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The way that opening statement was scripted, and the way Tony delivered it like a hostage, I’m almost certain phrases like, “scared for my life,” were specifically chosen by lawyers for specific reasons I’m not clever enough to understand. Same with the way he kept saying, “…with cause.”

Not that there would be anything wrong with him actually fearing for his life, but everything in both the press release and the on-air statement felt like a gang of lawyers determining the exact thing to say to protect themselves from the inevitable lawsuits. They’re not fucking about here. This wasn’t, “Punk screwed Punk.”

I guess we’ll have to wait and see if CM Punk’s legal team use an animatronic T-Rex as Exhibit A in their case against him. “Look at his tiny arms! He couldn’t even choke Luke Perry’s kid!”

Edited by Supremo
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It's just all such a shame isn't it. Punk is one of my favourites of all time, and always will be, but goodness me, why does HE have to be like this. There's a plethora of talent in the books at AEW that would not make a single bit of difference if they left, Punk's left us without a hell of a lot of dream-matches. Shame. 

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8 hours ago, Supremo said:

The way that opening statement was scripted, and the way Tony delivered it like a hostage, I’m almost certain phrases like, “scared for my life,” were specifically chosen by lawyers for specific reasons I’m not clever enough to understand. Same with the way he kept saying, “…with cause.”

Not that there would be anything wrong with him actually fearing for his life, but everything in both the press release and the on-air statement felt like a gang of lawyers determining the exact thing to say to protect themselves from the inevitable lawsuits. They’re not fucking about here. This wasn’t, “Punk screwed Punk.”

I guess we’ll have to wait and see if CM Punk’s legal team use an animatronic T-Rex as Exhibit A in their case against him. “Look at his tiny arms! He couldn’t even choke Luke Perry’s kid!”

On the various court tv shows I watch, I notice people trying to shoe horn in "scared for my life / safety" as it effectively a key method to get a exemption from contract terms. Often cases tend to fail or succeed on if they can successfully argue this point.

Like, yeah you have a contract, but if your legitimately threatening someone's well being, then it's acceptable to break a contract / lease. 

Honestly though I don't even think it was necessary if what's come out is true. If he assaulted someone without being physically provoked, that should be enough. Add in him "lunging at his boss", and if filmed, you've got more than enough to fire a guy.

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I feel like WWE is even more corporate than ever and regardless if Punk is good with Trips these days they're not going to wantv such a loose cannon in the company, Brock is enough but at least he's a mega draw.

We're probably closer to seeing Phil Brooks vs KSI in a fixed celebrity boxing match at this point, there's surely room for him to take that kind of avenue.

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18 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

Brock is enough but at least he's a mega draw.

I'm not particularly sure there's any real suggestion Lesnar is difficult to deal with these days, he tends to turn up when he's paid, win when they want him to, lose when they want him to with fairly little fuss, outside of not wanting to do a Bray Wyatt Spooky Bollocks program for Mania, which is quite a few rungs down the ladder from Punk's track record for unscripted physical altercations with colleagues.

Not to repeat from my previous post about the nature of "a draw" in 2023, when more than ever its the ensemble that's the draw... how do we quantify who's a draw? CM Punk just had a match on the PPV that drew the largest live house for a single night in the history of pro wrestling in the Western world, but he didn't draw the house by himself - but then, nobody is going to suggest MJF vs Adam Cole sold 81,000 tickets for their match by themselves either. Similarly - WWE just sold >130,000 tickets over two nights for WrestleMania and apparently broke a ton of revenue records for merch etc. Brock was on the card, but in a thrown together match that wasn't particularly the focus, and the attendance was up from the previous year where him and Reigns to unify the belts was undisputedly THE focus.

I'm not particularly hanging my hat anywhere is terms of Lesnar vs Punk as adding value but I don't think it's worth talking about who's a "draw" in the current WWE model.

15 hours ago, Fanny Pack said:

Christ where did all the men go?

Due to a culture in which toxic masculinity still prevails, large numbers of them killed themselves.

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I mean, I can’t even begin to believe this is true. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone say a bad word about Regal.

Still, If it is true I hope when Punk eventually does go cap in hand back to WWE that Regal greets him as a fellow ‘stooge’.

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4 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:


I mean, I can’t even begin to believe this is true. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone say a bad word about Regal.

Still, If it is true I hope when Punk eventually does go cap in hand back to WWE that Regal greets him as a fellow ‘stooge’.

That story's been out there for a while and has included FTR as part of the confrontation. Did the rounds when Regal left.



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A guy on Twitter who has been previously shown to have reliable info from within AEW said that there has also been some issues around Punk being creepy and inappropriate with some of the female wrestlers. Punk used to come to weekly TV with Starbucks gift cards and give them to all the women wrestlers as presents and eventually management asked him to stop. Seemed to notably be some unspecified creepy behaviour from him toward Britt Baker, among others.

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