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Seeing Flair's energy drink plastered all over the tron and announce desk made for the shortest I've ever made it into a bit of watching wrestling over my morning coffee. Fuck off. 

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12 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

Seeing Flair's energy drink plastered all over the tron and announce desk made for the shortest I've ever made it into a bit of watching wrestling over my morning coffee. Fuck off. 

Yeah, seeing this and I'm not even opening the browser on my fire stick...

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Is that why you gents don’t watch any WWE nowadays since you hear Flair during the opening?

Anyway despite the stupid sponsorship, I thought it was a strange episode with highs and lows.

+The Tournament got off to a good start. You could say the winners were predictable for the most part, but I enjoyed all three.


+Enjoyed all the MJF/Cole/Joe stuff. Not convinced the match will end up happening for some reason. Also didn’t enjoy hearing the devil laugh like Jack Perry, though the twitter meltdowns were pretty funny.

+More Toni Storm speeches please

-One of the worst Women’s matches I’ve seen. Ruby Soho was the biggest culprit here.

-Killswitch. A guy in a dinosaur mask you’ve called Killswitch? Whole segment was too long and not good.

-Wardlow vs AR Fox for no real reason.

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The Devil being Jack Perry would be incredible. Surely.... SURELY not? @Supremo - you're going to need to go back and edit your full throated defence of the Devil/MJF/Cole supposed booking at Full Gear. No one hinted at Jungle Boy. Unless there were some leaves on the ambulance I missed, and MJF drove through the jungle to get to the match.

I am sure this is a misdirect, a slight of hand. It cannot... CANNOT be Jungle Boy... can it? 

If it is, and he's getting a run as a faction leader (a faction with AR Fox in it, possibly), i'm going to be very close to my wits end. Presumably, there'll be lots of sidewards glances and nods to his role in getting the other fella fired. Eurgh. I shudder thinking about it.

From now, until forced to stop, i'm closing my eyes, putting my fingers in my ears and shouting AADDDAAAAMMMM at the top of my lungs.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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On 11/22/2023 at 8:27 AM, LaGoosh said:

At some point I just assume they know what they're doing. 

“Marc Raimondi: Brie Garcia, wife of Bryan Danielson, told me that recently Danielson was ignoring what ended up being a broken orbital bone — until his nose went numb“

They may know what they’re doing, but what they’re doing may not be smart!


Edit: very late edit to this post as I'm becoming the resident bore on injuries, but apparently they had to stop a match on the ROH taping after Dynamite as Cole Carter got completely knocked out on a botched Moonsault from Sydal.  Scary.

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1 minute ago, Loki said:

“Marc Raimondi: Brie Garcia, wife of Bryan Danielson, told me that recently Danielson was ignoring what ended up being a broken orbital bone — until his nose went numb“

They may know what they’re doing, but what they’re doing may not be smart!

Wrestlers are some of the dumbest people around. Kane is considered the smartest wrestler and he's a fucking idiot.

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28 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

He's often mentioned any time people talk about intellectual wrestlers or well read etc.

Eric Bischoff for example: https://itrwrestling.com/news/eric-bischoff-calls-kane-one-of-the-most-intelligent-people-hes-met/

He did make it through medical school and became a dentist. That can't be easy. 

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25 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I mean it is possible for the guy to be smart AND have dumb political opinions.

It's wrestling. Smart means he's progressed beyond Topsy and Tim books and got a degree in Media Studies or something equally worthless.

Val Venis is another smart thinker in the wrestling dressing room. All those guys who have a "great mind for the business" are all alcoholics and drug addicts who've treated women like animals and animals like garbage and would never be employed by anyone bar the biggest carny cunts of them all. 

The only dumber fucks on the planet are the people who pay to watch them. This dumb fuck included.

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I really enjoyed the show. Felt like there was plenty going on and a good mix of silly fun stuff, the serious tournament matches and story progression. 

Swerve vs Lethal was solid. Great reaction for Swerve and deservedly so. Predictable and correct result obviously. 

Loved the Cole/MJF/Joe business. Cole talking MJF into the match was great. MJF going back on the agreement with Joe was very true to his character, and Cole had a fully justifiable reason to push him to take the match without it blatantly feeling like sabotage. But MJF’s promo about being the greatest of all time while Cole had to sit there and smile gave him all the more ammo to want to sabotage him. Joe’s final stretch of the promo was fantastic stuff too. 

Six man tag was loads of fun. Shibata’a hot tag was a highlight for me, always a treat to see him. The finish with them swapping opponents was tremendous. Of course this was all a backdrop for the glorious return of Danhausen. Just a great feel good segment and the sort of stuff that will help to break up the Continental Classic matches and prevent fatigue. 

Daddy Magic getting more screen time to continue this goofy Cool Hand/Ruby romance is a big win in my book. He never fails to make me laugh. 

Killswitch is better than Luchasaurus I guess. Christian yelling “no! That’s my child” just before the conchairto was great. Copeland smashing Wayne’s head in while the boy’s  crying mother begged him not to was not the MOST babyface move. He’s trying to force Christian to fight him and I get that but still, poor Momma Wayne. Great heat for this though and I’m enjoying the building anticipation for Edge vs Christian. 

Jay White vs RUSH was a belter. Screwy finish in this tournament promoted on no interference might seem a bit iffy but for Jay White specifically I think it makes sense. RUSH is one of my absolute favourites in AEW but I have become such a fan of Jay White too. I love his style of absorbing a ton of punishment and then clawing his way back into the match with the knowledge he’s gained during the beat down. He wasn’t winning the striking exchanges but he was doing just enough to keep RUSH at bay and stay in the match, then catching him when the rampaging bull inevitably over committed. Caught him with a snap DDT almost literally taking  the bull by the horns at one point. One of the commentators said he was playing the role of Matador and that was exactly it. As such I thought the screwy finish made good sense. RUSH’s blood was at maximum boil and Jay White used the chaos RUSH creates against him. Loved this. 

Toni’s segment was a hit for me. More short interviews in the arenas, fewer short films. “To all the little Toni Storms out there, this is my spot, you will not take it, you will not make it”. Perfect. 

I thought the women’s three way was fine. Entertaining enough sprint, Daddy Magic hilarious throughout. I did think Skye was going to botch the Code Blue again but it was a planned spot this time thankfully. Seems she’s going for the TKO instead. Needs to settle on a finish she can hit consistently. Also her entrance is exactly the same despite the angrier music and look. Might have just been because she was in Chicago and couldn’t help smiling though. 

AR Fox’s acting was so bad I was glad he got headbutted. 

Quality scrap in the main event too. Few better underdogs in wrestling than Mark Briscoe and he got plenty here despite the result never being in doubt. 

Please don’t let the devil be Jack Perry. It makes so much sense for it to be Cole. It’s the most impactful and hurtful to MJF, they’ve done sooooo much groundwork, the people will be heartbroken and furious. It being Perry instead  would be the dampest of squibs. 

But yeah, fun show. Think throughout this tournament it’ll be important to have good mix of fun, breezy segments and very story/talking heavy bits to break up the 15-20 minute bangers. This week’s episode nailed that balance for me. 


Edited by JLM
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