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Chris B

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

Yeah there was loads of stuff when he was coming up that he didn't listen to the veterans who gave him advice and thought he was an arrogant prick who knew better.

Doesn't that mainly come from Raven? Probably wise of Punk. 

On the first page of Punk's Livejournal posted upthread "Eddie Guerrero was a hero of mine. I was fortunate enough to work with him many times, and he helped me more then I could ever put into words." Doesn't sound like he didn't listen to advice there. 

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I quite like the bit where he's excited over Race calling him and Trevor Murdoch the future of wrestling and then comparing Punk to well known arsehole Shawn Michaels. 

There's an alternative universe where Trevor Murdoch was given all the breaks Punk was. A better universe. 

Trevor Murdoch vs. Cena at MITB.

Murdoch vs. Rock at Royal Rumble.

Trevor Murdoch against Adam Page for the AEW title. Fuck me, that would have been some real cowboy shit.

Someone tell Tony Khan it's not too late to bring Murdoch in. 

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Some crackers from Punk's journal

THEN, the flight attendant woke me up and handed me pretzels. Fantastic, thanks a lot you whore.

I think about the complete retard with the rusted out Fiero that's taking up THREE parking spaces outside my apartment.

If anybody would like to direct complaints about things I may have said about them in a recent interview, please see the Barbiehead on your way out of my office.
Unless you are a drug dealer or a hooker, then, just post all over message boards, and I will further ignore you.
I like being a crabby young man.

I approached you after your match with Juvi and explained to you that AJ used the spiral tap, and you might want to talk to him about it in the future, and you just gave me your blank retard stare and said, "I invented that". Did you invent being stupid too?

the fact that i'm the bastard father of internet cruelty because everybody and their mother (the boss as well) now likes to indulge in burying everybody and anything in their journal updates while using liberal doses of my piss and vinegar "up yours" writing style, ::DEEP BREATH::, will be up sometime soon when I get in front of a functioning 'puter.

'puter is short of computer, pig.
Also, we'll discuss my giant ego, and how I just put myself over as the KING of the motherfucking journal entry.



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Punk's 100% the guy at local gigs who acts as an unofficial roadie for the bands he doesn't know by spreading his arms and saying "Watch out, guys, be careful!" to people in the pit. 

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People thought being a dick and overly harsh was cool in the mid 2000s. It wasn't just young people, it was a whole internet culture.

A stupid, stupid culture*


*That I definitely thought was awesome when I was 15.

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I do think the optics of this whole shit show have lowered Punk’s stock massively. Even more so than that livejournal.

I’m sure working with The Elite can be a massive pain in the arse sometimes and I’m sure behind the scenes they are a bunch of sarcastic pricks, but having his little cry the way he did and causing all this bollocks so publicly has solidified everything WWE said about Punk for years. Whether it’s truly the case or not, his performance at that press conference certainly suggested he is an unprofessional prick who finds problems wherever he goes and with whoever he works with. This was supposed to be him, “returning to pro-wrestling,” after his toxic experience in WWE but it took him barely a year to find similar problems, if not brand new ones!

He’s the anti-Moxley. All that newz~! that was released when Moxley left WWE about how he’d be miserable no matter where he went, then Mox went on to live his best life everywhere and become one of the best wrestlers on the planet. Meanwhile, Punk mostly just validated all that WWE had said about him.

Not that any of it matters anymore. Punk’s almost certainly done with AEW one way or the other. I mean, fucking hell. Look who Omega is spending his suspension playing video games with!

God knows if they’ve posted that to send some type of message but it’s no choice at all at this point, is it? Bring back CM Punk and Ace Steel or bring back Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks and Kota fucking Ibushi. Oh well, Punk. Leave the memories alone.

Edited by Supremo
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