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Jay Briscoe RIP

Hannibal Scorch

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34 minutes ago, The Curious Orange said:

That's the problem is when it comes to the raft of sexual abuse allegations though, the wrestling industry seems to be just ignoring them and carrying on.

This place isn't the wrestling industry though, it's a forum which quite honestly these days is more Off-Topic than On. The people that are that bothered and want to change things should be out supporting the victims and raising concerns with the people involved, people hiring those involved and other related parties. Or if people want a proper discussion or to learn about it then there are specific threads for it. Going "ah he's a sex offender though" every time Jay Lethal or Darby Allin have a match isn't doing anything for anyone.

13 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Who has done that?

I don't know if this is a genuine question but he's probably talking about you, Keith. You spent the better part of the year derailing On-Topic with crap jokes and constantly bringing up Tony Khan and the people he hires and the alleged things they've done. You're the one that made the thread to talk about those allegations and crimes but then dipped in and out of every other AEW thread instead. It made On-Topic a chore to get through at times, which is a shame because you genuinely do care about the issue and know your stuff.
If it was proper discussions being had I imagine a lot of things would have been spoken about and learned, but it was just snide digs and remarks that went nowhere instead in topics where nobody was interested in talking about them, and if that wasn't to just get attention on yourself I don't know what it was for because you must have realised it was all falling on deaf ears and you ended up being nominated for nearly every negative award on the board for doing it.

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5 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

don't know if this is a genuine question but he's probably talking about you, Keith

I meant in this thread. My post was not about Sniff, it was about Meltzer being spectacularly wrong. But yeah, Merzbow voicing his disgust and annoyance at a danger getting the high profile match, whilst understanding the history they have together, yeah what a rotter. 


10 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

This place isn't the wrestling industry though

It’s the consumers though. Without the consumers there isn’t an industry. And the more they turn a blind eye or simply don’t care, they’re complicit. Which is probably “What it was for”  


13 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

wasn't to just get attention on yourself I don't know what it was for

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I wonder if this means Mark is coming in full-time going forward? It’s the worst possible circumstances for him to finally get his big break on national TV, but from what I saw of his ROH performances last year he’s a hell of a talent that has a lot of gas left in the tank. Has Mark ever wrestled Darby Allin before? That would be mental.

It’s such a weird, awkward situation. Any other time and it would be a really nice thing to give him the, “Is All Elite,” graphic after the tribute match. But how do you even do something like that without everyone automatically thinking about the elephant in the room? “Congratulations on being allowed on television now that your brother has died.” Awful.

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Just been reading how the two girls are making good progress with recovery and physiotherapy, the eldest is playing video games and the youngest is eating properly. Thank fuck for that, imagine having to go through that trauma without your dad, and knowing he didn’t survive. Great to know they will have support through it all. 

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8 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I wonder if this means Mark is coming in full-time going forward? It’s the worst possible circumstances for him to finally get his big break on national TV, but from what I saw of his ROH performances last year he’s a hell of a talent that has a lot of gas left in the tank. Has Mark ever wrestled Darby Allin before? That would be mental.

It’s such a weird, awkward situation. Any other time and it would be a really nice thing to give him the, “Is All Elite,” graphic after the tribute match. But how do you even do something like that without everyone automatically thinking about the elephant in the room? “Congratulations on being allowed on television now that your brother has died.” Awful.

I also can't imagine how fucking hard it'll all be for him to carry on without Jay. Obviously we've seen others go through loss and carry on but I can't even imagine how fucking difficult it would be to turn up without that one person that was always there. When I lost my dad I pretty much did everything possible to avoid anything and anywhere that reminded me of him. I suppose some people turn it into a comfort of sorts but it's incredibly challenging. Whatever he decides going forward I am just glad he'll have that chance to do a tribute this week.

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I hope they retire the Ring of Honor Tag Titles, to be honest. If the promotion isn't going to exist as a full-time deal, they don't need them. Mark appearing on TV announced as "one half of the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Champions" should be their send-off, and then they can be retired with the Briscoes as final champions. I'd rather that than them having to vacate the belts and hold a tournament for them, with the knowledge of why that tournament is happening hanging over the whole thing.

I cannot imagine how hard it must be for Mark to wrestle right now, but at the same time, perhaps it's the best way he knows to pay tribute. 

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31 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

I hope they retire the Ring of Honor Tag Titles, to be honest. If the promotion isn't going to exist as a full-time deal, they don't need them.

I can see the retiring the belt design, but don't see the championship being retired outright.

Everyone knows TK loves a tournament and the Jay Briscoe Memorial is probably forthcoming.

If he was willing I wouldn't mind a story around Mark trying to defend the title in some way. The Embassy, and I guess the Trustbusters are still a thing, that would be there to buy it from him.

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26 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

Everyone knows TK loves a tournament and the Jay Briscoe Memorial is probably forthcoming.

Yeah it makes sense, he was always associated with tag wrestling so I think it would make a nice fitting tribute. In booking terms it adds to the pot as well for feuds reaching the boil. 

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I don't know anything about the Briscoes so forgive the uncooth question, but... of the two, which was regarded as more likely to be a breakout singles star?  Which one was Jeff and which one Matt?

Because it does feel like one of those bittersweet situations where this could kickstart a career, but in the worst possible way.

Edited by Loki
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Jay. He was a two time ROH World Champion. He was always the “better” one. But that’s not taking anything away from Mark as a singles wrestler when he was in the TV title mix. Just Jay got that chance to be champion and be on his own and ran with it. 

Mark could have a big singles run now. But it just wouldn’t be the same without Jay there as they would still team together during those times. Jay could’ve had a singles run many years back early on in his career when Mark got injured for a year. Instead he took that year out while Mark recovered. I’d be happy to see Mark carry on, but one without the other would just feel weird to me.

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