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Jericho has Jericho’d it yet again! Incredible!

As the pay per views become monthly, so too does Jericho’s routine. He watched Omega vs. Takeshita at that last pay per view, he clocked how good it was, and so he set in motion whatever could possibly crowbar him into their angle.

Jackpot; throw Sammy into the Don Callis family, back door your way into some tag matches with Takeshita and Sammy vs. Omega and Jericho. Maybe even spin off into another one-on-one with Omega to close out the year. Honestly, it’s to be admired. Nobody plays the game like he does. I swear he sniffs around that company like The Terminator, trying to acquire his next target.


Hot angle? Hot character? Super worker?


I’ll be back!

Anyway; other than Moxley scaring the shit out of me this was an excellent show and anyone who doesn’t enjoy Roddy Strong can get in the bin. He’s brilliant. Got two huge laughs just making a bed go up and down. If there’s a point wherein this all becomes too silly he hasn’t even gotten close yet. Put some respect on his name. Support neck health.

Edited by Supremo
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I wish Jericho would just be fun again and stop trying to prove he's still a top line singles wrestler (which he definitely isn't). Like put him in a trios with Hook and Danhausen and just let him be silly and over the top. It's what he's best at. These "epics" he's trying to do at the moment are dull as fuck to watch. Outside of some half-arsed singing along he's barely even getting a reaction these days.

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And of course Jericho went over, god forbid Sammy gets that star making win.

Thats probably me nitpicking, but you could’ve had Sammy win and still do the post-match angle. How much of an insufferable prick would Sammy be going forward bragging about beating Jericho AND kicking him in the knob just for good measure. But no, “that doesn’t work for me brother”

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Rick Knox was the same guy who didn’t notice Alex Reynolds unconscious in the ring while he was refereeing so I’m not really surprised it’s him involved here. I read a while ago WWE has told referees to call it as a shoot and if a wrestler doesn’t get out in time then that’s their problem. AEW you would presume do the same, it’s not like Moxley is just late to kick out, it was very obvious he wasn’t going to move.

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Wrestling refs are a weird thing because they are based on two different criteria: what the fans think of them and what the wrestlers/production team think. For example, from a fan's perspective Earl Hebner has got to be one of the worst referees of all time as he appeared completely inept and was terrible at counting pin falls, it was always obvious when someone was going to kick out of a big move when Hebner was making the count. However the wrestlers themselves would always bang on about how great a ref he was, presumably because he was good at the stuff the wrestlers need - such as passing messages between the wrestlers, protecting their health, communicating television ques and passing information from the production crew, helping keep them on track, assisting with spots etc.

I think the majority of the refs in AEW are fine, fine in that I barely notice they are there except for when the match calls for it. Ian Knox does come off as pretty terrible at it however.

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5 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I think the majority of the refs in AEW are fine, fine in that I barely notice they are there except for when the match calls for it. Ian Knox does come off as pretty terrible at it however.

He must be bloody great because I don’t think anyone has ever noticed Ian Knox.

Although most of the refs are made to look like complete morons, the only ones that would say are outright awful are Aubrey and Bryce, who are a pair of attention seeking gobshites.

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Knox is the only one who just looks like he's standing around with his thumb up his arse most of the time, in kayfaybe and for real. I assume the wrestlers like him, and therefore he's good at something, because he's been around for fucking ages in those indy promotions with The Bucks etc.

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1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

And of course Jericho went over, god forbid Sammy gets that star making win.

Thats probably me nitpicking, but you could’ve had Sammy win and still do the post-match angle. How much of an insufferable prick would Sammy be going forward bragging about beating Jericho AND kicking him in the knob just for good measure. But no, “that doesn’t work for me brother”

They were trying to be cute in mimicking the aftermath of Jericho/Michaels. I get wanting to keep Jericho looking strong if he's going to stay involved with whatever Callis is doing, but Sammy needs that statement win more. He's gone from "I need to go out on my own, out of Jericho's shadow", to just being under the wing of a different middle-aged Canadian heel. 

I won't tolerate any Bryce Remsburg slander, he's the best ref in the business.

Rick Knox has had a couple of really bad moments with injuries now, and last night was pretty shocking stuff for a guy with twenty years on the job. I know why he's in the spot he's in - with a lot of experience in SoCal, he's more experienced at refereeing luchadores than most American refs, and is the Bucks' favourite referee for a reason, and it's hard to make a judgement call on someone in his position last night - you basically have a split-second to decide whether you're counting or not, and when you know it's not meant to be the finish, there's always a part of your brain telling you to stop, even when you know the job is to count the pin and trust the wrestlers to kick out if they're going to. Who knows what's going on in his earpiece, how much communication he's managed to have about the condition Moxley's in or what the plan is, but he should have counted. 

I don't think it's as serious as "it looked like Moxley couldn't move" - given that we now know he had a mild concussion, I expect they were preventing him from moving until they had him checked out, rather than him not being able to move. The question, in terms of Moxley's safety, is when in the match that concussion occurred and what could have been done to better pick up on it - given that he was moving oddly almost as soon as they were back in the ring, to the point that the announcers were trying to cover for him, I think it must have happened very early on while they were fighting on the outside. Moxley might not have realised enough then to communicate that to Knox, but it didn't seem like Knox made any effort to slow things down and check him over either.

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21 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

mild concussion

Just a small correction, medically there’s no such thing as a mild concussion.  He received a brain injury, time will tell how bad the symptoms get from it.  

Edit: imo the match should have been stopped as soon as Moxley was unable to stand on the outside.  Fenix knew what was happening as Moxley was dead weight.

 The absolute worst thing you can do after receiving a concussion is to risk any more hard knocks to the head as that’s the point where permanent brain damage is likely to occur.

 And yet Moxley took another 10 minutes off punches , kicks, bumps.

AEW need to have clear concussion protocols.  Anyone who loses consciousness, “has their bell rung “ or can’t get up is in danger, and the story should take second place.

Edited by Loki
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 I actually think Saraya winning was the right result. Toni’s only been doing this gimmick for a short while, I’m enjoying it a lot, it’s obviously caught on in a big way and it works way better when things aren’t going right for her. I don’t think her winning the title on her first try makes sense for this character. Also back to back Women’s title changes on the first defense is very flip floppy. I don’t want a long reign for Saraya obviously as she is… not very good. They can use lots of smoke and mirrors to carry her for a bit longer though, and let Toni keep descending into the madness in the meantime. 

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