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15 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

he Copeland/Christian stuff is fun, and Edge is doing his best work in years. I just wish he’d gone round the AEW houses before landing on Christian. I’d love to see Edge/Omega, Page, MJF etc 

He'll get there. It would have been weird not to directly address Christian as soon as he came in. I think it makes most sense for his run to start with a feud with Christian, he then goes off to do other stuff, then ends with him and Christian tag teaming again.

As for Britt Baker - I can't think of many wrestlers in recent history who have regressed as much as she has. She's fucking useless these days.

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1 minute ago, Chili said:

I like Britt Baker but there was a time a lot of other people on the roster could have used her TV time to make a point about their lack.

I agree, but I also think she should be annoyed. Every wrestler not currently heavily featured should be annoyed they’re not and believe they’re good enough.

But you tell your boss, or you work hard or whatever to make your case. You don’t get on social media and take shots at your own side.

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9 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

He'll get there. It would have been weird not to directly address Christian as soon as he came in. I think it makes most sense for his run to start with a feud with Christian, he then goes off to do other stuff, then ends with him and Christian tag teaming again.

Yeah, I get it. I just have this low level unease that playing the long game with 50 year olds is bound to go wrong.

If he gets injured against Christian, we’ll have been robbed of a lot of novelty new or ‘dream’ matches.

I think there was a route they could have gone of begrudging acknowledgment when Edge came in, an acceptance that they’d stay out of each others way that simmered over time until it blew up and it had to reach a head.

*edit* I forgot to mention, it was very funny that Wardlow came out having very clearly just taken off a mask and messing his hair up.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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39 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Yeah, I get it. I just have this low level unease that playing the long game with 50 year olds is bound to go wrong.

If he gets injured against Christian, we’ll have been robbed of a lot of novelty new or ‘dream’ matches.

I think there was a route they could have gone of begrudging acknowledgment when Edge came in, an acceptance that they’d stay out of each others way that simmered over time until it blew up and it had to reach a head.

I get it. However I think you also have to strike while the iron is hot and Christian's heel act is at its hottest right now. I never thought much of their original matches but grumpy old angry fiery babyface veteran Edge vs the ultimate piece of sheet heel at the top of his game Christian is really exciting. It's been a great story and I think the match is going to be brilliant.

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For all the earth shaking going on in wrestling this past week. It's a credit to Christian Cage that he's still probably the best thing going in wrestling at the moment, which is great to type and see but feels absolutely incredible given how his career played out in the last decade. An astonishing bit of form, he's utterly detestable and he's magnificent at it.

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I think they are doing a slow face turn for Joe, preparing him to beat MJF and hold the title for a bit.  If so, I'm all on board.  Essentially rather than throw away all the work done in the last 6 months, replace MJF with Joe in the storyline.

In that vein, MJF's promo was one of his most traditional and also one of his best.  I know everyone here has their favourites, but Samoa Joe is having maybe his best year of his career, and he's healthy.  If not now, then when?

Otherwise... unlike many here I suspect, I'm not really loving the tournament.  It seems like everyone involved has decided it's a "strong style" tournament which means every match involves the "you hit me, I hit you, who's the hardest" routine, and that's one that I HATE.  If it's done by one guy, say Eddie Kingston, then it's part of his character and I guess works, but when everyone's doing it it just looks stupid.  Too many people on the AEW roster have the "no back step, pure aggression" gimmick.

"Mark Briscoe... foot always on the gas" was an unfortunate line.

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Eddie Kingston cutting a humble promo with his pride shaken that perhaps he was overconfident and that he needs to refocus immediately being followed by Danielson full of absolute fire screaming that even with an injury he's going to fuck everyone up and definitely win the tournament is exactly my shit. Lovely, perfect wrestling storytelling that AEW do best.

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3 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I agree, but I also think she should be annoyed. Every wrestler not currently heavily featured should be annoyed they’re not and believe they’re good enough.

But you tell your boss, or you work hard or whatever to make your case. You don’t get on social media and take shots at your own side.

Also, taking shots at people who are apparently doing really well, and are justifying the air time, is a bit ridiculous. Even if Christian wasn't as over as he is, MJF's the current champ and the man of the hour, plus mike work is in his wheelhouse - if there's anyone who should have promo time without reference to anyone else, it's him.

Edited by Carbomb
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I found that a really enjoyable Dynamite, and it can't be a coincidence that I enjoyed it more than I have in a while right when MJF seemingly decided that it was time to take things seriously. No daft comedy, no cutesy catchphrases, just a genuine fired up babyface promo that was all about selling the match at the pay-per-view, which shouldn't be a revolutionary concept. I groaned a little when MJF did a "telling a story of when he was a kid" thing, because that seems to be the one trick he has to give promos depth, but it didn't go off in any melodramatic directions, it was just a vehicle to put over how important a match with Samoa Joe is, and led to him putting over Joe as his most dangerous opponent, but one he believes he can beat. That's how you do babyface promos. It shouldn't have taken this long for somebody to remember that!

The Devil stuff afterwards was clunky, but I'll forgive it because at least there's finally some forward momentum in that story - some of the masked goons actually appearing in the ring for the first time, actually directing interacting with MJF for the first time, and setting up a match. It's actually going somewhere at last!

Every match on the show was good to great; weakest was probably the women's match, just because of the "no submissions" stipulation only meaning you couldn't win by submission, but that there was nothing preventing you from just putting your opponent in a torture hold for as long as you liked. It did seem like Aubrey tried to break up the Hartless when Emi started tapping, but it wasn't clear if that should have still forced a break or not. Just a confusing detail, for me at least.

If Rush isn't genuinely hurt, then he's a far better seller than I've ever given him credit for. Hopefully he's not, because he's one of my favourites. Great crowd for this show - Rush and Briscoe were both super over, and Dante Martin was over huge. 

Probably the only downside to me was the Ric Flair promo. Just a rambling mess, and totally overshadowing Sting, by talking about what a great moment it will be for him and about his career and legacy and whatnot, while Sting just stands awkwardly off for one side. If you didn't know better, you could be forgiven for assuming it was Ric Flair that was on a retirement run.

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1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

it can't be a coincidence that I enjoyed it more than I have in a while right when MJF seemingly decided that it was time to take things seriously. No daft comedy, no cutesy catchphrases,

I know I've said it before and likely been too harsh but the title run has genuinely been one of my least favorite things in all of AEWs short history, Nightmare Collective level fast forward material for me so I'm glad to hear there's a change, I'll watch wrestling when I get home tonight.

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