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16 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

Let's be generous as to Punks POV. He was sat in his locker room, tired and in pain. The door is closed and locked.

Then The Elite, 3 people he just insulted in a press conference, shoulder open the door while being accompanied by multiple people. 

It would take very little in the way of raised voices for that to seem aggressive, and I have zero doubt that there were raised voices. Punk, outnumbered by people getting aggressive strikes first because it feels the best way to not be beaten down by a group getting aggressive with him. 

IF that's how it went down to Punks POV, you can see the self defence argument yeah?


Also, to be very fucking clear, I'm not in any way saying this is what went down, nor even if it is that it was the right response. Just that perception can shade a scenario, and anyone making a judgement call has to take that into account as far as making an official judgement.

That doesn’t stand up as it’s been made clear by both sides no one forced the door open. He can believe it was in self defence  till his last breath, but choosing violence in front of senior management he’s not winning that being a proportional response 

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If they’re bringing in  a real legal team it’s pretty obvious what their conclusions will be. Both Punk and The Elite are at fault. This business is filled with childish idiots. And Bobby Fish’s dad would beat up your dad.

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9 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

I was the DJ, and he actually asked for Fozzy. 


Edit: and again, I'm just saying that Punk being sacked isn't a given and that circumstances could be seen through a lens. NOT that he is innocent.

You’re right, they have to conduct a full investigation before issuing any punishments. If they sacked Punk without due process, he could sue for unfair dismissal and he has form for litigation. They have to tick all boxes. 

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I listened back to Punks podcast with Cabana today for the first time in years and I forgot just how much of a tool Punk comes across in it. There's a bit where Cabana is mentioning the (middling) mainstream attention Punk received after the 'pipebomb' promo (it was hardly Tyson/Austin levels like) and Punk says smugly 'yeah, you'll remember more if it than me because my life is such a blur' and yer just willing Colt to call him out as the poser prick he is. Its great that the majority of the world now finally sees Punk as that prick. 

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17 minutes ago, Louch said:

That doesn’t stand up as it’s been made clear by both sides no one forced the door open. He can believe it was in self defence  till his last breath, but choosing violence in front of senior management he’s not winning that being a proportional response 

Last I heard was that Punks side was still claiming that the door was forced open (it did go from 'kicked' to 'shouldered' though). Though even that aside it could still be argued it was aggressive from his point of view.


Fuck sake. I try to see both sides and not judge until facts are known. For what it's worth I'm fair certain Punk is the most guilty Larry. I'm only pointing out that there's wiggle room with the arguments. 


But I liked the Green Lantern film, so my judgement could be off.


Edit: no clue why autocorrect took 'party' to 'Larry'. 

Edited by ReturnOfTheMack
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5 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

You’re right, they have to conduct a full investigation before issuing any punishments. If they sacked Punk without due process, he could sue for unfair dismissal and he has form for litigation. They have to tick all boxes. 

Exactly. Without knowing for sure how it went down its hard to say that either side is 100% at fault. And Punk may well lean into that so he can keep collecting a paycheck. 

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I don't think this incident will lead to any firings with severance pay. It seems everyone is judging a wrestling company that acts like it's in the nineties with 2022 corporate businesses with large HR departments.

I think the EVP's will take the brunt of this, rightly or wrongly. Tony will be doing everything possible to appease his biggest draw, whilst asking him to take some liability and no doubt make a few apologies. The fact punk is injured (if that is true) makes it easier for all concerned, in 6 months this will have all blown over and people will be glad to see him back.

That's not to say Punk won't throw his teddy out and ask for his release, which depending on the terms of his contract TK would be crazy to agree to. He thought Cody was dispensable and he went to WWE and will likely be the guy who ends Romans Reign. I feel sure WWE would make a play for Punk if he was available with the carrot being that WM main event. 

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The saddest part of all of this is Punk had clearly pre-planned this little rant. Two weeks prior he's quoted as saying the All Out media scrum will be "interesting", he immediately targets someone who knows Colt, brings him up straight away and then says "you blew my spot" when the guy says he and Colt aren't friends.

Instead of talking to people like an adult and handling it professionally this sad cunt was probably planning and practicing a public tirade in the bathroom mirror at home for the past 2 weeks.

Edited by LaGoosh
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All this has been in his head for months. But he talked shit and…..well then banged a few people rather than talk about it like a grown up. He might be the biggest draw, but he’s not worth shit when he’s now off tv a second time for months from a self inflicted injury and causing tension backstage. He’s not worth it. Wrestling has moved on and he can’t handle that he’s not on everyone’s pedestal 

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3 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

The saddest part of all of this is Punk had clearly pre-planned this little rant. Two weeks prior he's quoted as saying the All Out media scrum will be "interesting", he immediately targets someone who knows Colt, brings him up straight away and then says "you blew my spot" when the guy says he and Colt aren't friends.

Instead of talking to people like an adult and handling it professionally this sad cunt was probably planning and practicing a public tirade in the bathroom mirror at home for the past 2 weeks.

And knowing full well that Colt wouldn’t be there, same with knowing that Hangman had already left, to defend themselves in any way, proper sneaky cunt behaviour 

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1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

And knowing full well that Colt wouldn’t be there, same with knowing that Hangman had already left, to defend themselves in any way, proper sneaky cunt behaviour 

And that comes just a few weeks after he called Hangman out on live TV, knowing that there was no possible way Hangman could respond.

Not to mention talking shit about the EVPs, and acting the hard man when the cameras were on, but then, apparently, refusing to open his door when they actually did try to talk to him.

It’s fucked up but, the more I read about this, the more concerned I am for Punk’s mental health. This level of “everybody is against me” paranoia just isn’t normal.

I mean, did anyone honestly give a shit about any of this until he kicked off on Sunday? I know I didn’t.

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