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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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I had a good time with the show. It can be a bit low key, which is a problem, it definitely needs a big angle, sooner rather than later, but generally it ticks along with fun matches and decent promos. 

I'm hoping that was Billy Gunn's signal that he's going to start wrestling barefoot and not a retirement, because I wanted to see the big man at Wembley. 

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The fans have wanted a huge face run from Starks for ages, then that Hobbs feud ended with each guy been in a worse place than when they started. I still don't know how they fucked that so badly, both guys can be megastars in AEW.

If Billy is retiring I want to a see a high profile match to end it, give him it at All In or Out.

Edited by Merzbow
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6 hours ago, Louch said:

Introducing a “nasty Nic” character month before Wembley. Get him an eastenders cameo 

Don’t let this be how daddy ass goes out. He deserves that Wembley pop for his work with the acclaimed the last year, 

I was thinking maybe he could be ready for the new series of Big Brother as a new Nasty Nick instead.

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4 hours ago, poetofthedeed said:

Billy gunn running out for the hot tag and lifting the titles in front of 75,000 people singing his chant at Wembley is all I want from wrestling right now.


Yep, that's a sentence I wrote in 2023.......

I'd love them to build to the rematch at Wembley and the acclaimed win the trios 

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9 hours ago, Merzbow said:

The fans have wanted a huge face run from Starks for ages, then that Hobbs feud ended with each guy been in a worse place than when they started. I still don't know how they fucked that so badly, both guys can be megastars in AEW.

Tony Khan is weirdly indecisive when it comes to elevating wrestlers. He’ll often go part-way there, and then not fully commit. He’s squandered so many wrestlers who could easily be knocking on the door of the main event scene - Rush, Daniel Garcia, Penta, Fenix, Hobbs, Miro, Ethan Page, Big Bill, Lance Archer, Swerve and Bandido to name a few. I’m not saying these wrestlers are unsalvageable, just that the Khan has missed more than a few opportunities.

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3 hours ago, RedRooster said:

Tony Khan is weirdly indecisive when it comes to elevating wrestlers. He’ll often go part-way there, and then not fully commit. He’s squandered so many wrestlers who could easily be knocking on the door of the main event scene - Rush, Daniel Garcia, Penta, Fenix, Hobbs, Miro, Ethan Page, Big Bill, Lance Archer, Swerve and Bandido to name a few. I’m not saying these wrestlers are unsalvageable, just that the Khan has missed more than a few opportunities.

Totally agree. I think Kahns eyes are too big for his stomach, as hell get in all this tremendous talent, then realize he dosent have enough resource to focus on all them.

Starks was in some ways a victim of having a great build but destined to fall to MJF. What next? 

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Thats definitely something I struggle with. There's so many stop starts in AEW that it's hard to get invested in some guys because you know soon enough something shiny will go past TK and off he goes again. Very few are lucky enough to get the sustained momentum they need to break through to the next level. And there are plenty there that are capable of it. Too many.

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I honestly think AEW could do with more diversity at the top of the card, and I mean that in more than one way. Khan hasn't done well in establishing consistent main eventers who are not white, which is something he's been called out for before. I suspect this is down to the fact he moves on from one 'project' to the next, as has been referenced already in this thread. 

I also think he could do better when it comes to introducing different styles to the main event scene. Big Bill is totally different from anyone else who wrestles at the top of the card in AEW. He's also a strong promo, so he would be a great addition to the main event scene. There's no top star of Hispanic origin, which is pretty jaw-dropping when you think about it, and consider the fact they have Penta, Fenix, Rush and others on the roster. The main event scene would be much more exciting if one of those three was in a position to challenge MJF and feel credible. MJF vs. Penta in particular...I just like the idea of that, if Penta is an established main eventer. 

Will Hobbs also wrestles pretty differently than most other top wrestlers in AEW. I think he'd benefit from working with the likes of Omega, Danielson and even Jericho. I know people like Wardlow, but to me Hobbs has far more upside. Max Caster and Anthony Bowens as singles wrestlers could work well. Bowens is particularly good - like Caster, he can cut a great promo; but he's far better in-ring. 

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