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19 minutes ago, JLM said:

Christian yelling “no! That’s my child” just before the conchairto was great. Copeland smashing Wayne’s head in while the boy’s  crying mother begged him not to was not the MOST babyface move. He’s trying to force Christian to fight him and I get that but still, poor Momma Wayne. 

I was 100% certain she was going to attack Edge with a chair and join The Patriarchy. 


But I was watching it live on less than an hours sleep.

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27 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

what exactly was Nick Wayne's mum's issue in this case anyway? Christian called him "The Prodigy" Nick Wayne, and then she came out upset about it? Bit of an overreaction on all fronts there.

He has kind of been brainwashed by Christian. 

I still contend that Nick Wayne's mom should be nicknamed "Got it going on" 

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13 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

He has kind of been brainwashed by Christian. 

True, but that's been going on for months now. I'd have understood her storming out at the point she did during this segment if Christian had given Nick a whole new name or something, but it seemed like they knew how they wanted the segment to go, but hadn't come up with a justification for her to come out during it.

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Decent enough show.

- well the opener wasn't decent anyway. Heel vs heel, ice cold, boring as fuck. Jay Lethal will have the worst matches in this tournament. 

- MJF had a rough night. Joe was his usual awesomeness though and I liked Cole convincing MJF to give him the title shot. Considering they ran Joe/MJF fairly recently I'm guessing more is going to be added to this match.

- 6 man was tremendous fun. OC/HOOK/Shibata are just a bonkers but perfect trios and 2.0/Hager played their role to perfection. HOOK and Shibata swapping guys mid-chokeout was such a wonderful spot. Feel good stuff all round, loved it.

- Christian segment was good though I really wish they had called Nick Wayne Christian Cage Jnr. He was an absolutely magnificent cunt to Luchasaurus too. Copeland murdering the kid in front of his mum was a bit weird though. 

- Daddy Magic is the best and I love that 2.0 are getting their own little storylines going. He's a joy to watch.

- Rush fucking lays it in! Him and White had a good match that deserved a better crowd reaction. 

- the Toni Storm celebration was ludicrous in the best way possible. This character is so well developed it's like the old boring as fuck fake rocker Toni Storm never existed. What a turnaround for her. Less bad silent movies and more creative stuff like this please.

- Womens 3 way was awful but all 3 women are pretty crap wrestlers so you get what you're given I suppose. The 2.0 and Saraya stuff was a lot of fun though which made it worth watching. Soho landing on Parker cracked me up - I'm rooting for these two!

- I listened to AR Fox on the Jericho podcast and he's one of the dullest men alive so I cheered when Wardlow killed him for no reason whatsoever. Glad Wardlow is back on the gas, he looks great. Just needs to get a better haircut.

- main event was really good and I'm enjoying the Continental Classic so far. Though they absolutely should have had a surprise Mark Briscoe victory here. Would have injected a much needed sense of unpredictability to this tournament. And also Briscoe deserves a big win - he's fantastic!

- they definitely need picture in picture short promos playing during the entrances of every tournament match. Little things like that add up to increase the importance of each match.



Edited by LaGoosh
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6 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

The Devil being Jack Perry would be incredible. Surely.... SURELY not? @Supremo - you're going to need to go back and edit your full throated defence of the Devil/MJF/Cole supposed booking at Full Gear. No one hinted at Jungle Boy. Unless there were some leaves on the ambulance I missed, and MJF drove through the jungle to get to the match.


Adam Cole slightly moved just before The Devil appeared. Case closed. He's The Devil. Or he had an itchy leg.

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1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

what exactly was Nick Wayne's mum's issue in this case anyway? Christian called him "The Prodigy" Nick Wayne, and then she came out upset about it? Bit of an overreaction on all fronts there.

Is it because its a shit nickname? Calling Luchasaurus Killswitch isn't a bad change of name. Presumably they will change the mask that they've just spent a fortune on. The Prodigy though is dreadful, and it makes no sense that she'd be upset over the name change. Had Christian changed Nick's surname to Cage then you can have his mum come out and be upset, do the whole "Why do you dishonour your fathers name" "His father is dead" shtick you did anyway, but instead it makes sense, instead of the clumsy way that it came off on TV. 

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Just now, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

Is it because its a shit nickname? Calling Luchasaurus Killswitch isn't a bad change of name. Presumably they will change the mask that they've just spent a fortune on. The Prodigy though is dreadful, and it makes no sense that she'd be upset over the name change. Had Christian changed Nick's surname to Cage then you can have his mum come out and be upset, do the whole "Why do you dishonour your fathers name" "His father is dead" shtick you did anyway, but instead it makes sense, instead of the clumsy way that it came off on TV. 

I quite like Killswitch in the context of Christian and the Patriachy. The man has named another human after his own finishing move… that’s Christian basically saying ‘you aren’t even human to me, you’re just a tool for me to use as I see fit to get ahead’.

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35 minutes ago, Supremo said:


Adam Cole slightly moved just before The Devil appeared. Case closed. He's The Devil. Or he had an itchy leg.

MJF did say "The Devil has arrived in Chicago!" or something while Cole sat there with his shit eating grin. It doesn't really make sense for it to be Cole, but then nothing really stands up to logic in this feud, it's been a real tribute to early the 2000s Steph McMahon head booker era. 

The tournament got off to a good start, but I do hope there's some upsets. I'd have liked Briscoe to get the win over Moxley there to establish anything could happen. I thought they might do that in the Lethal/Swerve match because they we playing up Swerve's injuries, but thankfully they didn't.

EDIT: Jungle Boy is the worst/funniest option possible. 

Edited by gmoney
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1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

True, but that's been going on for months now. I'd have understood her storming out at the point she did during this segment if Christian had given Nick a whole new name or something, but it seemed like they knew how they wanted the segment to go, but hadn't come up with a justification for her to come out during it.

It felt to me like it was written as if they were going to change his entire name, but bottled it for whatever reason (probably didn't want to name him Nick Cage) and then didn't add in a good reason for her to come out. 

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3 hours ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

I was 100% certain she was going to attack Edge with a chair and join The Patriarchy. 

She absolutely should, that'd be perfect.  Fuck Edge and his sanctimonious bullshit, if he loves his daughter so much go be at home with her.  Hopefully she stabs him in the back and then kisses Christian like Bischoff and Stephanie McMahon that time.

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@JLMand @LaGoosh have covered most of what I thought of this show with their brilliant recaps, so just some bonus thoughts.

Big, big fan of Nick Wayne corpsing throughout Christian’s promo. Who can blame him. Lad must be absolutely buzzing. Eighteen years old, wrestling with guys like Sting and Edge, in a fantastic stable with someone as hilarious as Christian, who’s doing the best work of his career. That entrance video listing his fatherly qualities is fantastic.

I’m never the biggest fan of factions endlessly teasing animosity, watching WWE my entire life has definitely given me my fill of that trope, but it’s already clear from last night that the day Killswitch stands up for himself and turns on Christian is going to rule.

Great to have Danhausen back. Like Eddie Kingston, he’s just one of those characters where the show is instantly elevated for having him featured. Disagree and be cursed.

Loved Cool Hand Ange having Ruby as his phone wallpaper. Great little touch. Can’t wait for the wedding.

Toni Storm being in the crowd and acting shocked when they announced her name. Really funny.

Even if we ignore THE SLIGHT TWITCH OF MAJOR SIGNIFICANCE, Adam Cole convincing MJF to rematch his most difficult opponent to date under the guise that it’s the right thing to do sure feels like Devil behaviour to me!

I already love the Continental Classic for giving everything context and making every match like it means something. Bring back the rankings.

Has it been explained how the finals work? Do the two top competitors of each group fight for a spot in the final? Or is it as simple as the highest point scorer in each group faces each other at World’s End?

Never mind starting the tournament off with an ice cold heel vs. heel match, that opener might be the worst follow up to a star-making pay per view performance I’ve ever seen. Swerve Strickland was the hottest man in the business after Saturday and they immediately threw him out there as just another guy. Awful. I know they always try and subvert the idea of a twenty minute opening promo, but fucking hell, sometimes it’s needed. Swerve should’ve gone out there and cut a money promo about how he took everything Hangman had and still walked away victorious, all whilst the Texas Death Highlights looped on the big screen. You had it on a plate after Saturday. Fucking dine out on it. I find a solid fifty percent of the AEW doom and glooming to be unwarranted moaning by fans who have no idea how good we have it these days, but there’s no defending them here. They’re still absolutely terrible at capitalising and building on momentum.

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21 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Has it been explained how the finals work? Do the two top competitors of each group fight for a spot in the final? Or is it as simple as the highest point scorer in each group faces each other at World’s End?

Orlando has been described as the 'League Finals', with World's End being the overall Final.

I don't think the 'League Finals' part has been properly confirmed at this point.

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