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Elimination Chamber 2023 - The End of the (Blood)Line


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Proof that sometimes you should just chuck “The Plan” in the fucking bin.

Killed the crowd stone dead and nobody cared about Kevin Owens as a result. The guy standing with a blank face as KO walked out summed up the mood.

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Load of rubbish that was, how could they not pull the trigger on Sami there? Got pretty much zero interest in Mania now, KO left looking like a twat coming out to save his mate after the match instead of 5 minutes before when he was getting double teamed.

Should have been Sami vs Cody for the title at Mania and Jey vs Roman in a grudge match (after costing Roman the title here) to wrap up their story before the Bloodline is put to bed.

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Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

I'll wait until Cody inevitably beats Roman at Wrestlemania before judging the storyline as a whole, but right now, in this moment, it felt like they missed the chance to do something really special. They were a victim of their own success. I'd completely accepted this was the likeliest outcome but they did such a phenomenal job this past week of convincing me otherwise that I was falling out of my seat for a Blue Thunder Bomb. Has Sami ever won with that? Has anyone?!

I trust that Sami and Kevin Owens reuniting will be a slow process, to explain why Kevin waited until after the match to run in. If not, he looks like a right knobhead. Thanks for nothing, Kev!

On the plus side, at least Sami looked absolutely gutted, rather than having a cheeky singalong with Tyson Fury. Loved that the Jey Uso thing didn't go as everyone expected, too. That boy can act. No wonder the embassy let him in.

The worst spot in all of pro-wrestling is a ref bump, a heel run-in, then a new ref immediately running down to count three, ignoring the blatant interference that's just occurred in front of him. Does nothing count until the new ref is between the ropes?!

Montez Ford is the next big thing. Pass it on. A thousand curses on everyone involved in that injury angle to allow Logan Paul's run-in though. Horribly realistic.

Brock Lesnar intentionally getting himself DQ'd to avoid a Spookfest with Bray. Fair play. I'd do the same.

Huge shout out to Michael Cole calling Ariel Helwani, "the unbiased, world renowned combat sports journalist...who asks all the hard questions whether you want to answer them or not." You've got to respect shithousery of that level. I can't believe Tony Khan hasn't tweeted anything yet.

So yeah. Good show. Could've been an all-timer though. Wrestlemania comes around every year, whereas something like this? I'm not sure the stars will ever align like this again.

Edited by Supremo
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4 hours ago, FUM said:

Proof that sometimes you should just chuck “The Plan” in the fucking bin.

Killed the crowd stone dead and nobody cared about Kevin Owens as a result. The guy standing with a blank face as KO walked out summed up the mood.

I agree with the first part, but Owens definitely got a huge reaction. I thought they got away with what they were trying to do, although I think they missed a massive opportunity by not putting the title on Zayn, and running a triple threat at WrestleMania. 

Now that they’ve done this, though, I don’t want Cody to be the one to defeat Roman. I’ve no idea who should, but I want to see his title reign continue. 

Zayn and Owens choice to remain with WWE when they had the opportunity to jump ship must rank as all-time great decisions. A reality in which the Bloodline saga didn’t happen is a sad, sad reality.

Edited by RedRooster
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I loved that main, until the finish. It fell flat with it ending on Roman with the chair shots. They have built up enough goodwill with me that I'll see how it plays out, especially with Jey not turning, but if they were having Sami lose, just do the Jey turn. 

Sami looked every bit the star, that gnarly scratch down his stomach made me wince though. Good touch not having KO reunite there and then with Sami, a logical move. 

What do people see in Rodriguez? She's as bland as the day is long and her whole gimmick seems to be 'look at my back, have you seen my back? I have a back you know, look at it'.

Montez Ford is a star in the making, imagine the charisma, athleticism and just everything that his and Bianca's kids are going to have.

Also, it's nice to see that Becky and Seth's chemistry is still not there in the slightest. 

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10 minutes ago, Nick James said:

What do people see in Rodriguez? She's as bland as the day is long and her whole gimmick seems to be 'look at my back, have you seen my back? I have a back you know, look at it'.

When the match graphic was displayed, I honestly couldn’t remember who she was. The penny didn’t drop until her ring entrance. She could probably do with a bit more seasoning in NXT.

15 minutes ago, Nick James said:

Montez Ford is a star in the making, imagine the charisma, athleticism and just everything that his and Bianca's kids are going to have.

He’s just brilliant, and I hope his inclusion in this match is a sign that Hunter recognised his enormous potential as a singles wrestler.

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3 hours ago, Supremo said:

I trust that Sami and Kevin Owens reuniting will be a slow process, to explain why Kevin waited until after the match to run in. If not, he looks like a right knobhead. Thanks for nothing, Kev!


why would you help a guy thats booted you in the balls in war games, helped roman all the time, stood by and watched kev get his arse handed to him by the bloodline while sami just watches on, yeah i can't see why kev would be happy to help sami either.

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Huge kitchen sink Attitude Era style main event, Sami gets his flowers, the star of our age gets his absolute killer heartbreak win a la streak ending on his permanent record and the way is clear for Codymania and the first actual, bankable long term star they've had come through in years getting his moment. A moment the crowds want.

Honestly, horses for courses and all that, but beyond the upset (because they got you, it worked) if you're chalking that down as a bad show then yeah, save yourself the hassle of watching any WWE again. It was better than about 80% of the shite PPVs we stayed up for during wrestling supposed best ever period. 


Edited by Gay as FOOK
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Wrestlemania is actually shaping up to be a good show so far:

Asuka Vs Belair (confirmed)

Rollins Vs Logan Paul

Ripley Vs Flair (confirmed)

Roman Vs Cody (confirmed)

Uso's Vs KO / Sami

It's a shame old spooky bollocks looks set to derail Lashley and potentially The Hurt Business. 

You also have to imagine Solo will get a match, but no idea who that will be against.

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While I would have absolutely adored to see Sami win, the endgame here is Roman’s massive title run coming to an end at Wrestlemania. When in order to have Sami win and not kill your Mania main event you have to jump through increasingly convoluted booking ideas, then having him lose is probably the right decision. Partly their fault for building such a good story as a secondary to the endgame, but also it’s been one of the best stories WWE have done in forever and there’s still plenty of time for a satisfying conclusion.

That being said, there’s a huge risk of killing future storylines of hometown heroes after Drew and now this. You shouldn’t be building months of story around a local hero eventually losing too many times or people will stop being so invested.

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Poor @Supremo:(

But yeah, they're the victim of their own success.  As good as they've been at keeping both pots on the boil, Roman's long title reign has to end at WM and against the guy who they want to be the face of the WWE.  The guy who can go on the chatshows and look like a star, who goes on the posters and the videogame cover and all that.  And that's Cody, whether we like it or not.

I do think they botched this ending though.  Someone needed to betray someone to make Sami's loss less gutting, but in the end it was a standard Roman defence with interference from The Bloodline.

Big pop for Owens was nice, and yes it will all make for a good tag match at WM.

To be honest, we're all miserable bastards.  For years we complained that you knew what the outcome of Roman matches would be, the challengers weren't viable etc, and then they brilliantly build Drew and Sami to create amazing atmospheres in front of home crowds, and we're not happy  ?

Edit: the stuff with Sami's wife at ringside was great, though.  The whole match till the ref bump was perfect.

Edited by Loki
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I bought into Zaynamania enough to watch wrestling this morning. Even though I haven’t been watching week-to-week, I had a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye during the entrances for the main event. It felt like Sami wasn’t just doing this for himself, it was for everyone in the arena, for everyone who’d ever gone through a tough time and got out the other side, everyone who’d ever felt held back, held down, or just not enough. He was a hero.

The match itself would have had to be exceptional to follow such a build up and it kind of wasn’t. I felt my interest fading as it went on. The finish was flat enough that it killed the crowd - you could see on their faces that this wasn’t a “you beat our hero and we’re angry” reaction, it was “oh… guess that’s that then”. They were crushed and not in a good way. Roman winning is definitely the right decision but there must have been other ways. Maybe even just making it a little more sudden? Sami’s still fighting and then in a flash, chair punch spear done with no time wasted between? I don’t know.

The Kevin Owens thing felt off. They can easily explain it tomorrow or Friday by him saying it took Sami ages to help him at the Rumble, but it felt odd at the time that he was ready to help, just not until after all the interference and after the match was done.

Rest of the show was quite good even if I’m already struggling to remember much about it. Hope the Montez injury isn’t a legit one. Asuka vs Belair could steal the show at Mania.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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2 hours ago, RedRooster said:

I agree with the first part, but Owens definitely got a huge reaction.

Not that it wasn’t a big cheer, it was a fairly standard one as opposed to what it could’ve been. They literally showed us some blank faces not reacting at all. Everyone knew it was happening which took from the moment. He should have been down before the Roman win even if Sami still lost.

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