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Jay Briscoe RIP

Hannibal Scorch

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First time I went to Disneyworld in November 2016, he was staying at our hotel (Art of Animation) and I'd bump into him most mornings at breakfast and make some wrestling small-talk while we queued for our omelettes. Feel so sorry for his kids. Seemed like a great Dad. 

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Absolutely tragic news, from the very little I’ve seen, the Briscoes were a great tag team and I loved their series with FTR last year, Jay’s solo stuff was good as well and I admit I got a proper lump watching back the clip of him winning the ROH title on Twitter earlier 

I read that once news came through of it, the New Day and HBK called an audible at NXT, nixed the planned comedy funeral segment with New Day and Pretty Deadly and instead had Vic and Booker do an on air tribute which was a classy touch from WWE

I can also see someone on Dynamite tonight pulling out a Jay Driller in tribute and a possible 10 bell salute from the company 

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Terrible news. I was/am a huge fan of the Briscoe’s during my ROH fandom. With Mark, Jay had some of the best tag team matches in company’s history. Great singles run as well. I know his comments years ago were terrible, but he took time to learn and change his views. A big loss to wrestling. Can’t believe he was only 38. 


Thought this would be a nice video to post of Jay outside wrestling. 

Edited by TheBurningRed
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I got woken up by my son in the night and, while unable to get back to sleep, stupidly checked Twitter right at the time rumours of Jay's death were circulating. Absolutely gutting to wake up several hours later and see that they were sadly true. 

The Briscoes were a phenomenal tag team and Jay was a great singles wrestler in his own right, too. Hell of a promo as well and had that unique ability of appearing legitimately threatening one moment, before making you burst out laughing the next. 

He made some dodgy comments in the past which (rightly) cost him lucrative opportunities, but by all accounts he recognised his mistakes, apologised for them and was a beloved husband, father and friend. 

I've only seen him wrestle live once (that I can remember) at the first NOAH European Navigation show in 2008. Really wish I could've seen the Briscoe's tag at least once, as their matches were always entertaining. 

Adding to the shitness of it all, I've just checked Wikipedia and today is Mark Briscoe's birthday. 

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You often hear how having children changes you as a person. You become less consumed by your own perspective and start caring more about the world you live in, because your children live in it too. An activist has to believe that everyone is capable of growth and it really seems having kids grew Jay Briscoe as a person. He owned mistakes and wanted a better world for his kids. Now a young family has lost its father and husband and that’s horrible. 

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11 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

You often hear how having children changes you as a person. You become less consumed by your own perspective and start caring more about the world you live in, because your children live in it too. An activist has to believe that everyone is capable of growth and it really seems having kids grew Jay Briscoe as a person. He owned mistakes and wanted a better world for his kids. Now a young family has lost its father and husband and that’s horrible. 

I believe a lot in exposure to different people and experiences opens your views as well. When I grew up the place I lived wasn’t multicultural at all. We had one pair of siblings of Indian decent at our primary school and everyone else white. The corner shop was the p word and the Chinese the C word we no longer use either. I went a date last year with a woman about ages with me who’s always lived and worked in a ten mile radius of her house and she was still using that language freely to which I cut the night short. Until you know different you don’t know you are wrong and he really gave the impression that what he was raised on he learned wasn’t an acceptable way to live.

Nurture and surroundings have a massive impact on how people are and what they believe and shouldn’t always be a pile on them, social media has a lot to blame in that it drives statements, hard lines and not a conversation. It’s why I enjoy here as challenge happens and it’s usually answered and we see growth in views. 

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Devastating news to read.

Like many others, I was never into ROH much, but always heard good things about the Briscoe's when discussed amongst my wrestling friends etc.  Enjoyed watching the matches I did see.

Either way, terrible loss to the industry.  Rest well Jay, you've earned it.

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Only saw Jay live once at an ROH/NJPW show in Edinburgh in 2017. The think that really stuck out to me about him was that he just had this aura around him of seeming like a star. 

There's loads of people in wrestling who are great performers but you can't learn or teach that aura and even though I wasn't particularly a fan I always remembered him having that aura around him that I feel very few have.

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2 hours ago, SaitoRyo said:

I've just checked Wikipedia and today is Mark Briscoe's birthday


Also hoping that Dynamite does a proper tribute too. I’m sure there will be t-shirt tributes from some of the performers and signs in the crowds, but I think a tribute slot in the program would be appropriate. 🙏

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Fuck. Not his daughters too! That's so tragic. Glad to here by all accounts he corrected his ideas. Horrible loss to wrestling but a tragedy to a family.

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7 minutes ago, DEF said:

Fuck. Not his daughters too! That's so tragic. Glad to here by all accounts he corrected his ideas. Horrible loss to wrestling but a tragedy to a family.

This is something that will haunt all those in and close to the family for life. Can’t imagine what they’re going through right now and in the coming months trying to adapt. Complete trauma.

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