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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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Whilst this wasn't a bad show, it was the most obviously empty arena they've had since the pandemic. There was no hiding it, especially during entrances. Ricky Starks looked like he was doing rehearsals there were so many empty seats behind him. The way things are going, they're gonna have to put the hard camera facing the stage and ramp soon, like at Daily's Place, to hide how few fans are actually there.

I don't know what the answer is to make this company hot again, and most suggested lists are absolutely dreadful to read through, but in the meantime they need to start booking some smaller buildings. You wonder if there's something in their TV contract about providing, "big time," pro-wrestling, hosted in basketball arenas, because for the life of me I can't think of any other reason why they wouldn't start looking at venues like the Hammerstein Ballroom instead. Surely it's preferable to have a jam-packed small venue than an empty, dark, eerily silent arena, with 70% curtained off?

For the record, if I was to think of anything that might ignite a spark and get this company hot again, I'd give the book to Juice Robinson and Toni Storm and let them two brilliant idiots write the whole show. I popped huge for Ian Riccaboni shouting, "WHY ARE WE IN BLACK AND WHITE?" during Toni's entrance. Toni’s script is brilliant, too;


Edited by Supremo
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8 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I'm assuming that it might be something to do with the larger arenas being the only ones with the required space for the stage/lighting set up, TV  and production trucks maybe?

Tonight's show in an arena under 6,000. They don't need the NBA arenas except they help be in major markets over the suburbs. Right now of course they're even struggling with the 8-10k buildings they've got booked. So it doesn't change much anyway.

There aren't many 3k or smaller novelty venues that could probably handle the production. Some people have used the smaller arena in Washington DC they've ran a few times (Mox's return from rehab and last year's Dynamite anniversary show). Which was a brand new building created to host WNBA and G-League games. It has an infrastructure designed for major TV production. There aren't many of those around.

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1 hour ago, Infinity Land said:

There aren't many 3k or smaller novelty venues that could probably handle the production. Some people have used the smaller arena in Washington DC they've ran a few times (Mox's return from rehab and last year's Dynamite anniversary show). Which was a brand new building created to host WNBA and G-League games. It has an infrastructure designed for major TV production. There aren't many of those around.

Coventry Skydome is the daddy of these arenas. 

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Samoa Joe vs Willie Mack should be a good’un this week. Willie Mack’s greatest strength is that he always seems like he’s in the fight of his life, and there is no better opponent to highlight that than Joe. 

Edited by JLM
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Surprise, surprise - another major AEW TV main event ends with outside interference. At this stage, it’s hard to buy into any potential clean finishes, as they’re so rare in the bigger TV matches. Would it have been so bad to have Christian win clean? 

On the whole, it was a decent show, almost in spite of itself. The supernatural stuff with Skye Blue isn’t for me, the interference finishes are frustrating, Lee/Taylor is a rubbish feud and the CJ/Miro stuff is also pretty crap. But…I still enjoyed the show.

The main problem for AEW is that there’s so little to look forward to. They advertise plenty of matches in advance - that’s not what I mean. There just aren’t many storylines that feel significant or red hot. You just don’t leave an AEW show desperate to see what happens next. And that’s mad considering they have a whodunnit story going on; but have somehow managed to make it one of the least compelling whodunnits in wrestling history.

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The show was fine, but I do think they’re in danger of backsliding into that TNA sweet (sour?) spot of being a product primarily for people who remember their wrestlers from when they were in their prime in WWE.

I’m, broadly speaking, enjoying the Edge/Christian feud but I don’t know that it’s not been the catalyst for pushing them further into that TNA zone. They need to make sure they keep working hard to show fresh angles and fresh talent.

Speaking of which, Juice Robinson. When he’s not being racist, he’s superb. The more the spotlight has grown on BCG, the more I think Jay White has shrunk and Juice has grown into the moment. I like Jay White, he rarely has a bad match, but watching that entrance last night and post-match promo, I couldn’t help but think I wouldn’t be too sad if they switched Jay for Juice at Full Gear.

I enjoyed the main event, but agree with the ScarletChicken post above that they need to get out and he habit of trying to protect everyone all the time. Sometimes, losing is fine. Even if Christian had cheated or used a bit of skullduggery to get the win, it’s better than the constant use of outside forces to influence finishes.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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47 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Would it have been so bad to have Christian win clean? 


I get what you’re saying with the interference being so common in their main events but if anyone winning by cheating makes sense right now it’s Christian. His entire schtick is that he’s brainwashed a couple of guys to help him be the cheating little narcissist prick he is. My only issue is these should have been the guys that helped him to the win. I know they were banned but that’s never stopped any company from doing a ref bump before.

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Dusty Khan can't have a babyface get pinned, which is crazy. There would have been nothing wrong with Christian cheating to win, and it felt like they had BB Starks do it as an excuse to make sure that FTR could make an appearance. If they don't want the TNT title to become the TNA title they need to do something else. 

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3 hours ago, FUM said:

I get what you’re saying with the interference being so common in their main events but if anyone winning by cheating makes sense right now it’s Christian. His entire schtick is that he’s brainwashed a couple of guys to help him be the cheating little narcissist prick he is. My only issue is these should have been the guys that helped him to the win. I know they were banned but that’s never stopped any company from doing a ref bump before.

How often does AEW do the ‘banned from ringside’ stip, only for the banned wrestlers to interfere anyway, late in the match? It renders the stipulation utterly meaningless. It would be fine to have Christian cheat to win, but the stip should force him to get creative.

However, I like the idea of him winning clean - giving him something to boast about - then continuing to cheat in future matches anyway; illustrating that he’s good enough to win matches fairly - but is such a weasel that he chooses to take the easy road anyway.

Ultimately, I’m just fed up of interference finishes in AEW - waiting for that to happen makes it hard to invest in the match because you absolutely know what’s coming. 

Edited by RedRooster
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