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Saint Nicko’s Christmas/Humbug 2022 thread

Fatty Facesitter

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Saw Muppets Christmas Carol last night with the live orchestra. It was genuinely brilliant watching it in a packed environment - the gags felt like they had extra punch because of the widespread laughter, and the emotional songs and scenes were made all the more powerful by the orchestra. That little bastard Tiny Tim reduced me to rubble with the orchestra playing. Absolutely brilliant experience. It's still the best film ever made. 

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Lists are a complete waste of time and money. My brother sent me a list he pulled together (not Amazon but some fancy spreadsheet - which in itself isn’t a very Christmassy way of doing things). But of course he can’t update it because he can’t know what people have sorted for him. I’ve physically visited three different shops (all smashing local Norfolk businesses) to help sort his presents with Mother Facesitter during a recent visit back to my roots. No sooner have I gotten back to the smoke when his partner informs me that his work colleagues have bought the exact same things. He’s asked if I can return them. If his partner wasn’t such a good egg and so apologetic then I’d have told him where to go. Don’t do lists and don’t rely on other people. That’s the lesson.

In other news, on Sunday I saw some family members for the first time in a long while. There’s usually a big family Christmas get together on my mum’s side each year over Christmas but it normally falls when I’m away on a job. Apart from struggling with some small talk initially, a few jars in and it turned into a lovely little shindig. And Mrs Facesitter and I won the quiz. Fantastic. 

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Christmas is what it is - I didn't really care for it for a long time, mostly because I rarely spent it with my whole family so it was never that special to me, though as a teenage goth I probably overdid the Bah Humbug for effect. For a few years I worked jobs that didn't let me take time off in December, and had me working up to Christmas Eve, and in some cases back at work Boxing Day, and, living in Jersey, it would mean I couldn't book flights to go and see extended family when my parents did. So for a few years I'd spend Christmas either with my girlfriend if I had one, or on my own - and in some ways that was quite nice, going to the pub for Christmas lunch, meeting up with other mates that didn't have anyone, or had to get away from their family for a few hours, and just doing our own thing.

The last few years have been different, though - my girlfriend makes a big deal of Christmas, so we've decorated the flat and put a tree up (when I lived on my own I never bothered). We threw a Christmas party at the weekend, so I put together a Spotify playlist for it, which I really enjoyed; I did a few Christmas Eve DJ sets back in the day, so was always on the look out for weird "alternative" Christmas tunes to throw on, as well as a few of my own favourites. A couple of years ago, when there was a lockdown over Christmas, I wasn't able to go and see my parents for Christmas because of the various quarantine and travel rules in Jersey meaning that I'd have had to self-isolate for two weeks when I got back, so my girlfriend came to spend Christmas with me instead - and that meant isolating together in a tiny flat for two weeks over Christmas and New Year, but given that the weather was shit and everything was closed anyway, it wasn't too bad. That was the first year that I had a crack at making Christmas dinner myself, and that I made some mulled cider, which also ended up being my job at this year's Christmas party, and that's a tradition I'm more than happy to keep alive.

No Christmas works do this year, as work is a shitshow and my department barely speak to each other, though I'm going to try and collar some of the colleagues from my previous department for a few drinks or a boozy lunch next week if they're in. 

Having moved from a small and very "everyone knows everyone" kind of place to London, and this being my first Christmas period here with everything open and "back to normal", it's been great seeing friends, but I miss the sense of a real local pub - Christmas was always great for seeing people that only come out of the woodwork a few times a year, or who had moved away but came back to see family once or twice a year. Not being able to walk into my local and have a free pint or two for Christmas, or do the Christmas Eve pub crawl that I used to do every year, is a shame, but you take what you can get. 


Plans for Christmas itself, then. My parents moved back up to East Yorkshire a few years back, and I've spent Christmas with them whenever I can. For a variety of reasons, I haven't seen them since last Christmas, so I'm looking forward to seeing them. One of my brothers lives just down the road from them, and another of them might be there while I am, so it's nice to have something like a proper family Christmas again, and having somewhere like that where going up there feels like part of the whole Christmas experience in itself. We're there for a few days, and if my brother's there, we can always make excuses to nip out to the pub if need be. Otherwise, taking the dog for a longer than usual walk is as good a Christmas tradition as any.

Also, my girlfriend started a new job last month, after 16 years in one that had her working ridiculous hours over Christmas and not allowed to take time off. That year she spent in lockdown with me, on Christmas Eve she had an 8am call and an 8pm call and basically never stopped in-between, and I was making her lunch and handing it off to her while she was in meetings because she didn't have ten minutes downtime to do it herself. Last year when we were up at my parents, she was having to work remotely til late on Christmas Eve while we were there, and was working most days there too. So it's going to be great having some actual Christmas downtime with her, while seeing the family and everything else.

Also, this time last year, one of my parents' dogs had a load of seizures, was really unwell, and we were warned that he might not make it to Christmas when we were up there, as the vet gave him less than a month. A year later, he's still going strong, so seeing him is going to be a treat.

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1 hour ago, wordsfromlee said:

Some people say the Christmas season doesn’t start for them until they see the Coca-Cola ad on TV - for me, it’s when I see the first news article of the year about how ‘Fairytale of New York’ is being banned from the radio for being offensive.

And remember, every year, when you start hearing dullards mention it you are duty bound to say it’s ridiculous the BBC banned that Pogues song and when they agree, point out the only Pogues song that got banned was Streets Of Sorrow / Birmingham Six. And Radio 1 haven’t played WAP by Cardi B in the daytime either. 

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9 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

And remember, every year, when you start hearing dullards mention it you are duty bound to say it’s ridiculous the BBC banned that Pogues song and when they agree, point out the only Pogues song that got banned was Streets Of Sorrow / Birmingham Six. And Radio 1 haven’t played WAP by Cardi B in the daytime either. 

I wish it would get banned, it's an absolutely awful 'song', it's in no way Christmassy, aside from the fact it's set on Christmas Eve I think, and something about an Irish band ringing out bells for Christmas. I can't stand the abuse in the song, I don't give a shit if she's a smack head, fuck her off then you silly bastard. And she needs to wash her mouth out too, oh she can't cause she got smashed up by a motorboat propeller. I hate the stupid Irish music in it too. That's not being racist either, I love bagpipes, but even if they were in this song it would still be so fucking annoying. I don't even know why it's liked by the masses, probably cause it's edgy and says faggot, and then everyone is like 'oh shes just calling him a small sausage' - no she's being fucking homophobic, but spirit of Christmas eh. Also they sang it in Gavin and Stacey which means that fat nob Corden probably loves it too, which is no surprise.

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36 minutes ago, stewdogg said:

I wish it would get banned, it's an absolutely awful 'song', it's in no way Christmassy, aside from the fact it's set on Christmas Eve I think, and something about an Irish band ringing out bells for Christmas. I can't stand the abuse in the song, I don't give a shit if she's a smack head, fuck her off then you silly bastard. And she needs to wash her mouth out too, oh she can't cause she got smashed up by a motorboat propeller. I hate the stupid Irish music in it too. That's not being racist either, I love bagpipes, but even if they were in this song it would still be so fucking annoying. I don't even know why it's liked by the masses, probably cause it's edgy and says faggot, and then everyone is like 'oh shes just calling him a small sausage' - no she's being fucking homophobic, but spirit of Christmas eh. Also they sang it in Gavin and Stacey which means that fat nob Corden probably loves it too, which is no surprise.

Might want to cut back on the egg nog.

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1 hour ago, stewdogg said:

I wish it would get banned, it's an absolutely awful 'song', it's in no way Christmassy, aside from the fact it's set on Christmas Eve I think, and something about an Irish band ringing out bells for Christmas. I can't stand the abuse in the song, I don't give a shit if she's a smack head, fuck her off then you silly bastard. And she needs to wash her mouth out too, oh she can't cause she got smashed up by a motorboat propeller. I hate the stupid Irish music in it too. That's not being racist either, I love bagpipes, but even if they were in this song it would still be so fucking annoying. I don't even know why it's liked by the masses, probably cause it's edgy and says faggot, and then everyone is like 'oh shes just calling him a small sausage' - no she's being fucking homophobic, but spirit of Christmas eh. Also they sang it in Gavin and Stacey which means that fat nob Corden probably loves it too, which is no surprise.

“Fuck off you little herrenvolk shite”

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1 hour ago, stewdogg said:

faggot, and then everyone is like 'oh shes just calling him a small sausage

It's more of a meatball surely as it's not in a casing, and are delicious too by the way. 


Also this sounds like a funniest attempt at a get out clause to anything I've read on here for ages

1 hour ago, stewdogg said:

That's not being racist either, I love bagpipes,


Edited by Tommy!
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Yeah, I just wanted to relay my hate and I thought it sounded racist. Looking back now it just sounded ridiculous. Anyway I really dislike it. Can’t wait for it to be January just so I don’t have to listen to it until next December. 

I’m mainly looking forward to having my sister, BIL and kids round on Christmas Day, I’m hoping it will be muppets Christmas carol and home alone but my niece will probably watch something about flushing weird items down the toilet. 

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