off and put some heat on Bullet Club in case he dies on that mountain.” It remains utter insanity Tony Khan has allowed Darby to go.

Edited by Supremo
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12 minutes ago, JimmyAnderson said:

With Darby written off, we're now looking at a (possible) period of time without any of the Four Pillars on screen less than twelve months after the four of them main evented Double or Nothing.

Considering at least 50% of the Four Pillars are fucking crap I'm pretty ok with it.

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2 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

@BomberPati can confirm it’s not a voice he’s putting on really, just a bit louder. As for all the Essex-isms he’s only dialed that up a bit (though as an East End boy via Essex knockers isn’t what you’d drop someone on a Tiger Driver 91 but you could a Pedigree).

He sounds like he’s been smoking twenty a day since I last spoke to him then, it's the weird gruffness he puts on when he's trying to be serious that stands out as forced.

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He’s playing a character, why not exaggerate the voice?   It’s getting him over, I like it.

 Not sure Macho Man would have been as big a star as he was without the oooh yeahhhh.

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@Supremo he’s also ADHD and is waiting for an Autism assessment. It’s pretty common for your eyes to dart around when talking to someone rather than stare down the barrel as it were. I’m not saying that’s definitely the reason but it’s something I know I do as frustrating as it is.

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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Well that’s good to know.


Absolutely not. It maybe why he does it, for the reasons listed, but you don’t have all the same symptoms if you’re neurodivergent so maybe it’s just because he’s scatty full stop. 

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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